• 产品信息服务提供基础结构(包括负载平衡故障转移)。

    This product provides the foundation infrastructure (including load balancing and fault tolerance) for information services.


  • 纤维缠绕结构网格理论基础,建立纤维缠绕圆锥壳体在内作用平衡方程

    Based on the netting theory for the filament-wound structure, the balanced equation of the filament-wound conical case under internal pressure was derived.


  • 结构防止平衡自由落体坠落提供了理想支撑载体,确保保护万无一失

    The tower tube structure to prevent counterbalance freefall provides ideal support, to ensure that the load loss protection is on the safe side.


  • 型号1710平衡结构,配置抛物线阀瓣

    The Fig. 1710 Balancing valve is a non-rising stem design incorporating a parabolic (plug) shaped disc.


  • 结构导向压式,双油缸加机械平衡系统保证上下工作台之间的平行度。

    The structure is four - pillar guide, up - packing, doublecylinder and machine balancing system. ensures the parallelism of upper and lower working sides.


  • 获得同轴馈电天线振子平衡馈电,该设计使用波导馈电结构

    To obtain the balanced feed for the dipole antenna driven by a coaxial transmission line, a coplanar waveguide fed structure is used.


  • 本文提出了以运算放大器基础的一种新型电流模式MOSFET-C全集成精确连续时间平衡结构六阶低滤波器电路。

    This paper presents a new fully integrated MOSFET-C current mode sixth-order low-pass filter with precise continuous time balanced structure.


  • 平衡流线型结构,可分别左右回转350舵

    The rudder blade is semi-balance, double plate, stream-line type. Able to turn to 350 rudder Angle at port and starboard side.


  • 文中以自动平衡数字,详细分析了数字秤部分结构参数对系统动态性能影响建立数学模型

    Taking the self-poise digital balance as example, this paper analyses the influence of every part of digital balance on dynamical performance of a system, and builds up a mathematical model.


  • 采用弹性理论方法,考虑影响以杆件变形后状态依据建立平衡方程探讨了轴向压力对框架结构动力动力性能的影响。

    The paper analyzes the influence of dynamic characteristic on axial force of frame structure. The equilibrium equations were developed by elastic theory and deformation of element.


  • 90年代系列已经看到这样结构解决平衡努力

    In her Mother and Son series in the 1990s, it could be seen that she tried to solve the balance for such a structure.


  • 然后推广粒子统计模型平衡态统计模型,并用于粒子内部结构

    Next, the statistical model of particle is extended to a non-equilibrium statistical model, and it is applied to the structures inside particle.


  • 桅杆结构离散空间纤绳单元单元计算模型建立了桅杆结构非线性平衡方程

    The nonlinear equation of the guyed mast is presented based on calculation models of space cable and beam elements.


  • 以纤维缠绕结构网格理论基础,建立纤维缠绕圆锥壳体在内作用平衡方程

    Based on the netting theory, the balance equations of the filament-wound toroidal pressure vessel under the internal pressure were derived.


  • 平衡交叉流道轴向间隙入口出口锥形结构防止流经间隙的砂子阻塞

    The axial gap of the balancing drum and a cross channel is a cone-shaped structure with a small entrance and large exit and can prevent from being obstructed by sand flowing through the gap;


  • JPCYJ结构属于“砝码式”平衡实现精确配重平衡塔式结构能实现抽油机长冲程,抽油机节能提供良好条件

    The "weight-type" balanced structure of JPCYJ can achieve accurate weight balance, the tower structure can achieve a long-stroke pumping, This pumping unit provide a good conditions for energy saving.


  • 恒星结构演化理论常用的混合程理论基础,将湍流作用表现出来宏观应力引入恒星结构演化模型中的流体静力平衡方程

    Basee on the mixing-length theory of convection, macroscopical stress of the turbulence is used in hydrostatics equation of the stellar structural and evolutionary model.


  • 该文基于钢筋混凝土结构设计理论中的截面平衡方程应力应变关系FRP加固钢筋混凝土计算提供了行之有效的理论和方法

    Based on equilibrium equations and stress strain relationships, an effective theory and computational method for the analysis of RC beams strengthened with FRP plates are presented.


  • 国内广泛使用传递系数平衡方程基础,运用“国际结构安全度联合委员会(JCSS)”推荐验算点法建立土坡稳定性概率分析模型

    Based balance equation of transfer coefficient method that widely used in domestic, applying checking point method recommended by JCSS, establish probability analysis for stability of slope model.


  • 在对水量平衡模型进行修改基础上,结合惯量运动方程水量平衡方程基础,畦灌水流演进模型的结构进行了研究。

    The explicit volume balance model was modified and combined with the motion equation of the zero inertia to predict water advance in border irrigation.


  • 流体力学分析基础利用平衡原理多孔介质渗透定律,分析了该结构过滤特性形成特点及规律。

    Based as fluid dynamics, the filtration feature and the cake formation from suspension has been studied by Using force balance principle and permeation law in porous material.


  • 内容交换传统上用于构建可扩展弹性数据中心,数据中心前台多层体系结构提供本地负载平衡

    Content switches have traditionally been used to build scaleable and resilient data-centers offering local load balancing for the data-center front-end and multi-tier architectures.


  • 内容交换传统上用于构建可扩展弹性数据中心,数据中心前台多层体系结构提供本地负载平衡

    Content switches have traditionally been used to build scaleable and resilient data-centers offering local load balancing for the data-center front-end and multi-tier architectures.


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