• 这样同时避免一个陷阱——为妥协企业某个行业之外的应用(比如hr)而扩展行业标准的做法。

    This also avoids the pitfalls of extending industry standards to accomodate communications with domains outside of an industry standard that exist within an enterprise, for e.g. HR.


  • 决定看上去保全州长面子继续任职而做一个妥协

    The decision appears to be a face-saving compromise which will allow the governor to remain in office.


  • 他们必须其在其中无数妥协辞职作出解释

    They would have to explain myriad compromises and abdications along the way.


  • 确实他们同时必须无数妥协辞职作出解释

    True, they would have to explain myriad compromises and abdications along the way.


  • 完成任务目前搜索引擎做了一些妥协

    To accomplish this task, the current generation of search engines makes some compromises.


  • 如果内塔尼亚胡全盘接受定居点冻结案并因此导致美国盟友决裂,取得和平不得不进行一个轮次的妥协

    If Mr Netanyahu's acceptance of a full settlement-building freeze had led to the break-up of his coalition, it might have been replaced by one more amenable to peacemaking compromises.


  • 这次妥协新泽西知名报刊《Star -Ledger描述州长最美好的时刻

    This compromise was described by the Star-Ledger, a prominent new Jersey newspaper, as the governor's finest moment.


  • 他们正在拍摄一部自己生活方式电影-不是自己,而是作类似行善社区工作坊一部分我们作,带有毫不妥协讯息

    They are making a movie about their way of life - but not for themselves, as part of some kind of do-gooding community workshop; it is for us, and it carries an uncompromising message.


  • 创建者做了一些聪明妥协 C++ 夺取控制权我们开始那些妥协付出代价了。

    The founders made some wise compromises to wrestle control away from C++, but we're starting to pay for those compromises.


  • 如果份工作学会重要技能,那么,也许值得你之做出其他妥协

    If a job will give you an important new skill, for example, it may be worth making other trade-offs to take it.


  • 只有通过对话才能减少对抗增进了解,寻求妥协最终解决问题创造必要条件

    Only through dialogue, can confrontation be reduced, understanding enhanced and compromise reached, hence the creation of necessary conditions for the eventual solution of the issue.


  • 军士双方的妥协感到满意

    The sergeant was content with such a compromise.


  • 代表们表示可能周五晚上会谈结束时达成妥协年底在德班峰会确定议题。

    Delegates said a compromise could still be reached by the end of the talks on Friday evening that would set a path towards the end-of-year summit in Durban.


  • 通常他们会不遗余力尝试通过合作协商来来获得成功,将对抗保留清楚持续的不妥协方式。

    Generally they make every attempt to succeed through cooperation and negotiation, reserving confrontation for clear and continuing intransigence.


  • 那么好吧,如果在税费协议妥协考虑现实处境的话,那么奥巴马先生已经自己在明年的人质交易埋伏笔。

    Well, concerns about the tax deal reflect realism, not purism: Mr. Obama is setting up another hostage situation a year down the road.


  • 我们必须抵制卡内基式妥协那样的妥协是以消费者导向的,还会我们的行动产生影响。

    We must reject the Dale Carnegie compromise that would influence their actions by endorsing their consumer values.


  • 明尼苏达州民主党州长马克·戴(Mark Dayton)控制议会两院共和党他们的妥协解释选举任务,但这只是看起来有理罢了。

    Both Mark Dayton, Minnesota's Democratic governor, and the Republicans who control both Chambers of the state legislature can plausibly claim an electoral mandate for their intransigence.


  • 但是妥协诋毁者把柄,看成是以北约首(英法主导)战事方最终试图打破在当地的僵局一种手段

    However, the concession was seized upon by detractors of the NATO-led (but Anglo-French inspired) campaign as a belated attempt to find a way out of the stalemate.


  • 人们并不真正理解何谓激情,”Graham说,“件事物而疯狂,你会全身心的投入其中,并甘愿做出巨大的妥协。”

    People don’t understand passion, ” says Graham. “When you’re psyched on one thing, you delve into it 100 percent and you make huge compromises.


  • 劳工公会意识到禁令他们的努力画上了句点,同年10月份削减5美分决定妥协返回工厂继续工作

    The unions knew the ban put an end to their efforts and settled in October for a 5 cent pay cut and went back to work.


  • 弗兰对于核武器新闻业道德妥协进行了深入观察思考我们提供了一系列颇具挑战性观点

    From its tossed-off observations to its thoughtful reflections on nuclear weapons and the moral compromises of journalism, this novel offers a constantly provocative series of insights.


  • 正如本周早些时候所说,我绝不会妥协件事就是不管国会是否他们取胜法案买单

    And as I said earlier this week, one thing I will not compromise over is whether or not Congress should pay the TAB for a bill they 've already racked up.


  • 别人做出妥协或许高贵的,但是或许永远都得不到想要的。

    Making compromises for others can be noble, but it may never get you exactly what you want.


  • 他们明智的政策变成了在最后关头放弃而不得已的妥协让步。

    They turn wise policies into concessions that should not be given up to the other side until the last minute.


  • 许多项目如果加快,那么顾忌竞争者们就要抢先开发人工智能安全妥协理由

    Many projects will justify such compromises on the grounds that if they don't hurry, even more reckless competitors will develop artificial intelligence first.


  • 许多项目如果加快,那么顾忌竞争者们就要抢先开发人工智能安全妥协理由

    Many projects will justify such compromises on the grounds that if they don't hurry, even more reckless competitors will develop artificial intelligence first.


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