• 汉语称谓亲属称谓基点

    Chinese language appellation system takes the relatives appellation terms as the base.


  • 色彩基点培养孩子艺术情操

    Cultivate children's artistic sentiment by taking colors as the basic point.


  • 方便读者信息需求基点设置服务机构

    Service sections should be based on the readers' demand for information.


  • 研究是以中国审美哲学基点感性设计进行深入探讨

    This research is for in-depth discussion of emotional design, based on the Chinese philosophy of aesthetics.


  • 民法中心,权利基点,以手段,以责任保障

    Civil law focuses on human beings, and is based on rights, and assumes ACTS as means and considers duties as protection.


  • 本文一部分贫困概念基点分析了高校贫困生的概念。

    The first part of this text take the concept of the "poor" as bas to order and analyzed the high school poor living.


  • 那种绘画形式封面千篇一律正文版式基点的装帧一个外包装

    That kind taking the front cover of the painting form and stereotyped text format as basic point only binds a external packing.


  • 冷战后美欧安全防务关系演变大致可以时间为基点划分三个阶段

    The evolution of security and defense relationship between America and Western Europe can be divided into three phrases regarding time.


  • 大陆法系司法解释遵循着制订基点,不允许无中生有法官法。

    Continent judicial explanation, law of department follow the basic point of regarding making the law as, allow groundless judge make law.


  • 宋代主流诗学是以理性为基点建立起来逻辑知识在其中扮演了重要角色

    The mainstream poetics of the Song Dynasty is established on the basis of reason, with logic and knowledge playing key roles within.


  • 本文语义句法语用三个平面为基点,深入探讨五个单纯使动词的特征异同。

    This essay is to do more careful explorations about the five monotonous causative verbs based on semantic level, syntactic level and pragmatic level.


  • 关于通货膨胀方面伯南克表示通胀预期今天似乎保持相当好的为基点

    On the inflation front, Bernanke said that inflation expectations, to date, appear to have remained reasonably well anchored.


  • 银行业系统性金融风险监管核心构建一个宏观审慎监管为基点的银行业监管制度

    The core of the regulation of banking systemic financial risk is to build a banking regulation system based on macro-prudential regulation.


  • 本文历史文化名城基点分析研究了苏州市博物馆群体建设中的博物馆学诸问题

    This artical is on the basis of a famous historical and cultural city, and analyses a series of problems on museology of the museum colony construction in Suzhou.


  • 分析我国旅游信息需求基点对我国旅游信息源现状进行总结提出开发利用想法

    This paper analyzes the needs of tourism information in China, sums up the current situation of tourism information resources, puts forward the thoughts of development and utilization.


  • 精神分析理论基点红与黑》进行解读,在充满激情表层文字发掘作品深层意蕴

    This paper uses the theory of Psychoanalysis to analyze"Red and Blacd", trying to explore the deep meaning of this works under its passionate superficial words.


  • 提高高校道德教育实效性提出学会负责为基点,以教会选择途迳道德责任教育。

    Moral duty education that is based on responsibility and selecting is advanced to improve actual effect of moral education.


  • 年来宋庄画家村为基点广泛联系全国各地当代艺术家国内外艺术机构收藏家

    For two years, what by the Songzhuang Artists Village is the basic point, widely contacts with the land's the contemporary artist and the domestic and foreign artistic organization, the collector.


  • 语言文化学倡导的正是一种语言出发文本为基点意义知识指归的语言文化学阐释法。

    Linguistic culturology typifies a hermeneutics starting from language, based on text and with meaning and knowledge as focus.


  • 孔子以仁学基点、以情感主体的美学思想人性心灵理想与现实俱化入审美追求的流程中。

    The aesthetic thoughts of Confucius, which centre on humanity and emotion, put humanity and soul, ideal and reality into the quest for aesthetic appreciation.


  • 现代社会关系是以共同体——组织基点三元二维关系,可以有机组织关系机械组织关系。

    Modern social relations generally is a relations of trinity and dualism, based the community organization. It can be divided into the organic and mechanic relations of organizations.


  • 杜威教育思想理论渊源现实依据为基点可以发现杜威教育思想的真正内涵及其我国教育影响

    Based on the theoretical origins and realistic basis of Dewey s educational thought, we can find its genuine connotations and the impact on Chinese education.


  • 知识服务基点针对馆藏学术信息资源存在问题提出了面向知识服务的馆藏学术信息资源整合模型。

    The paper analyzes the problems which exist in library academic information resource, proposes the library academic information integration model for knowledge service.


  • 马克思没有技术直接研究对象实践为基点哲学思考,却使技术与社会历史紧密关联起来。

    Marx 'philosophy thoughts based on practice make technique closely related to social history although he never set the technique as the direct research object.


  • 第三部分:论述了探究教学能力内涵及其特点探究教学物理教师提出挑战基点建构探究教学能力结构

    Part three: Summarize the inquiry learning's meaning and character. And based on the challenge that inquiry teaching proposes to build inquiry teaching structure.


  • 词汇层面为基点,结合机制指出其语用实质尝试一类话语中语义不明确的词汇作出系统阐释

    It is based on the lexical level to find its pragmatic mechanism, to point out its pragmatic essence, and try to make a systematic explanation on such lexis with uncertain meanings.


  • 本文移植二维水弹性力矩程序,应用B -R准则相对应的静态屈曲阈值基点搜索动态屈曲。

    This paper transplants a program for slamming moment and wave exciting moment, and utilizes the B-R criterion.


  • 第二选取荀子中的72名词同义词进行辨析《荀子》文本为基点阐释组名词同义词之间区别。

    Chapter Two: Pick the 72 pairs of synonym of nouns from Xun Zi to differentiate and analyze, basing on the text of Xun Zi to explain the differences between every pairs.


  • 第二选取荀子中的72名词同义词进行辨析《荀子》文本为基点阐释组名词同义词之间区别。

    Chapter Two: Pick the 72 pairs of synonym of nouns from Xun Zi to differentiate and analyze, basing on the text of Xun Zi to explain the differences between every pairs.


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