• 勇气

    One for courage.


  • 全世界勇气反抗所振奋。

    The world was electrified by his courage and resistance.


  • 英雄足够的勇气自己国家战斗

    A hero is brave enough to fight for his country.


  • 们无尽的勇气我们所有人树立了一个好榜样。

    Their endless courage also sets a good example for us all.


  • 勇气他赢得了许多荣誉,包括一枚全国五一劳动奖章和11项嘉奖。

    Wang's courage won him several honors, including a National May Day Labor Medal and 11 Citations of Merit.


  • 平是勇气和成功的象征,我们她感到骄傲。

    Lang Ping is a symbol of courage and success, and we take pride in her.


  • 锻炼我们勇气方法就是一个人积极的话——即使他们如何接受所说的而感到不安。

    A good way to train your courage is to say something positive about a person - even if you're nervous of how they'll receive what you say.


  • 褒奖他们勇气贡献我们立下共同志愿美国希望传给我们后代

    In honor of their courage and contributions, let us resolve to carry forward together the promise of America for our children.


  • 如同了不起诗人杰克·吉尔伯特年轻作家曾经请求自己的提出建议:“真的勇气出示著作吗?”

    As the great poet Jack Gilbert said once to young writer, when she asked him for advice about her own poems: "Do you have the courage to bring forth this work?"


  • 勇气一下子遗弃跪在地上他过世的朋友,述说祈祷。

    His courage forsook him as he knelt and said a prayer for his departed friend.


  • 托马斯.沃森IBM大兴个人崇拜公司之歌填词“我们朋友指引之”,一个“无论谁都不能勇气”的男人;

    Thomas Watson turned IBM into a personality cult, complete with company songs about “our friend and guiding hand”, a man whosecourage none can stem”.


  • 从男人一方来讲,他们鼓起勇气放下套以自我中心,傲慢无礼的架子,伴侣一起寻找真正亲密无间

    Men, for their part, need to develop the courage to drop the defense mechanisms that bolster their egos and pride, and search for true intimacy with their mates.


  • 到时自然免不了更多勇气,以及更多的唾沫,诺玛·麦考总是这样一时矛,一时

    No doubt there will be more nerves, followed by more spitting; Norma McCorvey will always be a mass of contradictions.


  • 第一种被他称之不屈勇气”,这一点可以简单描述自信知识

    The first attribute Hill refers to as “ unwavering courage “, however it could more easily be described as self confidence and knowledge.


  • 感谢先辈们的远见勇气我们继续菲关系美好未来努力前行

    We are obliged to the forerunners for their vision and courage, and we shall never waver in carrying this cause forward to a greater and brighter future.


  • 实际上如果欧盟领导人拿出一点勇气,那么上世纪80年代以来,这次危机复兴提供绝佳机会

    Indeed, if EU leaders show a little courage this crisis offers the best chance at revival since the 1980s.


  • 故事中的Dobby基本上说来个命运转折小人物,一个找到勇气抵抗自己的主人恶势力,并且最终世上自己赢得一席之地的小东西。

    Dobby is basically the worm that turned, the little guy who finds the courage and the opportunity to stand up to his oppressors and win himself a place in the world.


  • 勇气速度深度命中一个个重要分,Nowitzki其他人铺路。

    He has the courage, quickness and depth to hit the big threes that spread the floor for Nowitzki and others.


  • 鼓起勇气暂时中断联系吧(接下来一个小时中发生紧急事件可能性几乎)。

    Drum up the courage to temporarily disconnect. (the possibility of there being a terrible emergency in the next hour or so is almost nil.)


  • 玫瑰浪漫美好尊重勇气热恋合二

    Red roses: romance, beauty, respect, courage, passionate love and unity.


  • 然而观众意大利人呐喊时,李娜展现了勇气,稳住了阵脚。

    But as the crowd roared for the Italian, li showed her mettle and held firm.


  • 生活之中勇气通常不会像千钧一发勇气那样充满戏剧性;但他人不失一个胜利悲剧壮观组合

    The courage of life is often a less dramatic spectacle than the courage of a final moment; but it is no less a magnificent mixture of triumph and tragedy.


  • BHP交易对手更具勇气,结果也它带来了更多利益。

    BHP's deals have been more daring and have proved more advantageous than those of its rivals.


  • 氏具备处理这些内容勇气历史学家的学识,使大部分内容读者所理解从中获得乐趣。

    Mr Foster has the courage, and the historian's skill, to tackle all this stuff, make sense of most of it and entertain his readers too.


  • 亚当·达林卫理公会牧师儿子充满了高尚的理想勇气。他1992年进入我们生活,那时候自行车周游美国克林顿·戈尔联合竞选拉选票,一时新闻

    Adam Darling was the idealistic and spunky son of a Methodist minister who had entered our lives in 1992 when he made news by riding his bicycle across America to support the Clinton-Gore ticket.


  • 很多可以勇敢死去但是却没有勇气原因没有意义,甚至这样想一想勇气也没有。

    Many a man will have the courage to die gallantly, but will not have the courage to say, or even to think, that the cause for which he is asked to die is an unworthy one.


  • 确信需要很大勇气,我鼓掌,希望知道绝对世界做出了积极贡献

    I am sure it took a lot of courage, and I applaud you and want you to know that you most certainly contributed to the world in a very positive way.


  • 瑞安先生敢于面对问题勇气已经其它提案评判提供了一个标准

    Mr Ryan’s willingness to confront the scale of the problem has set a standard by which other proposals will now have to be judged.


  • 我们你们一起自由如果我们精神正确的,我们的勇气也很坚定世界将与我们同在。

    We will be with you in this fight for liberty. And if our spirit is right and our courage firm, the world will be with us.


  • 我们你们一起自由如果我们精神正确的,我们的勇气也很坚定世界将与我们同在。

    We will be with you in this fight for liberty. And if our spirit is right and our courage firm, the world will be with us.


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