• 要是希望做出些改变其他事情腾出更多的时间,就一定能得到更多时间。

    See if you want make changes to make more room for things you would honestly get more out of.


  • 继续每次工资时往里面添钱,相信几个月后,这份资金就是相当可观,我就可以开始其他事情省钱了。

    I continue to contribute to it each payday and within a few months it will be fairly healthy and I can begin to save for other things.


  • 可以它们连接其他组件用户提供一个指示视图,以显示应用程序正在发生事情

    You can wire them to other source components to give the user a dashboard view of what is going on in their application.


  • 这个机会感谢一下做的其他事情

    Take this opportunity to write about something else you appreciate about the person.


  • 不仅注意线程安全问题需要记住侦听可以其他方式调用者事情糟。

    Not only must you pay attention to thread-safety issues, but you need to remember that a listener can mess things up for its caller in other ways, too.


  • 就是结构性拖延精髓了:不想这种感觉动力其他事情

    This is the essence of structured procrastination: using that feeling of not wanting to do something as motivation to accomplish something else.


  • 一方面,可能隐藏参议院法规中,存在某种方式:参议院拒绝[这种方式进行的提名其他类似事情]者提供席位

    On the other hand, there is probably some way, buried in Senate rules, for the Senate to refuse to seat anyone he names, or something like that.


  • 一阵阵微风吹灭了,它们重新点起,屡屡地把其他事情忘却了.

    These my lamps are blown out at every little puff of wind, and trying to light them I forget all else again and again.


  • 比如帮助邻居做了一件事花费了一小时,这个人便一个小时存款”,此人需要时候得到其他人花费一小时他(她)做一件事情

    For example, if you spend an hour to help your neighbor, you will have an hour of "deposits", so when you in need you can receive help from others for an hour.


  • 意思是她其他的一些事情骄傲:她所的事,她自己,她其他关系。

    She meant that she was proud of other things... what she does, who she is, and the connections she makes with others.


  • 我们方面作出决定原因之一许多其他种类的医疗保健需求,使我们可以用很少更多更多的事情了。

    One of the reasons why we would want to make decisions in this regard is that there are other kinds of healthcare needs where we can do a lot more good for a lot less money for many more people.


  • 务必清单列出的事情安排好时间不要排的得满满当当也要看电视或者其他的消遣留出一点空余。

    Be sure to allot that time you've created to the things on your short list - don't just use it up with television or other space fillers.


  • 严肃地说:“其他女人从没过的事情。”

    She said very seriously, "I want to do something to you that no woman has ever done to you before."


  • 一步事情归类我们自己的情绪不是归罪其他的人和事身上。

    The first step is to label our own feelings rather than labelling situations or other people.


  • 他们做的宝贵的事情就是我成自己而不是强迫我成其他什么人

    I think the most valuable thing they have done for me is letting me be my own person and not pushing me to become someone I'm not.


  • 建筑电影事情展开提供了框架和场所:的确对于电影的重要性远远超过了对于其他叙述方式的载体——小说

    Architecture frames the story film tells: indeed, it is far more importance to film than to that other great purveyor of narrative, the novel.


  • 知道其他工作所有事情——但是关于怎么自己工作,你知道些什么答案可能会令你惊讶

    You know all about working for someonebut what do you know about working for yourself? The answer may surprise you.


  • 起来是不足奇的但是我们中的许多人都会我们睡眠时间剔除两个小时其他事情。 不管是发生在清晨还是夜里

    That may sound obvious, but many of us succumb to shaving an hour or two off our sleep time in the morning or at night to do other things.


  • 现在时间不是其他事情在和我们

    It's more the time that's against us than anything else.


  • 许多地方将勇气定义事情权利即使被迫其他事情

    Many define courage as doing what's right, even when pressured to do something else.


  • 每当顾影自怜,或是些小委屈以及其他什么事情感到伤心的时候,我就会走进洗手间,体会左手刷牙的滋味。

    Anytime I feel sorry for myself, for some petty grievance or another, I take my self into the bath room and try once again to brush my teeth with my left hand.


  • 越南感到悲伤失去故乡感到悲伤,许多其他事情感到悲伤。

    K's angle. I had grieved for Vietnam, for my lost homeland, for many other things.


  • 迎接来访者,我们多数人做打扫装饰其他事情我们受到一种认可”的驱使

    When most of us clean, decorate or otherwise prepare for visitors, we're driven by a desire for approval.


  • 现在不怕不过马上又要到夜里了。另外愉快不愉快,的是其他事情

    No: but night will come again before long: and besides, -- I am unhappy, -- very unhappy, for other things.


  • 意味着除了反盗版斗争其他任何事情

    It does not mean that I only focus my energy on fighting for piracy issue but nothing else.


  • 但是随着一系列事情发生,萨菲拉令生活发生了转变,也其他很多人惹来了杀身之祸

    But Saphira sets off a series of events that turn his life, and many other lives, upside down.


  • 但是随着一系列事情发生,萨菲拉令生活发生了转变,也其他很多人惹来了杀身之祸

    But Saphira sets off a series of events that turn his life, and many other lives, upside down.


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