• 一直学习英语真正

    He's been learning English for six years and really loves it.


  • 赠予设立奖学金金额每年人民币,捐赠年限

    Donor shall set up scholarship, with the annual amount of RMB Sixty Thousand Yuan and the term for donation shall be Six Years.


  • 去年美国增加计算机科学课程入学人数首次。“根据上个月大学调查。”

    For the first time in six years, enrollment in computer science programs in the United States increased last year, according to a university survey last month.


  • 亚德尼调查公司数据显示,作一项主流指标,银行贷款率接近百分之一点三九,来最高。

    The percentage of bank loans that are noncurrent is 1.39 percent, a six-year high, according to Yardeni Research Inc., citing federal reports.


  • 接着扩大更大型电池希望时间汽车市场生产出有效电池来。

    It will then scale up to larger cells and, in around six years' time, it hopes to be producing batteries powerful enough for carmakers.


  • 始终否认自己犯有什么并且拒绝媒体记者讨论此事——他更喜欢过去的这保持缄默

    He has always denied having anything to do with the crime and has refused to discuss his case with journalists, preferring to remain silent for the past six years.


  • 球队效力16岁那年,他首次加入阿根廷少年联队,也是参加第一个专业球队。

    He played for this team for about six years and when he was 16 he played for the first time in the major League with Argentinos Juniors, his first professional team.


  • 现在这个组织周期循环使用一张按照首字母顺序排列名单,每个季节那些臭名昭著的(指造成了巨大伤害的)名字比如卡特里娜”会被除名。

    Now the organization moves through an alphabetical list of names on a six-year rotation, retiring hall-of-famer storm names likeKatrinaeach season.


  • 托尼·布莱尔派兵伊拉克参战至今已有整整六年半,今天直接面对当初派兵决定所带来不愉快后果--178名军事人员在战争中阵亡,其中一名阵亡士兵的父亲拒绝与其握手,并斥责他“战犯”。

    Tony Blair today came face to face with the uncomfortable consequences of his decision when the father of one of the 178


  • 参与制作TV神剧《迷失》的粉丝,观众追该剧一睹谜底揭开面纱。

    Fans of Lost, the TV series he co-created, had to stick around six years for its mysteries to be revealed.


  • 该剧背景是一家女子学院(曼荷莲女子学院蓝本),接着一家餐厅写的是朋友戏说她们光明前途含糊承诺

    Set in a women's college (based on Mount Holyoke) and then at a restaurant six years later, it features a group of friends bantering over the vague promises of their bright futures.


  • 几天前,伊迪曾在狱中兄弟透露,继续伊拉克下层人民以及那些饱受六年战争之苦的人民工作

    Zaidi told his brothers from prison during the past few days that he wants to continue working with Iraq's underclass as well as those disadvantaged by the six-year occupation.


  • 二十家里两个女儿服侍你十四年,你的羊群服侍你,你又改了工价

    It was like this for the twenty years I was in your household. I worked for you fourteen years for your two daughters and six years for your flocks, and you changed my wages ten times.


  • 选择一个队伍,将他介绍领队人他在加入童子军队伍做好准备

    I helped him choose a Troop and introduced him to their leader and such to prepare him for the sixth grade year when he would move to Boy Scouts.


  • 报告指出,英国女性的平均寿命70.3岁(男性67.9岁),不过她们最后健康状况较差

    Women can expect to live to 70.3 (and men to 67.9) but will spend their last six years in poor health, it is claimed.


  • 索尼微软任天堂争夺价值300亿美元的电视游戏产业霸主地位展开对决,战斗计,一轮持续时间

    Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo are battling for supremacy in the $30 billion video-games industry, a struggle that takes place in rounds lasting five or six years each.


  • 《魔狂舞》第四部《群鸦盛宴》间隔了,算上第一部《权力的游戏》出版年头,足够名棒球新手成长一颗明星。

    Six years separate the publication ofDragonsand Book 4, “A Feast for Crows”; “Thrones” came out when Derek Jeter was a Yankee rookie.


  • 这项研究妇女平均年龄57岁,男士58岁。在期间5.1%的妇女9.4%的男士死亡。死亡的原因一般大众的(男女死亡比率)分布相类似

    Within the six year period, 5.1 percent of the women had died and 9.4 percent of the men. The causes of death resembled the distribution for the general population.


  • 去年有566名南非人在警察行动中被杀害(南非总人口5000万)比过去时间上涨了50%。

    Last year 566 South Africans (out of a population of 50m) were killed "as a result of police action" -up by half over the previous six years.


  • 卡尔.米勒(Karl Miller)学生,伦敦《伦敦书评》撰文,伦敦大学学院(UCL)教学很快《泰晤士文学副刊》(TLS),其中时间是作这家期刊的主编,他在那儿工作了长达14年。

    A protege of Karl Miller, he came to London to write for the London Review of Books and teach at UCL, but quickly gravitated to the TLS, where he worked for 14 years, six of them as deputy editor.


  • 托尼非常热爱中国,花了的时间来学习汉语的是更多的了解中国文化

    Tony loves China so much that he spends six years studying Chinese to learn more about Chinese culture.


  • 此奖高度受到赞扬欧洲旅馆设计计画目前已

    This award is part of the highly acclaimed European Hotel Design Awards Scheme, now in its sixth year.


  • 快船打的球。

    I played for the Clippers six years ago.


  • 切尔西足球俱乐部首席执行官皮特·肯尼恩主教练何塞·穆里尼奥今天(周四)感谢埃杜尔·古德约翰森俱乐部做出的贡献

    Chelsea Football club chief executive Peter Kenyon and manager Jose Mourinho today (Thursday) thanked Eidur Gudjohnsen for his six year contribution to the club.


  • 切尔西足球俱乐部首席执行官皮特·肯尼恩主教练何塞·穆里尼奥今天(周四)感谢埃杜尔·古德约翰森俱乐部做出的贡献

    Chelsea Football club chief executive Peter Kenyon and manager Jose Mourinho today (Thursday) thanked Eidur Gudjohnsen for his six year contribution to the club.


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