• 巴马提供更多机会一个使世界更加美好的机会。

    He also offered Obama something more: a chance to be that person who would make the world better.


  • 种理解可以事情发生世界上;他可以语言自己辩护使自己免受父亲惩罚

    It's the understanding that he can make things happen in the world; he can defend himself against his father's punishment through the use of words.


  • 过去一年里使陷入危机的世界恢复金融稳定经济增长我们采取共同行动。

    Over the past year, we have acted together to help restore financial stability and economic growth to a world in crisis.


  • 除了你们个人作出承诺围绕世界卫生日组织一些活动外我们必须共同工作使2005不平常的一年。

    Apart from demonstrating your personal commitment to organizing events around World Health Day, it is going to be vital for us to work together to make 2005 a remarkable year.


  • 第三如果英语确实能保留标准特性使继续全球各地所理解,那么这个标准老牌英语世界的标准,还是一个不同标准?

    Third, if English does retain a standard character that allows it to continue being understood everywhere, will the standard be that of the old English-speaking world or something new and different?


  • 努力显著增加获得艾滋病毒治疗预防莱索托启动世界项计划使该国一个了解自己的艾滋病毒状况

    In an effort to dramatically increase access to HIV treatment and prevention, Lesotho will launch the world's first plan to have every person in the country know their HIV status.


  • 2006年新兴经济体正在适度的通货紧缩使经常账户盈余,他们对于世界供给需求更多

    In 2006 he said that emerging economies were mildly disinflationary, because by running current-account surpluses they were adding more to global supply than to demand.


  • 她说,应对全球化带来挑战世界各国密切合作使全球化对人类产生良好影响。希望今后进一步扩大中方各个领域中的合作

    To meet the challenge of globalization, all countries in the world should work together closely to make it benefit humankind, and Finland hopes to further expand cooperation with China in all fields.


  • 一个使世界之颠倒科学家

    She was a scientist who turned the world upside down.


  • 这个新的系统肯定能够使世界游戏玩家发烧友惊喜和跳跃。

    This new system is sure to perk up the ears of gamers and thrill enthusiasts the world over.


  • 世界卫生组织支持你们努力争取使2005母亲儿童具有历史意义的一年。

    The World Health Organization supports your efforts to make 2005 a landmark year for mothers and children.


  • 使印度顺应世界潮流,世界保持利益一致辛格必须使他的第三变革产生实效。

    To make India more accommodating, and align its interest with the planet's, Mr Singh will have to effect a third transformation.


  • 天赋的才能加上集体牺牲自我精神使菲戈世界足坛众多巨星中脱颖而出,也使每一个足球俱乐部经理最想得到的球员。

    God-given talent allied with the ability to sacrifice himself for the team are what marks out Figo from the rest of the world's soccer superstars and puts him top of every manager's wish list.


  • 员工合作式竞争搭建技术平台使世界范围内用户运转并且非英语登录者提供翻译

    He and his staff set up the technological infrastructure for the collaborative competitions, keep it up and running for users worldwide, and provide the translators for entries in foreign languages.


  • 扮演角色使法尔克闻名世界身穿破旧的雨衣扮演的角色而感动。

    Playing him made Peter Falk famous the world over, and he was always grateful for the role he performed in his own battered mackintosh.


  • Facebook平台我们这代人——大多数使用Facebook——提供了一个前所未有的机会使我们能够把握未来,让我们所处世界变得不同

    Facebook Platform presents an unprecedented opportunity to engage our generation, most of whom are on Facebook, in seizing the future and making a difference in the world around us.


  • 2009年结核病发病例估计940万,死亡人数估计170万(其中包括38万携带艾滋病毒的患者),使疾病世界最大杀手之一。

    There were an estimated 9.4 million new cases of TB in 2009 and an estimated 1.7 million deaths (including 380 000 people with HIV), making this disease one of the world's biggest infectious killers.


  • 报告介绍世界各国使残疾人获得服务信息就业以及享用基础设施采用若干方法包括

    The report describes a number of approaches used by countries worldwide to enable people with disabilities to access services, infrastructure, information and jobs. Examples include.


  • 父亲对于而言象征着家人、他的正直、他的工作原则还有他的计划先去一个世界我们探路,以便使我们在那儿过得更好

    My father's hands come to symbolize for me his love for his family, his integrity, his work ethic, and his plan to go on ahead to make the nest world an even better place for us.


  • 使我们了解每日新闻我们了解外面世界学员提供课程,它带来的欢乐利息进入人们生活

    It makes us informed of daily news, lets us know the outside world, provides lessons for learners, and it has brought joy and interest into people? S lives.


  • 学习,做人以诚贵,诚信使世界下了厚厚的外壳使心灵窗扉开启每一个人都应有。

    Sincerity for your learning, your life with sincerity, integrity of the world exuviate its thick shell, so that the casement open mind. Everyone should have.


  • 伊拉克大选投票率之高以及当天局势的相对稳定使世界之一证明怀疑论者的谬误所在。

    The large turnout in the Iraqi elections and the relative order on the day surprised the world and proved the skeptics wrong.


  • 再次身体世界一体同气关系使理解人体理解世界便捷方式,使以身体范式重构美的自然艺术可能

    Third, the unity between body and the world makes the understanding of body an easiest access to the world, and also makes possible the reconstruction of the natural beauty and art.


  • 圣淘沙海岸世界顶尖设计师带来展示他们头脑心智机会,使他们得以奢华海滨公寓住所体验别具一格创造

    Sea Sentosa has given some of the world's leading designers the opportunity to put their heads and hearts together to create something very special in luxurious beachfront apartment living.


  • 圣淘沙海岸世界顶尖设计师带来展示他们头脑心智机会,使他们得以奢华海滨公寓住所体验别具一格创造

    Sea Sentosa has given some of the world's leading designers the opportunity to put their heads and hearts together to create something very special in luxurious beachfront apartment living.


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