• 奉献存在

    You offer him or her your presence.


  • 说,理解存在这些分子中的电子转换过程设计有机材料用于储存电能提供了新的方法这些电能可以以后使用取回

    He says understanding the electron transfer processes in these molecules provides a way to design organic materials for storing electrical energy that could then be retrieved for later use.


  • 意图双重的:想知道面相标准有关信用的偏见是否存在如果存在的话是否合理

    His intention was twofold: to see if physiognomy-based prejudices about creditworthiness existed and, if they did, whether they were justified.


  • 只要世界地方存在核武器美国就会继续他的盟友维持一种安全安心有效核威慑力量

    The United States will continue to maintain a safe, secure and effective nuclear deterrent for ourselves and our Allies so long as these weapons exist anywhere in the world.


  • 创造市场上尚未存在产品结果取得极大的成就

    He created products for markets that did not yet exist and as a result received tremendous recognition.


  • 不过表示手术可能最后种方案,因手术鳄鱼兽医存在很大的危险性。因为他们以前从来没这么大动物做过手术。

    However, he said an operation would be a last resort as the procedure is dangerous for the animal and the vets.


  • Jat庆贺儿子诞生村里举办盛宴表示试着妻子生出更多孩子

    But Jat celebrated the birth of the surviving son with a feast for villagers and said he will try for more children.


  • 搜寻微波地图的10000个点位得出的结论罗斯博士同轴确实存在其发现了一系列这样的同轴圆- - -其中一个插图所示。

    His verdict, arrived at after he scoured over 10,000 points on the microwave maps, is that Dr Penrose's concentric circles are real.


  • 实际上应该定义事物存在同一的,将一物区别物的直接规定性

    In fact, quality should be defined as direct stipulation that is identified with object existence and distinguishes one from another.


  • 爱因斯坦研究化学生物科技同样做出贡献,因为他证明分子存在和分子方式

    Chemistry and biotechnology owe a debt to studies by Einstein that supplied evidence of the existence of molecules and the ways they behave.


  • 如果美国开发者工资每年3%比率增长印度的工资增长率15%,那么这种成本优势将会相当一时间内存在强调说

    If the wages of the American developer are growing at 3 percent a year, and the Indian 15 percent a year, the cost advantage will last a long time, he noted.


  • 应该明白任何有关美日同盟讨论,都必须三个当事方,而非两个存在半个世纪之久的美日军事同盟,战后亚洲稳定奠定了基础。

    He should know that there are three - not two - parties to any discussions about the US-Japan alliance, the half-century old military arrangement that has underpinned postwar Asian stability.


  • 身体我们透视尼采美学提供了这样个视角:尼采是从艺术家这一身体存在出发思考艺术的本源,在艺术家的陶醉状态中揭示出作创造力意志权力意志

    Nietzsches aesthetics in the perspective of body have suggested itself that the artist who is his body provides a start point of art, because his intoxication disclose the nature of the will to power.


  • 惠子以合同异同一否定差别的客观存在强调事物的方面否定其它方面,因而诡辩

    Huizi integrated the same and the difference to deny the difference of the objective existence. He only emphasized one aspect of thing, and neglected others. So he came down to be a sophist.


  • 发表了许多类似一家公司存在理由应该改善社会份力”这样的声明。

    He makes statements such as a "company's reason for existence should be to contribute to a better society."


  • 过世的母亲正直而闻名,也这份正值存在奎诺三世的基因中,树立了良好形象

    Mr Aquino's image is built on the notion that the probity for which his late mother was famous is there in his genes.


  • 知道即使世界上没有其人,不会孤单;让知道只要闭上眼睛会知道为他存在

    When theres no one there that he's not alone Just close him eyes and let him know My heart is beating with his.


  • 第四阿多贝克特《终局》的解读阐释现代主义戏剧看法存在主义哲学批判

    The fourth chapter cites Adorno's reading of Beckett's Endgame as an example to interpret his view on modern drama, and the criticism of existentialism philosophy.


  • 上帝不能知道如此;让知道即使世界上没有其人,不会孤单;让知道只要闭上眼睛,就会知道我的为他存在

    God will you let him know that I love her so when theres no one there that he's not alone just close him eyes and let him know my heart is beating with him.


  • 不同地区转基因比例存在差异俄亥俄州密歇根州83%,南达科98%,最大的产艾奥瓦和伊力诺依分别94%和90%。

    The proportions vary from 83 percent in Ohio and Michigan to 98 percent in South Dakota. Top soybeans growing states Iowa and Illinois used 94 percent and 90 percent, respectively.


  • 上帝不能知道如此;让知道即使世界上没有不会孤单;让知道只要闭上眼睛就会知道为他存在

    God will you let him know that I love him so When there's no one there that he's not alone Just close his eyes and let him know My heart is beating with his.


  • 同时还指出:“一个未来世界提供淡水地方。”许多地方仍然存在比较廉价的,更好补充方法获取不破坏环境饮用水

    "It may have a place in the world's future fresh water supplies but regions still have cheaper, better and complementary ways to supply water that are less risky to the environment," he said.


  • 同时还指出:“一个未来世界提供淡水地方。”许多地方仍然存在比较廉价的,更好补充方法获取不破坏环境饮用水

    "It may have a place in the world's future fresh water supplies but regions still have cheaper, better and complementary ways to supply water that are less risky to the environment," he said.


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