• 到那时付出时间金钱可能就白白地浪费了。

    Then you would spend time and money on him in vain.


  • 孟郊唐朝感谢付出母亲很多提出了著名的“基层英寸春晖经典诗句

    Meng Jiao Tang dynasty, in order to thank him for him to pay a lot of old mother, made a well-known "Who were made by grass-inch heart, to a three Chunhui, " the classic poem;


  • 与Gregory T .卢西尔生命科技行政长官表示相信这项技术他付出这么高昂的代价不会超越

    Gregory T. Lucier, chief executive of Life Technologies, said he was confident the technology for which he paid so dearly would not be overtaken.


  • 后来我们爱上一个人。这个时候,我们才发现自己从前不是很爱那个。我们并没有怎么为他付出过。离开应该的。

    Afterwards, we fall for another one. we find that we actually don't love the one before as much as what we thought. we hardly paid out for him. he was supposed to leave.


  • 放弃工作子女幸福付出小小代价

    Giving up his job was a small price to pay for his children's happiness.


  • 必须深重罪行付出代价。

    He must be made to answer for his terrible crimes.


  • 成功付出了高昂的代价

    Success has cost him dearly.


  • 魔术师来到这个跟前,说:“可以儿子高兴一展愁眉露出微笑必须告诉这个秘密付出巨大代价。”

    One day, a magician came to the man and said to him, "I can make your son happy and turn his frowns into smiles, but you must pay me a great price for telling him the secret."


  • 付出一切,这个似乎所有人对手

    They had done for his dogs, but this man alone seemed to be a match for them all.


  • 用户不必尚未使用特性付出等待时间

    The users shouldn't need to "pay" for a feature of the product they aren't using.


  • 知道我们付出高昂代价,我们不能拱手让给FBI。

    And you know we paid a high price for Arete. We can't just give him up without a fight.


  • 自己所感到恐惧愤怒害怕接触,就好像跟别人一样相信麻风病人罪过付出代价并且感染任何一靠近们的

    He was outraged at the fear he felt: fear of touching, as if he Shared the common belief that lepers were paying for their SINS and would infect anybody who came close.


  • 但是不管付出的钱值还是不值,我继续三明治当午餐并且还和一起午饭。

    But, anyway, whatever I paid was worth it for me. I continued to make sandwiches for his lunch and to join him in eating them.


  • 别人真是付出许多许多

    He has really done a lot for others.


  • 天,同事喜欢音乐付出的努力

    The other day a colleague commented that he enjoyed listening to my musical efforts.


  • 以色列希望沙利特获得自由但是自由付出代价很难消化。

    Israel wants Shalit free but is struggling to stomach the cost of his freedom.


  • 伊莱整个家族必须不尊敬付出代价,警告过丝毫没有阻止那两个肖子的恶劣

    The time will come when I will punish Eli’s whole entire family for their disrespect they have shown me. I warned Eli about it but he didn’t stop his sons from not honouring me.


  • ,当我们减少排放任务越紧迫的时候,我们付出代价越高。

    The faster you have to reduce emissions, he said, the more expensive it is likely to be.


  • 朗朗父母支持学业付出极大的牺牲多年们一直相距里开外的分居生活。

    Lang Lang’s parents made huge sacrifices to support his studies, living hundreds of miles apart for many years.


  • 一天美国纪念真正伟人正确事情全部付出行动的些时间让你自己正义而战

    On this day, where the US celebrates one of its true giants, a man who gave everything for what he thought was right, take a few minutes and re-dedicate yourself to fighting the good fight.


  • 杀死必须的一切付出代价,我不会这么便宜地死掉

    I wanted to kill him, but he had to pay for what he had done, and he wasn't going to get the easy way out.


  • 体现这一系列美德——“求知,学识努力付出节约,先苦后甜”——这些,亚洲经济繁荣奠定了基础。

    It embodies a set of virtues - "learning and scholarship and hard work and thrift and deferment of present enjoyment for future gain" -which, he said, underpins Asia's economic success.


  • 长途车上下班一方——通常男性——可能会不应家中分担同样责任上下班往返漫长旅途也是付出

    The commuting partner - who is more likely to be male - might feel like he shouldn’t have to take on equal responsibility around the home because he’s putting in the long hours back and forth to work.


  • 长途车上下班一方——通常男性——可能会不应家中分担同样责任上下班往返漫长旅途也是付出

    The commuting partner - who is more likely to be male - might feel like he shouldn’t have to take on equal responsibility around the home because he’s putting in the long hours back and forth to work.


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