• 自己一个率直、高效干练现代女性

    She saw herself as a direct, no-nonsense, modern woman.


  • 这样写道布莱克威尔女性们指出了一前进道路

    One wrote that doctor Blackwell had shown the way for women to move on.


  • 并且,女性男性出了跟入店盗窃扯上关系几率一个调查这个现象提出了原因:苏格兰意大利西班牙1418女孩有一半存在着购物成瘾的征兆或问题

    And women are nine times more likely than men to be affected - one study found up to half of all 14- to 18-year-old girls in Scotland, Italy and Spain displayed signs of shopping addiction.


  • 玛丽莎维斯是breastcancer.org创建者兼站长,该网站一个被诊断乳腺癌女性朋友的支持组织

    Marisa Weiss is the founder and president of breastcancer.org, a support group for women diagnosed with breast cancer.


  • 钦佩她感到骄傲一个有非洲血统黑人女性

    I love her very much. I admire her, and I'm proud of her, because she's a black woman of African origin. '.


  • 对于1,000万患有骨质疏松症以及3,400万骨密度疏松而可能面临病情恶化美国人来说,骨质疏松症仍然是一个严重的健康问题。其中,80%的患者女性

    Osteoporosis remains a serious health problem for the 10 million Americans who have it and the 34 million who are at risk due to low bone mass; 80% of sufferers are women.


  • 经过艺术家重塑的这张可能属于一名男性可能女性,是以发现一个冬眠洞穴部分头骨下颚骨基础建立的。

    The artist's reconstruction - a face that could be male or female - is based on the partial skull and jawbone found in a cave where bears were known to hibernate.


  • 然而地区一些女性继续女性驾驶权力做着持续的斗争她们既是权力象征也是推进女性参加工作一个重要工具

    However, several women in the region continue to fight for women's right to drive there, which they believe will be both symbolically powerful and an important tool to aide labor force participation.


  • 永远记得我荷兰到了美丽新娘我们结婚有40年了,养育了一个孩子,她真是美丽女性(跟上一任妻子离了? 这块理解的可能不够准确~)。

    I will always have a reminder, as I married a wonderful woman from Holland whom I have been married to for 40 years, who gave us a child who has become a beautiful woman.


  • 大多数网友2006年重返电影学院成功地转型一个成熟知性现代女性

    Most netizens think she transformed herself into a mature, intellectual modern woman after she returned to film school in 2006.


  • 病例来自雅加达雅加达的31女性,她于118日出现症状,1月22日住院医院治疗

    The first case, a 31-year-old female from East Jakarta, Jakarta Province, developed symptoms on 18 January, was hospitalized on 22 January and is currently in hospital.


  • 提高退休年龄——一个女性劳动力基础研究提议,因女性退休年龄男性——可以支撑劳动力。

    Raising the retirement age - a proposal the government is now studying for women, who typically are required to retire earlier than men - could also prop up the work force.


  • 话说,需要女性提供杠杆她们借此紧闭大门勇敢穿过所畏惧没有捕风捉影没有后顾之忧

    In other words, they provide the leverage women need to pry open those closed doors and boldly stride through - without fear, without innuendo, and without repercussions.


  • 迄今止,基德曼什么女性男性更好地处理分手做出了一个合乎规范的解释

    So far, Kidman is providing a textbook explanation for why women cope better with break-ups than men.


  • 如果推举女性公司销售总裁,参加一个洽谈会,人们接受处在的职位

    If you present a woman as vice President of sales for your company and she goes over for an initial meeting with a delegation, she will be accepted for who she is and what position she holds.


  • 简单起见下面建议假设女性表演前提的。

    But for the sake of simplicity, the following tips are written assuming the lady in the relationship wants to be the first to perform.


  • 朋友邀请报名参加“奔跑101”活动的时候,她的机会来了。“奔跑101”是JerseyShore奔跑俱乐部所有女性设计一个12星期跑步计划。

    Her opportunity came when a friend asked her to sign up for Running 101, a 12-week all-women program held by the Jersey Shore Running Club.


  • Viner出席了日常诊断过程,一天一个C安排的,C是一个年轻女性,来Yellowbrik个月了。

    Viner let me sit in on daily clinical rounds, scheduled that day for c., a young woman who had been at Yellowbrick for three months.


  • 研究者平均年龄36岁的20名健康女性先后光穿上2.5英寸高跟鞋一个特殊平台行走

    Researchers asked 20 healthy women with an average age of 36 to walk along a special platform in bare feet and then in shoes with two-and-a-half inch heels.


  • 40岁的健康女性要买一份保额100万美元的终身寿险保单大概要缴纳13900美元/的保费,但如果购买一份20年的定期寿险,她只需要每年缴纳750美元即可

    A $1 million policy for a healthy 40-year-old woman can run as much as $13,900 a year; she could get a $1 million 20-year term policy for $750.


  • 好吧回到1930年,叫做Jamesa . Dewar面包师女性顾客发明了一种草莓娃娃零食:一种内部填满草莓黄色蛋糕。

    Well, back in the 1930s, a baker named James A. Dewar invented a sort of strawberry shortcake snack for Hostess; yellow sponge cake with strawberries crammed inside.


  • 罗宾一个说话尖酸刻薄的纽约人,一家主要关注女性问题杂志助理编辑工作弗兰克罗宾两天前认识的男友

    Robin, a sharp-tongued New Yorker, was working for a magazine aimed at woman issues as an assistant editor. Frank was Robin's two-day old boyfriend.


  • 不过男性坚持正常饮食意志力比女性强,超过三分之二(69%)的男性能一个月内坚持规律饮食,而同样能做到这样女性比率63%。

    Men, however, do seem to have more willpower when it comes to diets with over two thirds (69 per cent) sticking to their diet one month in, compared to 63 per cent of women.


  • 王鹏程30来自江苏无锡,是个设计师娶了一个11岁的女性妻。

    Wang Pengcheng, a 30-year-old designer from Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, married a woman who is 11 years older than he is.


  • 第二部》设计一个西斯工作经历反复而多样的变化,早期构思甚至包括女性反角之类惊想法

    The development of a new Sith Lord for Episode II underwent a wide variety of iterations, since the early concepts included the tantalizing idea of a female villain.


  • 第二部》设计一个西斯工作经历反复而多样的变化,早期构思甚至包括女性反角之类惊想法

    The development of a new Sith Lord for Episode II underwent a wide variety of iterations, since the early concepts included the tantalizing idea of a female villain.


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