• 科恩博士说:“NHANESIII观察上的研究不是临床试验,所以,关于因果没有一个确定结论可能的。”

    Since NHANES III was an observational study and not a clinical trial, no definite conclusions about cause and effect were possible, says Dr. Cohen.


  • 科克系统评价数据库2007年收录研究报告显示,研究人员集中分析临床实验病例,观察咖啡因哮喘疗效

    In a 2007 study in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, researchers pooled and analyzed the results of a half dozen clinical trials looking at the effects of caffeine on asthmatics.


  • 这项研究初步观察告诉我们,单用抑郁药物治疗共病酒精依赖的抑郁患者几乎没有任何临床优势

    A tentative observation from the study is that there may be relativelylittle advantage in prescribing an antidepressant alone for depressed patientswho are also alcohol dependent.


  • 起源于赫希博士超过25大量临床观察研究

    It all began with observations made by Dr. Hirsch over the course of 25 years of clinical research.


  • Nsaid有可能会对消化道所有部分都造成损伤但是临床研究观察的多数胃部

    Nsaid damage can affect any part of the upper digestive tract, but clinical studies have shown that Nsaid-related ulcers are more commonly found in the stomach.


  • 但是维生素人们每天摄入的必须营养没有办法临床研究全部去除它们观察效果。

    But vitamins are essential nutrients that people ingest in their daily diets; there is no way to withhold them altogether from research subjects.


  • 认为酒精有益许多研究结果都是从长期观察测试者身上得来,不是随机临床试验的方式,相比起来后者更为可信

    Much of the research on alcohol's benefit comes from studies that observe people over time rather than from controlled clinical trials, which are more reliable.


  • 报告真实资料个案报告病例分析、调查其他观察研究包括在内,然而评论文章译文临床试验均未包括在内

    Case reports, case series, surveys and other observational studies were included if they reported factual data, but review articles, translations and clinical trials were excluded.


  • 研究严格试验室环境中完成远期研究需要观察这项技术是否能够应用临床慢性疼痛的检测。

    The study was done in a controlled laboratory environment and further research will be needed to see if the technology can be adapted to accurately show chronic pain.


  • 目的研究复方左氧氟沙星眼液制备质量控制方法,观察临床疗效

    OBJECTIVE: To study the preparation of compound levofloxacin eye drops and its quality control, then observe its clinical effect.


  • 目的研究复方醋酸曲安奈剂(华尔乐)擦剂制备质量标准观察临床疗效

    OBJECTIVE: to study the preparation and quality standard of compound triamcinolone acetonide acetate liniment (Huaerle) liniment, and observe the clinical therapy.


  • 美国心脏杂志报道这项发现,该发现是建立心脏病临床研究观察现象上的。

    The findings, reported in the American heart Journal, build on a phenomenon seen in clinical trials studying heart disease.


  • 开展了微量流速止痛临床观察血液中止痛药物浓度研究

    With minim flow velocity of pain killer bump the department developed the research on the observation of the concentration of painkiller medicines.


  • 根据临床研究方案内容进行临床观察

    Method: To do clinical observations according to the clinical research plan and content.


  • 目的:通过临床观察实验研究两方面,探讨脂清防治酒精性脂肪肝(afl)作用机理

    Objective: To observe GanZhiQing's preventive and therapeutic effect on alcoholic fatty liver (AFL) from clinical and experimental research, and unveil its mechanism of antagonizing AFL.


  • 这个研究临床观察作为一个家庭医生发现可能方式更好地健康精干机构长的生命-无论年龄

    From this research, and my clinical observations as a family physician, I found that it is possible to walk your way to better health, a trimmer body and a longer lifeno matter what your age.


  • 样本病例观察合作规范临床研究不够

    Observation on big sample cases lacked and cooperated standard clinical research was deficient.


  • 通过临床观察X线检查研究了111例患者116个先天性多指畸形,并在基础上报道了新的先天性多指症的分类方法

    Through clinical observation and X-ray film examination of 116 congenital polydactylymalformations in 111 patients, on the base of which, a new classification for congenitalpolydactyly was proposed.


  • 目的观察穴位埋线法治疗单纯性肥胖症临床研究探讨作用机理

    Objective: The study was to observe the effect of catgut implantation at acupoint on treating simple obesity and discuss the therapitic mechanism.


  • 临床研究部分观察活血化瘀中药治疗恶性肿瘤高凝状态方面疗效。

    In the below clinical study, to observe the effect of Chinese crude drug of promoting blood flow for dissolving blood stasis for the treatment of HCS in patients of malignant tumor.


  • 临床研究观察66抑郁症患者随机分成合用单纯药物组,前者36例,后者30例。

    The clinic research observes 66 cases of depression patients, randomly divided into acupuncture-drug combination group (36) and drug only group (30).


  • 临床研究,采用回顾性研究收集了128急性心肌梗死(ami)病例,观察分析了AMI患者的主要临床分型中药治疗情况

    In clinical study, 128 cases of AMI have been collected through reviewing analysis and observed the major clinical typing and treating conditions of Chinese drugs.


  • 目的通过前瞻性临床研究观察中医药大肠癌患者生存质量影响

    Purpose: According to prospective clinical research to observe the influence of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the treatment of colorectal carcinoma.


  • 方法: 本临床研究选择100血虚慢性功能性便秘患者随机分为,即观察对照组。

    Method: 100 cases of XUEXU type CFC patients are enrolled in the study and randomly divided into two groups .


  • 课题力求通过实验研究临床观察寻找损伤,无副作用见效快中药外治疗法

    By experiment and clinical study, we try find out a kind of TCM transderm therapeutic method which has no damage or side effect and works effectively.


  • 目的研究致病因素治疗原则。方法:对98裂患者129颗患牙进行临床观察、病因分析和治疗

    OBJECTIVE: To study the pathogenic factors and the therapy of cracked-tooth METHODS: 129 teeth of 98 patients with cracked-teeth were observed, and treated.


  • 目的本文通过临床研究观察经络点穴推拿治疗青少年单纯性肥胖症临床疗效探讨作用机理

    Objective: the article was to observe the effect of tuina (on Meridians and Acupoints) in curing Simple Obesity Syndrom, furthermore discuss the mechanism.


  • 方法中医理论为指导,采用传统针刺方法对外伤性截瘫小便失禁进行临床研究观察

    Methods According to tradition Chinese Medicine theory, clinical research the urine incontinence after traumatic paraplegia with tradition acupuncture technique.


  • 临床研究课题针灸治疗单纯性肥胖临床疗效对比观察

    Clinical study the topic is for the acupuncture treatment of simple obesity clinical comparative study.


  • 目的临床观察研究单纯种植支持天然牙与种植体联合支持修复下颌游离端缺失效果。

    Objective: To evaluate the clinical results of just implant supported fixed prostheses and tooth-implant supported fixed prostheses in the treatment of mandibular posterior free-end edentulism.


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