• 加拿大工业发达资源丰富国家中国是一个劳动力充足市场巨大的国家。

    Canada is a country with well-developed industries and abundant resources, while China possesses plentiful labor-force and a huge market.


  • 经济上的潜力毋庸置疑有着充足柚木谷物丰富石油资源

    Its economic potential is not in doubt. It has teak, sugar and grain, as well as abundant oil.


  • 经济的潜力毋庸置疑,有着充足柚木,盐,谷物丰富石油资源

    Its economic potential is not in doubt.It has teak, sugar and grain, as well as abundant oil.


  • 第三中国充足素质不断提高劳动力,有广袤的土地比较丰富自然资源,也有较高国内储蓄率

    Thirdly, China has an abundant supply of workforce whose quality is steadily improving. It has vast land and fairly rich natural resources and a high domestic savings rate.


  • 因为天空实验室”相对较大充足储存空间菜单丰富:有72不同食物

    Because Skylab was relatively large and had ample storage area, it could feature an extensive menu: 72 different food items.


  • 资源丰富公司研究力量充足问题“众多”。

    Resource-rich companies have the "luxury" of researching and researching problems.


  • 英国首相布朗呼吁国力充足大国中国石油资源丰富的海湾国家作贡献

    Gordon Brown, Britain's prime minister, wants countries with big surpluses, such as China and the oil-rich Gulf states, to contribute more.


  • 资源丰富所有都能得到充足供给,但是即使这样分配不是完全平均的。

    When resources are abundant, there's plenty for all, but even then the distribution isn't perfectly equal.


  • 也许也就是因为这些资源丰富鱼类充足其他食品供应,与世界其他地区相比农业日本建立时间相当之缓慢。

    Perhaps because of this plentiful supply of fish and food, farming took a long time to establish itself in Japan, compared to the rest of the world.


  • 丰富头脑:这里指能充足的东西时分享每个人,有了这种精神乐于分享你的威望认可利益

    Abundance mentality: this is the understanding that there is plenty out there and enough to spare for everybody. With this mentality, you are willing to share prestige, recognition, and profits.


  • 最重要这种植物越是频繁收割,或是可以结出更丰硕充足的果实。因此玉米迅速成为广受欢迎的农作物,家书辛苦付出的汗水总能丰富回报

    On top of that, constant harvesting of the grain encourages the plants to grow larger and more abundantly, so maize quickly became plentiful - farmers got a healthy return for investing their labour.


  • 其次就是如何转移能源。 比方说,美国西南部阳光充足,能源作物生长茂盛,生物质能丰富;高原地区风力强劲,风能储量大。

    After that, the energy has to be moved from where it is easily gathered, such as the sunny American Southwest or the windy High Plains, to the places it can be used.


  • 此外西南科罗拉多沙漠高原全国日照丰富的区域,充足太阳辐射加速藻类生长

    In addition, the high desert plateau of southwest Colorado is one of the sunniest spots in the nation, providing solar radiation that accelerates algae growth.


  • 你们很高储蓄率良好教育体系(译者:我不知道他怎么的出来结论),大量经验丰富海外高知识人才,以及充足资金

    You have very high savings rates, extremely good education, and overseas Chinese with lots of expertise and money to invest in China.


  • 比如对身体进行解毒可以带来充足健康因此心智环境进行解毒可以所有人带来丰富生活幸福

    Just as detoxing the body can lead to abundant health, so can detoxing the mind and environment lead to abundant life and happiness for all.


  • 因为丰富煤炭储备,南非素来电力充足电费堪称世界最低。

    South Africahas long taken abundant, low-cost electricity-some of the cheapest in theworld, thanks to the country's huge coal reserves-for granted.


  • 注意保护视力要定时休息注意补充维生素a类丰富食物不时远眺,经常保健操保证充足睡眠时间

    To protect their eyesight. Regular breaks, pay attention to supplement of food containing rich vitamin a, often overlooking, and regularly do eye exercises, ensure get adequate sleep.


  • 加拿大工业发达资源丰富国家中国则是一个劳动力充足市场巨大的国家。

    Canada is a country with well developed industries and abundant resources while China has plentiful supply of labor force and potential of huge market.


  • 境内电力充足水源丰富慈河滹沱河松阳河流全县28大中小型水库28颗璀璨新星镶嵌寿大地

    The territory of adequate electricity, water rich, river-chee, Hutuo, Songyang county by the river, 28 small, medium and large reservoirs as 28 bright new star embedded in the earth Lingshou.


  • 加拿大工业发达资源丰富的国家,中国则是一个劳动力充足市场巨大国家。

    Canada is a county with well-developed industries and abundant resources, while China has a plentiful supply of labor force and a potential huge market.


  • 大多数野生动物一样,鹿营养丰富食物充足夏秋两季,繁殖生长储存脂肪

    Like most wildlife, deer reproduce, grow, and store fat in the summer and fall when there is plenty of nutritious food available.


  • 公司国内贸易国际贸易方面有着丰富经验充足实力

    I trade in domestic and international trade has a wealth of experience and sufficient strength.


  • 公司拥有雄厚专业技术力量丰富维修经验齐全检测设备充足备用配件快捷周密的技术服务。

    The company has a solid technical strength, rich experience in maintenance, complete the testing equipment, spare parts of adequate, efficient meticulous technical services.


  • 公司拥有雄厚专业技术力量丰富维修经验齐全检测设备充足备用配件快捷周密的技术服务。

    The company has a solid technical strength, rich experience in maintenance, complete the testing equipment, spare parts of adequate, efficient meticulous technical services.


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