• 这种生活南美洲淡水溪流它们很远的地方闻到血腥味迅速发起攻击

    This fish lives in the freshwater streams of South America, and they can smell the blood from far away and launch attacks swiftly.


  • 多数实地作业海岸数百英里外的海洋完成,同时包括南美洲南极洲的那些以实验目的引入(元素)的海域。

    Much of the field work was done hundreds of miles out at sea, and included areas off South America and Antarctica where iron has been introduced as an experiment.


  • 许多欧洲南美洲亚洲城市开始加入到这项活动

    Many cities in Europe, South America and Asia began to take part in the activity.


  • 虽然南美洲土生土长雨林居民世代使用橡胶这种东西,可是直到1839年橡胶才在工业化世界得到了最早实际运用

    Though indigenous rainforest dwellers of South America have been using rubber for generations, it was not until 1839 that rubber had its first practical application in the industrial world.


  • 西班牙探险者16世纪抵达南美洲时,道听途说了有关一个土著部落故事,这个部落就位于现在哥伦比亚境内的安第斯山脉

    When Spanish explorers reached South America in the early 16th century, they heard stories about a tribe of natives high in the Andes mountains in what is now Colombia.


  • 原本作为监视流放拿破仑前哨,阿森位于南美洲非洲之间达尔文时代大西洋一个繁忙转站

    Originally used as an outpost to keep an eye on Napoleon in exile, Ascension Island, between South America and Africa, was a busy Atlantic waystation in Darwin's day.


  • 见到巴勒斯坦男生时间愉快溜走了,认识来自南美洲的漂亮女孩真是一个好人。

    I met one guy from Palestine. Time were moving with joy, I met a beautiful girl from South America who was really a nice person.


  • 这些年来秘鲁GDP每年超过5%增长带来实实在在结果这个增长率南美洲最大的几个经济体也是最高的。

    These are the tangible results of a decade in which Peru’s GDP grew by over 5% a year, the highest rate among Latin America’s bigger economies.


  • 这些年来秘鲁gdp每年超过5%增长带来实实在在结果这个增长率南美洲最大的几个经济体也是最高的。

    These are the tangible results of a decade in which Peru's GDP grew by over 5% a year, the highest rate among Latin America's bigger economies.


  • 杜尔科南美洲单打双打方面的头号球员事实上也是所在的大陆唯一一名单打双打都150强内的球员(单打52,双打第4)。

    Dulko is South America's No.1 in player in both singles and doubles - in fact she is her continent's only Top 150 player in either discipline (No.52 in singles, No.4 in doubles).


  • 预计长达个月旅程将路经非洲南端南美洲

    In a trip expected to last about eight months, she plans to pass around the southern tips of Africa and south America.


  • 实践尽管巴西现在经常美国南美洲拥有份量。

    In practice, Brazil now often carries more weight in much of South america-though not further north-than the United States does.


  • 疟疾影响着非洲(在这里每百万死亡人员90%都死于疟疾)、中南美洲亚洲地区的主要疾病

    It is predominantly a disease affecting Africa (which has 90% of the one million deaths from malaria a year), South and Central America, Asia, and the Middle East.


  • 家公司南美洲数百万民众提供了电信服务

    These two businesses provide phone service for millions of people throughout North, Central, and South America.


  • 最新他们驾驶驱车穿越南美洲撞毁了一大篷车飞船,还计划举办一次轰动艺术车展。

    For the new series, they have romped around South America in 4x4s, crashed a caravan-airship and are hoping to create a smash-hit art exhibition out of cars.


  • 因此,在所有南美洲球队,似乎只有厄瓜多尔难以走出小组赛,而其余所有国家都有能力奋战后面阶段

    So of all the South American teams, only Ecuador look like they might struggle to get out of the group stages, with all the others more than capable of reaching the latter stages.


  • 经典收藏日本锑矿资源丰富辉锑矿来源于罗马尼亚南美洲抢占了市场

    In classic collections Japan was the source of fabulous stibnite long before the material from Romania South America and China came on the market.


  • 南美洲次访问面对愤怒人群显示强大的领导力。

    He showed great strength while facing an angry crowd during a trip to South America.


  • 弱势板块南美洲非洲奥运会竞技项目比较单一,大多表现出竞技连续性女子

    In the minority tectonic plate, South America and the African 's competition of Olympic game compare little, and mostly express no - continue, the woman is very.


  • 搜集到1960~1990年南美洲地区10个地震序列。 其1个地震序列。

    The location data of 10 earthquakes sequences of central-south America for the period 1960-1990 are collected.


  • 这座大坝只是计划建设几十座大坝个。 这一波建设称作蓝色淘金热“——正在南美洲内陆地区转型基础建设热潮

    And this dam is just one of dozens being planned or built in what has been called a "blue gold rush, " an infrastructure spree that is transforming the South American interior.


  • 那些之前游离非洲南美洲不断增长行业之外的船公司加入了新兴市场竞争战局一些关键差距仍然存在

    Lines previously on the outside of the growing trades to Africa and South America have joined these emerging market frays, but some key gaps still exist.


  • 古比鱼相关,栖息于南美洲红薯沼泽咸水区水域表面猎食

    It lives in the brackish waters of mangrove swamps in central and South America, and hunts for food at the water's surface… its bulging eyes submerged halfway.


  • 这位场球员2005年南美洲17岁以下冠军联赛南美解放者杯获得了冠军。

    The midfielder has also achieved success in the South American Championship (Under-17) and Libertadores Cup, both in 2005.


  • 这位场球员2005年南美洲17岁以下冠军联赛南美解放者杯获得了冠军。

    The midfielder has also achieved success in the South American Championship (Under-17) and Libertadores Cup, both in 2005.


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