• 这个过程就跟捅了马蜂窝似的:半打不同体形,不同年龄朋友都露出犬牙走到了中间来。

    This proceeding aroused the whole hive: half-a-dozen four-footed fiends, of various sizes and ages, issued from hidden dens to the common centre.


  • 集中中间着地,同时直接在你身体下面

    Focus on landing mid-sole, with your foot directly underneath your bodywith every step.


  • 英国每日邮报》报道,一股"足部整容"风潮美国女性中间流行开来,她们如此"虐待"自己只是为了穿上最新一季的名牌高跟鞋

    Women are turning to cosmetic surgery on their tootsies in the US just so that they can cram their feet into the latest designer heels, the Daily Mail of London reported.


  • 如果我站起来走路趴在中间差点绊倒

    If I arose to walk it would get between my feet and thus nearly throw me down.


  • 夜晚看见三个天使上,一个两个头边仁慈的童贞圣母中间睡,切莫要迟疑

    In the evening, when I went to bed, I found three angels sitting on my bed, one at the foot, two at the head, the good Virgin Mary in the middle, who told me to lie down without hesitation.


  • 鲣鸟中间坐落几个城镇人口过去二十年间已经增加三倍接近30 000人。

    And amid the blue-footed boobies and giant tortoises sits a handful of towns whose population has tripled to nearly 30, 000 in the past two decades.


  • 为了纪念保罗,人们立于足球之上这样形状雕像中间透过透明的窗户可以看见里面一个装保罗骨灰

    Paul is to be honoured with a six foot statue on top of a football, however, in the middle of which will be a see-through window with the golden urn containing Paul's ashes.


  • 努力淹没岩石中间嵌入以使头伸出水面

    He managed to wedge a foot between submerged rocks and keep his head above water.


  • 人们单词时候,对词往往比中间部分记得更牢这就好像单词浴缸里的,头和都露出水面

    People remember the beginnings and ends of words better than the middles, as if the word were a person lying in a bathtub, with their head out of the water at one end and their feet out at the other.


  • 在队伍前面(勒)肩扛只红木箱,另一个是“长统”(女方媒人背篓背着被褥中间是伴娘们簇拥着新娘。

    The matchmaker of the female side named Chang Tong walks beside him with a pack basket filled with new beddings on his backpack. The bride, crowded around by bridesmaids, walks in the middle.


  • 一种鞋类物品包括中间鞋底稳定器(10)。

    An article of footwear which includes; a midsole and foot stabilizer (10).


  • 设置在中间鞋底上方固定中间鞋底,轮廓部分地包围使用者

    The spine portion is disposed above and affixed to the midsole and the ribs are contoured to partially enclose the foot of the user.


  • 非常柔软学员可能会愿意手掌落在中间地板上膝盖的方向;

    Very flexible students may wish to bring their hands to the floor between the feet, or move the hands toward the knees;


  • 中间那条鱼口中衔着一个贻贝贻贝放在年轻人的砂子贻贝,打开它,里面恰好躺着那个戒指

    The one in the middle held a mussel in its mouth, which it laid on the shore at the youth's feet, and when he had taken it up and opened it, there lay the gold ring in the shell.


  • 鲣鸟中间坐落几个城镇人口过去二十年间已经增加三倍接近30 000人。

    And amid the blue-footed boobies and giant tortoises sits a handful of towns whose population has tripled to nearly 30,000 in the past two decades.


  • 搓板可能曲线内侧内侧中间实际上适度的院子位置靠近球鞋几乎所有左右。

    When washboard legs are likely to be, feet inside foot inside the mid-foot curve is actually modest, positioned near to the yard high sneakers virtually all this foot or so.


  • 吝啬鬼请客个出了名的吝啬鬼终于决定请一次客了。他在向一个朋友解释怎么找到他家时说:“楼,找中间那个门,然后你的胳膊肘按门铃。门开了之后,再用你的把门推开。

    The mean man's partyThe notorious cheap skate finally decided to have a party. Explaining to a friend how to find his apartment, he said, "Come up to 5M and ring the doorbell with your elbow."


  • 吝啬鬼请客个出了名的吝啬鬼终于决定请一次客了。他在向一个朋友解释怎么找到他家时说:“楼,找中间那个门,然后你的胳膊肘按门铃。门开了之后,再用你的把门推开。

    The mean man's partyThe notorious cheap skate finally decided to have a party. Explaining to a friend how to find his apartment, he said, "Come up to 5M and ring the doorbell with your elbow."


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