• 斜拉扣挂施工计算复杂,根据弯矩法”概念推导出节段吊装施工阶段计算公式

    On the basis of conception of zero moment, we can deduce the computational formula of the tension of cable in the different construction stage of the steel tube arch ribs.


  • 1964年问世小说·贝首次塑造一个现代生活处境尴尬犹太知识分子典型形象

    In his novel Herzog which was published in 1964, Saul Bellow portrayed a typical image of a Jewish intellectual for the first time, showing the readers his existential dilemmas in the modern society.


  • 通过有限元程序点支式玻璃幕墙桁架支承体系中索桁架结构高度拉杆面积、拉杆预拉力玻璃面板厚度对其受力性能影响进行了研究。

    The main parameters considered are height of the cable truss, area of cross section of tensile bar, pre-tension of tensile bar and thickness of glass panel.


  • 虽然理论上讲,一项研究特海峡已知沉船计划麦基真正希望是找到玛丽·罗斯号战船。

    While on paper this was a plan to examine a number of known wrecks in the Solent, what McKee really hoped for was to find the Mary Rose.


  • :“可能母亲我们研究衡量到的方式做出了贡献。”

    Pancsofar said, "or it may be that mothers are contributing in a way we didn't measure in the study."


  • 筛选试验根霉菌表现出较强的拮抗作用

    Trichoderma spp. showed strong antagonistic action against Rhizoctonia solani in screening tests.


  • 辛达·布洛德布里奇十四行诗第四惊人地表达了这种强烈的感情。

    There is real intensity as Lucinda Broadbridge strikingly conveys in the fourth of the Casos Sonnets.


  • 与此形成对比是,承认过去的购得赫斯特斯比佳士得拍卖行出售的全部油画的40%。

    By contrast, he admits to buying 40% of the Hirst paintings that have come up for sale at Sotheby's and Christie's in the past year.


  • 在整个画艺生涯,里昂•科描绘他家人和少数朋友肖像,当然还有最喜欢模特儿

    Throughout his career Mr Kossoff has painted portraits of his family and a small group of friends, as well as his favourite models.


  • 记得希腊神话那喀斯么爱上自己在水倒影

    You remember the Greek myth of Narcissus, who fell in love with his own image.


  • 先生目录简单写道:樱桃系列绘画的一个旅程

    In the catalogue Mr Kossoff writes simply that the cherry tree series is a new departure for him.


  • 一组得出野外试验数据尔教授团队证明切断棉籽刺激棉子酚生长基因同时保持作物其他部分天然抵抗力

    In new field-trial data, Rathore's team demonstrated that it can turn off the genes that stimulate the production of gossypol in the cottonseeds while the rest of the plant keeps its natural defenses.


  • 长的明亮星团指向了星系团第四成员,也就是图右下方的那个。

    A longer rope of bright star clusters points to the fourth member of the group, at lower right.


  • 毁灭看来伊尼计划一部分

    Destruction seems to be part of Soini's plan.


  • 应聘视频思·豪尔表达了自己冒险运动热爱展示了自己鸵鸟马拉松徒步穿越非洲以及亲吻长颈鹿照片

    In his application video, Southall expressed a love for adventure, and featured photographs of himself riding an ostrich, running a marathon, trekking through Africa and kissing a giraffe.


  • 相信林则徐左宗棠,曾从这种逼领悟过刀兵炮火意义

    I believe Lin Zexu and Zuo Zongtang also comprehended the meaning of war by ways of asking.


  • 《爱儿:论教育写到,“了解公共教育全貌,就读柏拉图的《理想国》。”

    Rousseau wrote in his Emile, "to get a good idea of public education," he says, "read Plato's Republic."


  • 简介贝尔女士写道一直这次相遇十分着迷。

    In her introduction, Ms Sobel writes that she has long been fascinated by this meeting.


  • 诺基亚上月底下调全线产品价格最价廉智能手机竞争对手三星端手机产生直接竞争。

    Nokia cut phone prices in late January, putting its cheapest smart phones on a collision course with mid-range phones from rivals Samsung and Sony Ericsson.


  • 麦克斯韦德国实验者得到相关数值带入到方程时,得到了测定光速数值。

    When Maxwell plugged the relevant values, which had been obtained recently by experimenters in Germany, into his equations, out popped Fizeau's figure for the speed of light.


  • 连续第二决赛失利德林必须品尝失败的苦涩。12个月在这里费德勒打败。

    Soderling had to deal with being comfortably beaten in the final for the second year in a row, following his defeat by Federer 12 months ago.


  • 例如HLA - A型基因存在安·德塔人和丹尼·瓦人的基因组

    The specific gene HLA-A, for example, is present in the Neanderthal and Denisovan genomes.


  • 2004年卖出《药房以后斯比每次伦敦举办大型当代艺术品销售活动时,都会提供斯特作品。然而,在今年六月的晚间销售斯比没有提供的任何一件作品。

    Even Sotheby's, which has had a Hirst in every major contemporary sale in London sincePharmacy” in 2004, offered none of his art in this year's evening sale in June.


  • 系统训练相同时间多次重复800马拉松目标时间分解。

    With the Yasso system, you run 800-meter repeats on a track in the same minutes/seconds as your hours/minutes goal time for a marathon.


  • 他们顽强抢断者,从而好地保护了身后的后卫科洛·图雷雷梅恩·巴姆巴。

    They're both tough tacklers who do a fine job of protecting center backs Kolo Toure and Sol Bamba, who have an intermittent propensity for the shambolic.


  • 偿付行的费用由受益人承担,则该费用偿付支付行的金额扣除

    If a reimbursing bank "s charges are for the account of the beneficiary, they shall be deducted from the amount due to a claiming bank when reimbursement is made."


  • 采访,布萨阿主要监狱关押的海盗表示,海盗近来已经跨越家族鸿沟,组成了新的、更有钱途的跨家族海盗集团。

    Several captured pirates interviewed in Boosaaso’s main jail said that they had recently crossed clan lines to open new, lucrative, multiclan franchises.


  • 采访,布萨阿主要监狱关押的海盗表示,海盗近来已经跨越家族鸿沟,组成了新的、更有钱途的跨家族海盗集团。

    Several captured pirates interviewed in Boosaaso’s main jail said that they had recently crossed clan lines to open new, lucrative, multiclan franchises.


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