• 人群中特显眼。

    He stands out in the crowd.


  • 当前中特文化教育领域交流频繁成果显著

    The present interactions between China and Trinidad and Tobago in the fields of culture and education have become more frequent and productive.


  • 这场演出中,拉特尔有着交响音乐厅传声效果翼助。

    In this performance, Rattle had the acoustics of the Symphony Hall on his side.


  • 1975年洛杉矶重演戏剧《卡米洛特》中扮演国王

    In 1975 he portrayed the king in a Los Angeles revival of "Camelot."


  • 马特巍然屹立背景中。

    The Matterhorn rose proudly in the background.


  • 特伦特·迪马斯男子体操决赛赢得了金牌

    Trent Dimas won gold in the final men's gymnastic event.


  • 福考特的文章疯狂文明交织着三种主要叙述

    Three major narratives intertwine within Foucault's text, "Madness and Civilization."


  • 特德也许听到自己声音录音回放受益

    Ted might benefit from hearing his own voice recorded and played back.


  • 澳大利亚克里斯·罗伯逊决赛击败了的本国对手克里斯·迪特玛。

    Chris Robertson of Australia beat his compatriot Chris Dittmar in the final.


  • 特罗特已经世界杯比赛中担任过裁判

    Vautrot has refereed in two World Cups.


  • 一些记录中弗罗斯特:“或者有人给予。”

    In some recordings, Frost says, "Or somebody will provide for you."


  • 《流言》中,柯特妮·考克斯扮演角色在《老友记》中扮演莫妮卡完全不同这部电视剧因收视率取消了。

    In Dirt, Courteney Cox played a role completely different from her Friends character Monica, but the show was canceled over poor ratings.


  • 看看历史许多文化符号那里找到《冰雪奇缘》中弗罗斯特祖先

    Look to many of history's cultural symbols, and there you'll find an ancestor of Frosty, the snowman in the movie Frozen.


  • 哥特语中,表示tachund”,用来表示数字100的是 “tachund tachund”。

    The ancient Gothic word for ten, tachund, is used to express the number 100 as tachund tachund.


  • 尔顿伊利亚特》中出了瑰宝,这块瑰宝给我们读者带来的影响如同美杜莎所带来的影响。

    Milton has dug up a gem from the pages of The Iliad, and this gem has something like a Medusa effect on the poem or on us as readers.


  • 奥斯汀生活傲慢偏见伊丽莎白·班纳特的生活十分相似

    Austen's life closely parallels that of Elizabeth Bennet in Pride, and Prejudice.


  • 一次艰难手术中,医生特的神经移动到上臂肌肉不同部位

    In a difficult operation, a doctor moved Kitts's nerves to different areas of her upper-arm muscles.


  • 虽然理论上讲,一项研究索伦特海峡已知沉船计划麦基真正希望是找到玛丽·罗斯号战船。

    While on paper this was a plan to examine a number of known wrecks in the Solent, what McKee really hoped for was to find the Mary Rose.


  • 就像木星最大行星木星(朱庇特)又是罗马神话神之名字吧?

    Like how Jupiter is the biggest planet and how Jupiter was the name of the King of the gods in Roman mythology, right?


  • 弗罗斯特作品事物不是“虚构的”,不是想象中的“虚构”,而是凭空虚构出来的,就像仙女精灵一样

    Things are not "made up" in Frost, not "made up" in the sense of imagined, but called up out of thin air, like fairies and elves.


  • 上周二尼古拉·斯特金在演讲中阐述了苏格兰政府未来一年立法计划证实早已相当明确事情。

    Nicola Sturgeon's speech last Tuesday setting out the Scottish government's legislative programme for the year ahead confirmed what was already pretty clear.


  • 他们可能特奥蒂瓦坎崛起扮演重要角色

    They may have played a major role in the rise of Teotihuacán.


  • 利斯特生长潮湿泥泞环境中,通常动物携带

    Listeria bacteria grow in moist, muddy conditions and are often carried by animals.


  • 贝丝·特维德尔体操比赛中赢得了许多金牌

    Beth Tweddle won loads of golds in gymnastics.


  • 达特说,他们无法利用档案中的数据评估申请人的实际科研资历

    Dutt says they were not able to evaluate the actual scientific qualifications of the applicants using the data in the files.


  • 梅丽尔·斯特里普娘子》中饰演英国首相玛格丽特·撒切尔夫人赢得了今年奥斯卡最佳女主角

    The Iron Lady, in which Meryl Streep played the role of former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, won her the best leading actress of this year's Academy Awards(Oscars).


  • 电影小鱼》中,凯特·布兰切特饰演的一家音像商店经理申请了一银行贷款用来收购这家公司将业务扩展网络游戏

    In the movie Little Fish, a video store manager played by Cate Blanchett applies for a bank loan to buy the business and expand into online gaming.


  • 普鲁斯特《追忆似水流年》中,叙述者安静地思考着块饼干段时间激励他解开记忆秘密

    In Proust's In Search Of Lost Time, the narrator is prompted to unlock the secrets of memory after some quiet time contemplating a biscuit.


  • 斯特里特学会自己身心判断中消除她的恐惧

    Streeter learned to untangle her fears from her judgment of what her body and mind could do.


  • 飞行员飞行模拟器中接受训练一样。”欧特力合作多伦多约克大学心理学副教授雷蒙德马尔

    "It's like how pilots train in a flight simulator," said Raymond Mar, an associate professor of psychology at York University, in Toronto, who has collaborated with Oatley.


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