• 步行街尽头高架相交处

    Hefang Street at the end of Walking Street with the intersection of River Road viaduct.


  • 我司舱部通知由于报关问题集装箱未能中河

    Our booking dept. just informed me that due to customs problem, cntrs could not be loaded on MV Zhong He.


  • 高架车辆也都打开了头,伴随着雷声汽车报警器声音也此起彼伏。

    Vehicles on the Zhonghe high bridge opened up headlights. Thunder alarming sound of the car rose one after another.


  • 农户集体耕作家庭联产承包责任制度下的不同行为表现证明上述论断

    The different behaviors of the XiangZhong River village's farmers in the collective production system and the family contract responsibility system testify the above proposition.


  • 2011年3月11日一幅航拍照片显示日立茨城县海啸潮汐引发了逆流(图片左侧)。

    This aerial shot shows the tsunami tidal waves moving upstream (left side) in the naka river at Hitachinaka city in Ibaraki prefecture on March 11 2011.


  • 2011年3月11日一幅航拍照片显示在日立茨城县海啸潮汐引发了逆流(图片左侧)。

    This aerial shot shows the tsunami tidal waves moving upstream (left side) in the naka river at Hitachinaka city in Ibaraki prefecture on March 11, 2011.


  • 惊恐担心想象的那些脸庞纹,前方战场没有血流成。没有枪炮的轰鸣,或者向下指着的冒烟的枪口下的哀求

    With a thousand pains that vision's face was grained, yet no blood reached there from the upper ground. And no guns thumped or down the flues moaned.


  • 我们本能地懂得养蜂人他的蜜蜂那样,要是我们生活重大事件告诉那条,就可能大祸临头

    We know instinctively, just as beekeepers with their bees, that misfortune might overtake us if the important events of our lives were not related to it.


  • 期望作为人类我们可以拥有一种力量能够唤醒我们来到这个故事,而不是由危机约旦梦想破灭这些事情来唤醒。

    I wish that as human beings there was something inside us that would wake us up to the story of God besides crisis, besides Jordan Rivers, besides shattered dreams.


  • 海牛畅游佛罗里达水晶淡水

    A manatee swims in a freshwater spring in Crystal River, Florida.


  • 克雷格亥现在记性时好时坏,不过如果最多灵感一准儿会快速而又清晰地回答鲑鱼的支流

    Craighead's memory fades in and out these days, but if you ask him which river inspired him most, his answer is quick and clear: the Middle Fork of the Salmon.


  • 哈达德,这就是为什么人们发现能够接受当地供水即使那条某一个上游城镇污水汇合。

    This, Haddad says, is why people find it acceptable to get their water supply from their local river, even though that river water at one point mingled with the sewage of the town upstream.


  • 巡防队员告诉马克·欧文斯一些吓人偷猎者还拥有巫术获得的法力;他们可以隐身或者穿涉水不会鳄鱼吃掉

    They told Mark Owens that some of the more fearsome poachers possessed powers derived from witchcraft; they could become invisible, or ford rivers without being eaten by crocodiles.


  • 我们冷冷看着药水顺着静脉输液针流入手臂如同驳船小岛一样堵住哈德森模糊似乎镀上了银色

    As the drugs slid up the IV into her arm, we watched stolid barges plug up the Hudson like islands, the water silver in the haze.


  • 但是时代改变了,克亚当斯的机构现在多个兴趣的组织一个

    But times change, and Mr MacAdams's outfit is now one of several that take an interest in the river.


  • 这些模糊图片一片片矮小荒芜的木榴油豆科灌木随着微风摇摆;还有一些则是苍鹭在格兰德啄食鱼类

    In some of the grainy pictures, scrubby and deserted patches of creosote and mesquite sway in a gentle wind; in others, herons peck at fish in the shallow trickle of the Rio Grande.


  • 在美国的20个都有分布,最初生活密西西比盆地墨西哥湾沿岸

    Blue catfish is native to 20 states, primarily within the Mississippi river Basin but also in rivers along the Gulf Coast.


  • 达省的砂矿开始1967年,最早矿井上图(1984年)离阿萨巴斯最近的那个。

    Oil sand mining began in Alberta in 1967.That first mine is closest to the Athabasca River in the top image (1984).


  • 图像来自密西西比沉积物米白色,这些羽状物之间不同幅度可能标志着流入墨西哥湾潮汐波动。

    Sediments carried by the Mississippi river have a pale beige coloration in this image, with distinct margins between plumes that likely mark tidal pulses of river water into the Gulf of Mexico.


  • 我们那条很远,尸体寻找长时间找到兄弟

    Our village is far from the river, I searched a lot through the dead, and I found my brother.


  • 巴勒斯坦国民议会发表了演讲是我怀会议承诺的。

    And I gave the speech to the Palestinian National Council that I had pledged to deliver at Wye River.


  • 作品拍摄于1999年,莱茵全景彩照幅系列作品第二幅。

    The panoramic colour print Rhein II, created in 1999, is one of an edition of six works.


  • 巴拉克竭力促成峰会因为1993年协议的零碎解决方法怀和平协定》来说不够好。

    Barak had pushed hard for the summit because the piecemeal approach of the 1993 agreement and the Wye River accord didn't work for him.


  • 这条被俗称为浴缸”的条纹形成于沉积科罗拉多火山岩矿物质随着水位不断的下降如今显现了出来。

    Nicknamed "the bathtub ring", this discolouration comes from minerals that were once deposited on the volcanic rock by the Colorado River and have become visible as its level has dropped.


  • 许多返墨的万分恐慌迷失方向一些了队伍加入到了反方向里奥格兰偷渡入美国的移民,结果就错了国家

    Many became disoriented and panicked, and some were mixed in with immigrants going the other way across the Rio Grande and ended up swimming to the wrong country.


  • 水系过量造成密西西比其他处“死亡区元凶。

    Excessive nitrogen in the water system contributes to the "dead zone" found at the mouth of the Mississippi and other rivers.


  • 名单其他很多西部城市凤凰城极度依赖科罗拉多引进水资源

    Like many of the other western cities on this list, Phoenix is extremely dependent on water imported from the Colorado River.


  • 缅因州传奇故事阿拉加什亨利·戴维罗思考荒芜之地意义。长期以来,这条保护狭长地带的桥梁额外的通道口一直陷于辩论的困境当

    Maine's legendary Allagash, the river that taught Henry David Thoreau the meaning of wilderness, has long been Mired in controversy over Bridges and additional access points in its protected corridor.


  • 南部特别是加州帝王地区,科罗拉多灌溉着处在沙漠的整个美国冬季蔬菜供应地区。

    In its southern stretch, especially in California's Imperial County, the river irrigates deserts to produce America's winter vegetables.


  • 南部特别是加州帝王地区,科罗拉多灌溉着处在沙漠的整个美国冬季蔬菜供应地区。

    In its southern stretch, especially in California's Imperial County, the river irrigates deserts to produce America's winter vegetables.


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