• 富用应用前景中枢神经系统药物开发方向集中作用一种以上分子目标疗法上。

    The most promising new direction for CNS (central nervous system) drug development appears to be focusing on treatments that act on more than one molecular target.


  • 糖蛋白抑制剂促进药物通过血脑屏障,对提高脑内药物浓度中枢神经系统药物生物利用度具有重要意义。

    P-glycoprotein inhibitors can get drugs across the blood-brain barrier. It is of great importance to improve the blood concentration in brain and bioavailability of central nervous system drugs.


  • 详细论述心血管药物感染药、中枢神经系统药物消化性溃疡药物、抗肿瘤药药物剂型的研究现状动态以及这几类药物市场前景预测

    The current situation and trends of cardiovasculars, anti-infectives, CNS drugs, anti-ulcers, anti-cancers and new formulations as well as market prediction were also described.


  • 使用一种危险药物——这种药物很快作用于中枢神经系统

    He's taking a dangerous drug: it acts very fast on the central nervous system.


  • 制得阿托品其他合成物质可以刺激中枢神经系统其中阿托品几乎可以完全肾脏排净,而肾脏药物吸收过程中又是至关重要的。

    Atropine and various synthetic substances also stimulate the central nervous system. Atropine is eliminated almost entirely by the kidneys, which must be working normally in order to process the drug.


  • 咖啡能够通过多种作用刺激中枢神经系统就像其他药物一样(比如安非他命)让清醒增强活力

    Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant that ACTS in many ways like other stimulant drugs such as amphetamines, waking you up and increasing your muscular activity.


  • 它之所以定义一种药物是因为刺激中枢神经系统,让人神智更加清醒。

    Caffeine is defined as a drug because it stimulates the central nervous system, causing increased alertness.


  • 中枢神经系统不可或缺并且通过药物治疗糖尿病药物研究表明降低某些脂类水平存在有害的认知影响

    Lipids are integral to the central nervous system, and as studies of statins and diabetes drugs have shown, dropping levels of some lipids can have deleterious cognitive effects.


  • 因此探索高效传递药物生物大分子进入中枢神经系统进行相应治疗模式成为当前的重要课题。

    Therefore, discovery of new modalities for effective delivery of drugs and biomacromolecules to the central nervous system is of great need and importance for treatment of neuropathy.


  • 影响中枢神经系统改变知觉行为药物(物质)属于对神经起显著作用的物质。

    Drugs (substances) that affect the central nervous system and alter perception, mood, and behavior are known as psychoactive substances.


  • 目的观察小鼠自主活动规律,为研究小鼠中枢神经系统功能状态药物作用奠定基础。

    AIM To investigate the mices central nerve system function and the effect of drugs through independent activity pattern observation.


  • 然而,血屏障成为阻碍中枢神经系统治疗药物进入主要障碍。

    However, it also becomes the main obstacle of the entrance of the therapeutic drugs for central nerval system into the brain.


  • 撤药反应出现可能药物中枢神经系统血清素多巴胺去甲肾上腺素GABA碱能类系统影响有关

    Appearance of withdrawal reactions may associated with pharmacological effects on serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, GABA and cholinergic transmitter in central nervous system.


  • 上述结果表明DSST脑电波测试是两种敏感可靠二氮类药物中枢神经系统效应定量分析方法。

    Thus the DSST test and EEG analysis provides sensitive and reliable quantitation of benzodiazepine central nervous system effects.


  • 寻找有效途径避开血脑屏障的阻断,药物直接运送中枢神经系统一直是神经科学家面临的挑战。

    Finding an effective approach to carry drugs, keeping off BBB and taking drugs to NCS directly puzzled neurologists all long time.


  • 可可碱是对外神经系统作用不是像其他药物一样作用在中枢神经这样可以减轻对于下游中枢神经系统副作用

    This peripheral mechanism of action differentiates theobromine from codeine and other centrally acting agents, and lessens its lower central nervous system side effects.


  • 甲氨蝶呤阿糖胞苷皮质醇药物注射患者脊髓中,预防中枢神经系统白血病的发生。

    Drugs such as methotrexate, cytarabine and hydrocortisone are injected into the spinal fluid to prevent CNS leukemia.


  • 文章综述载药纳米屏障相互作用机制以及纳米粒作为药物和基因载体用于中枢神经系统疾病治疗研究进展。

    The article reviews the interaction mechanism between drug-loaded nanoparticles and the BBB, as well as the recent advances in the treatment of CNS diseases with nanoparticles as a dru...


  • 文章综述载药纳米屏障相互作用机制以及纳米粒作为药物和基因载体用于中枢神经系统疾病治疗研究进展。

    The article reviews the interaction mechanism between drug-loaded nanoparticles and the BBB, as well as the recent advances in the treatment of CNS diseases with nanoparticles as a dru...


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