• 一个原子核内中子质子聚合在一起

    Neutrons and protons are bound together in the nucleus of an atom.


  • 原子本身是个整体电子、质子中子以及其他组成部分

    An atom itself is a complete whole, with its electrons, protons and neutrons and other elements.


  • 给定元素所有同位素都含有相同质子数它们中子不同因此它们的原子质量也不同。

    All the isotopes of a given element have the same number of protons, but differ in their number of neutrons, and hence in their atomic mass.


  • 每个原子中子质子组成

    Each atomic cluster is made up of neutrons and protons.


  • 重水之所以是因为水中重量普通氢的倍(原子质子一个中子不仅仅是一个质子)。

    Heavy water is heavy because the hydrogen in it weighs twice as much as ordinary hydrogen (it has a proton and a neutron in its nucleus, instead of just a proton).


  • 原子中子衰变后产生质子、一个电子一个中微子。

    When a neutron inside an atom decays, it produces a proton, an electron, and a neutrino.


  • 有时宇宙射线撞击原子赋予一个额外的中子

    But sometimes a cosmic ray will collide with a nitrogen atom, giving it an extra neutron.


  • 架望远镜被命名为“立方”,工作原理是:一个中子撞击中的分子原子,望远镜就会探测这些罕见场合中产生闪光

    Called IceCube, it will work by detecting the flashes of light generated on those rare occasions when a neutrino hits one of the atoms in a molecule of water in the ice.


  • 这些中子击中另外原子原子产生裂变产生新的中子,依次类推。

    When one of these neutrons hits another uranium atom, that atom can split, generating more neutrons and so on.


  • 反应堆芯,自由中子连续撞击原子,从而产生大量热量

    In the core, uranium atoms are bombarded with free neutrons producing immense heat.


  • 同时需要足够多的、可裂变原子核用于中子进行撞击,换话说,需要一个临界质量

    There also need to be enough fissionable atoms about for the neutrons to bumpinto—in other words, a critical mass.


  • 各种同位素原子74质子有着不同中子。钨- 182108个中子钨- 184有110个中子

    Isotopes of tungsten each have 74 protons in their atoms but different Numbers of neutrons - tungsten-182 has 108 neutrons, while tungsten-184 has 110.


  • 中子速度越快击破原子就越少

    The faster the neutron, the fewer break ups it provokes.


  • 现在首先我们谈论中子捕获基本原理,铀235原子的,中子捕获方面发生了什么

    Now first of all we're gonna talk about the fundamentals of the neutron capture and what happens in the neutron capture of a uranium 235 atom.


  • 一个撞击235原子中子释放出一些γ,一些中子创造出2个裂变碎片,它们自己出现分布

    A neutron striking a uranium 235 atom, releasing some gammas and some neutrons, creating two fission fragments which themselves have a distribution of occurrence.


  • 具备6质子6个中子原子通常12

    With six protons and six neutrons, carbon normally has an atomic number of 12.


  • 重力作用导致核心坍缩使得核心温度升高将近180亿华氏度(100亿摄氏度),原子裂解中子中微子

    Gravity causes the core to collapse, making the core temperature rise to nearly 18 billion degrees F (10 billion degrees c), breaking the iron down into neutrons and neutrinos.


  • 过程产生以及更多中子(原子构成粒子之一)。

    This process generates heat and more neutrons (one of the particles that forms an atom).


  • 这一过程释放大量能量更多中子,于是继续别的原子一分为二引发连锁反应

    The process releases a lot of energy and more neutrons, which go on to split other uranium atoms, triggering a chain reaction.


  • 但是空气中的氮气中的原子却会一个叫做同位素有着不同数量中子的氮原子所替换。

    But the nitrogen in the air was replaced with a nitrogen atom with a different number of neutrons, called an isotope.


  • 这个特征就是同位素,它是由氧原子不同数量中子组成的。

    That water signature is in the form of oxygen isotopes, atoms of oxygen with different Numbers of neutrons.


  • 夸克这种物质基本构造之一,它胶子束缚在一起形成原子粒子“混合物”,质子中子

    One of the fundamental building blocks of matter, called quarks, are bound together by gluons to form 'composite' subatomic particles such as protons and neutrons.


  • 好吧,如果很多,你甚至可以原子分成一些亚原子粒子质子中子电子即使这些磁体还是南北磁极

    Well, with a lot of money, you can cut even the atom into to subatomic particles: protons, neutrons and electrons, but even these little magnets still always have one North and South magnetic pole.


  • 嬗变过程是从原子剥离出质子中子,把铋原子重量原子水平。

    The process stripped protons and neutrons from the bismuth atoms, lowering the atoms' weight to that of gold atoms.


  • 它们被激光束缚时,原子捆绑并相互靠近模拟中子中子简并

    When constrained within the laser trap, the atoms are bunched close together, mimicking the neutron degenerate pressure of a neutron star.


  • 足够中子会引发进一步裂变不是逃走,要么撞击原子,要么没有裂开原子吸收—演变成自动维持过程

    When enough of these neutronsproduce further fissionsrather than escaping, bouncing off or being absorbedby atoms that do not split apart—the process becomes self-sustaining.


  • 可以吸收中子元素中子一种存在所有原子中的原子粒子

    Boron is an element with the ability to absorb neutrons, the sub-atomic particles that occur in the nucleus of all atoms.


  • 聚变后形成以及一种称为中子”的原子粒子

    They would form helium and a subatomic particle, called a neutron.


  • 产生组成包括两个原子(副产物)、一些光子(伽马射线)以及更多自由中子它们参与核裂变反应并产生能量关键

    Those new pieces include two new nuclei (byproducts), some photons (gamma rays), but also some more free neutrons, which is the key that makes nuclear fission a good candidate to generate energy.


  • 产生组成包括两个原子(副产物)、一些光子(伽马射线)以及更多自由中子它们参与核裂变反应并产生能量关键

    Those new pieces include two new nuclei (byproducts), some photons (gamma rays), but also some more free neutrons, which is the key that makes nuclear fission a good candidate to generate energy.


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