• 帮助开发人员管理多个内核扩展AIX操作系统提供双模式存档方法存档方法同一存档文件同时允许32位64内核扩展。

    To help developers manage multiple kernel extensions, the AIX operating system provides the dual-mode archive method, which permits both 32-bit and 64-bit kernel extensions in the same archive file.


  • 对于archivemount扩展存档,有警告软件作者指出,存档文件应该谨慎,因为如果操作失败所有修改都会丢失。

    One caveat about expanding archives with archivemount: The author of the software warns against writing into an archive, because if the Write operation fails, all changes are lost.


  • 然而如果碰巧需要刚才删除(意外删除?)文件目录,您可以存档查找原始副本

    However, if you happen to need the file or directory you just deleted (by accident?), you can look in your archive for a pristine copy!


  • 使用分区一个优点可以轻松添加数据(作为新的数据分区),同时可以轻松地删除存档数据。

    Another advantage of using partitioned tables is that new data can be easily added to a table (as another data partition) while old or obsolete data can be easily removed and archived.


  • 复制vm之后,VDM收集所有配置数据,将其存档ISO文件然后将该文件复制复制VM的目标位置

    After cloning the source VM, VDM collects all configuration data, archives it into an ISO file, and then copies it to the target location of the cloned VM.


  • CSLD附带邮件模板示例获取动作实现方式存档动作相似

    In the sample mail template shipping with CSLD, the retrieve action is implemented similar to the archive action.


  • 我们使用系列文章相同应用程序;本文下载资料包含了相应企业存档 (EAR)文件

    We will use the same application that we used in the previous article series; the appropriate enterprise archive (EAR) file is included in the download materials for this article.


  • 重要部分信息优先安置界面顶端,儿其他存档报告垃圾邮件删除等功能安置页面的下端。

    The most important parts, the messages, are given priority at the top of the interface and other actions, such as "Archive", "Report Spam" and "Delete" are further down the page.


  • UNIX系统许多文件不断增大直到被截断或者进行存档

    Many files on a UNIX system grow and grow until truncated or archived.


  • 560份他们重新审理了200份,主要是寻找那些留有生物证据案件被告人声明无罪的案件。

    Of the 560 remaining files, they have re-examined 200, looking for cases with biological evidence and defendants who still claim innocence.


  • Plan字段指定驱动程序存档(JCCJDBC)相关的计划文件

    For the plan field, specify the relevant plan file based on your choice of driver archives (JCC or JDBC).


  • 为了开始某个执行上运行逻辑需要编译消息任何相关文件一起组合称为代理存档(broker archive,BAR)文件压缩

    In order to start this logic running on an execution group, message flows are compiled and combined with any related files into a zipped package called a broker archive (BAR) file.


  • 如图6所示ImportProjects对话框浏览下载存档文件

    In the Import Projects dialog, shown in Figure 6, browse to the downloaded archive file.


  • 执行编译存档一个Jar文件后面hadoop命令运行这个文件。

    Compile it and archive it in a Jar file, which will be run with the hadoop command later.


  • persistence.xml配置文件相同位置需要pdqxml 文件打包存档,该位置一般为 META-INF目录

    The pdqxml file needs to be packaged inside your archive file in the same location as the persistence.xml configuration file, usually the META-INF directory.


  • 存档重要项目数据相应MustGather文档镜像所需信息

    The most important item within the archive is the data mirroring the information requested in the corresponding MustGather document.


  • 最后一个命令7za解压.bz 2存档输出写到stdout这里tar解压文件并编制目录。

    In the last command, 7za extracted the.bz2 archive and wrote the output to stdout, where tar decompressed and cataloged the files.


  • 存档案件大约有一半洗钱案件有关这一比例过去10年几乎没有变化

    Just under half of all filings are related to money laundering, a proportion that is little changed in over a decade.


  • geronimo - web . xml应用程序上下文特定于Community Edition部署计划可以包括存档文件web - INF目录

    Geronimo-web.xml: the Community Edition-specific deployment plan for an application context; can be included in the WEB-INF directory of the archive.


  • Addtoarchive字段输入存档文件名(通过使用Open按钮可以浏览文件夹),然后单击add。

    In the Add to archive field, enter the file name for the new archive (you can browse to the folder by using the Open button), and then click Add.


  • 第一版本存档EAR文件reallybigpet.ear,该文件位于代码发行版的dist目录

    The first version of the example is archived in an EAR file named reallybigpet.ear, found in the dist directory of the code distribution.


  • 正是 Optim企业数据管理领域的作用 — 把存储各种环境历史数据安全地转移存档

    This is where Optim plays a key role in enterprise data management—by providing the means for safe removal of historical data to an archive that can be stored in a variety of environments.


  • UNIX系统,可靠实用程序tar可以用来简化构建存档工作

    On UNIX systems, the stalwart utility tar makes light work of building archives.


  • Classpath字段指定依赖项存档展开目录包含每个JAR文件完整路径

    In the Classpath field, specify the full path of each JAR file contained in the directory in which you expanded the dependencies archive.


  • 存档获取过程CSLD任务会修改Notes文档

    During the archiving and retrieval process, the CSLD task modifies the Notes document.


  • 是用于资源提取数据的功能,然后把这些元数据存储长期存档,并且对数据进行设置版本存取

    Functionality for extracting metadata from resources, storing these metadata in long-term archives, as well as versioning and retrieving data.


  • 清单4(系统称其为newer -archive . sh)向介绍了一个简单shell脚本,它用来创建指定的文件更新存档文件

    Listing 4 (which I've called newer-archive.sh on my system) shows you a simple shell script that creates an archive of files that are newer than a specified file.


  • 存档解压缩目录(应当避免目录名称使用空格)。

    Unzip the archive to the directory of your choice. (you should avoid directories with Spaces in the name.)


  • 四月发表论文,是利用新程序公司存档街景图片进行了文本识别试验,不出所料,验证码比赛,新程序击败了日益复杂人工智能

    The April paper came out of work on text recognition in images from the firm's Street View archive, and of course on ReCAPTCHA's arms race to defeat increasingly sophisticated artificial intelligence.


  • 原因由于剥夺睡眠大脑充满了以往睡觉过程存档清空短期记忆,使大脑区域部分停工

    The reason was due to a shutdown of parts of the brain regions due to sleep deprivation and the filling up of the short term memory that was usually filed and emptied during periods of sleep.


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