• 年,的精神对中国的发展起着重要的作用。

    The spirit of ox is playing an important role for China's development this year.


  • 图》是中国艺术史上最好的动物画之一。

    Five Oxen is one of the best animal paintings in China's art history.


  • 在,《五图》可能是最古老的中国纸上绘画,被精心保存在北京的故宫博物院。

    Now Five Oxen, probably the oldest Chinese painting on paper, is kept with care in the Palace Museum in Beijing.


  • 按照中国生肖体系,通过勉力劳动带来丰厚收获的象征则代表了财富

    According to the Chinese calendar, the Ox, or Cow, is an animal that brings prosperity through hard work. The outgoing Rat symbolizes wealth.


  • 内蒙古草原中国最大天然牧场,出产著名的三河、三河马蒙古绵羊

    The Inner Mongolian Prairie is China's largest natural pastureland, and home to Sanhe horses, Sanhe cattle and Mongolian sheep.


  • 来自中国人均GDP最低贵州省一个山村田间扶过山上放过

    I come from a poor mountainous village in Guizhou Province whose per capita GDP is the lowest in China. I plowed farmland and herded cattle on the hills.


  • 中国十二生肖代表了十二种动物,他们的顺序是:

    The Chinese zodiac features 12 animals in the sequence of Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig.


  • 中国已经成功克隆继续研究使克隆造福人类的方法

    China has succeeded in producing clones of cows and goats, and continues to research ways in which cloning can benefit mankind.


  • 中国的英语学习者可能会这样:“我们可以说为什么不能吃猪、吃、吃要说吃猪肉羊肉呢?。

    We can say we are going to have chicken for dinner. Why can't we say pig, bull or sheep for dinner instead of pork, beef or mutton?


  • 庞大而且温顺的动物中国农夫耕田,因此,大多数中国来说一种禁忌食物

    But cows and bulls are big, patient animals, and since Chinese farmers plow with water buffaloes, beef is taboo for most Chinese.


  • 针对中国游客提供了一系列与奥运相关的旅行产品包括开幕式闭幕式以及各种体育赛事的门票

    To target Chinese tourists, Tuniu offers a variety of Olympics-related travel products that include tickets for the opening and closing ceremonies as well as various sports and games.


  • 中国在线旅行社旅游网为用户提供了奥运旅游产品相关咨询

    Chinese online travel agency Tuniu Corp is providing users with Olympic travel products and related consultancy.


  • 中国农民表示他们找到健康饮食界一个狂热增长点:规律喂食传统中草药

    China's farmers say they have found the next big health-food craze: cows, pigs and ducks raised on a steady diet of ancient Chinese medicine.


  • 用此方法检测来自德国中国猪场以及鸡场饲料样品111份,包括玉米、玉米青贮牧草青贮以及混合饲料和牧草。

    Total of 111 feed samples, including corn, corn silage, grass, grass silage and mixed feed, were collected from different pig, cattle, dairy and chicken farms in Germany and China.


  • 图卷中国美术史题材绘画代表作品

    It is a magnum opus painting that takes ox as the theme in Chinese art history.


  • 被誉为中国民间文化艺术之乡”,这个方圆数百里的镇子,居住的是地地道道农民他们耕田劳作谈吐却流露着浓浓的书卷气

    Wau River, known as the "hometown of Chinese folk culture and art" in this town house for miles around, live-out farmers, their farming crafts, conversation in the eyebrows with a strong pedantic.


  • 因此猪肉绵羊羊肉的不同英文中国说法不同。

    So there are pig and pork, sheep and mutton and cattle and beef in English but it is not the case in Chinese.


  • 但是常常掉的公——这是中国经济痛苦恰当描绘

    But an ox is often a castrated bull-which may be an apt description of China's economic pain.


  • 采用PCR-SSCP技术分析了类胰岛素生长因子结合蛋白3IGFBP3基因南阳鲁西中国西门塔尔3个品种中的遗传多态性。

    The polymorphism of the insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3 (IGFBP3) gene in Nanyang cattle, Luxi cattle and Chinese Simmental was analyzed by PCR-SSCP.


  • 中国一样,美国今天仍然世界上少数几个允许注射生长激素国家之一

    Along with China, the U. s. is today one of the few countries in the world that still allows bovine growth hormones to be injected into dairy cows.


  • 第二道澳大利亚小和,杏辣椒,欢呼中国主持人将回顾国庆60周年壮观场面

    The second course, named Wagyu beef petty, enrigi mushroom, red pepper relish, is dedicated to our country, and the hosts look back to the significant moments of China's 60th anniversary.


  • 第二道澳大利亚小和,杏辣椒,欢呼中国主持人将回顾国庆60周年壮观场面

    The second course, named Wagyu beef petty, enrigi mushroom, red pepper relish, is dedicated to our country, and the hosts look back to the significant moments of China's 60th anniversary.


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