• 这场抗击疫情的斗争,钟南山医生一直领导着国家卫生健康委员会的专家小组,对新冠肺炎的爆发展开调查。

    During this fight, Dr. Zhong Nanshan has been leading China's National Health Commission's expert panel for investigating the COVID-19 outbreak in the country.


  • 国家卫生健康委员会的数据,2018年,16%的国儿童超重。

    In 2018, 16 percent of Chinese children were overweight, according to the National Health Commission(NHC).


  • 国际杨树委员会意大利国家杨树委员会两位东道主会晤时,先生进一步强调了国际杨树委员会粮农组织合作伙伴关系

    Hosted by the International Poplar Commission and the national Poplar Commission of Italy, Mr Zhao further strengthened China's partnership with the IPC and FAO.


  • 今年60岁的动作喜剧巨星成龙曾2009年担任国家禁毒委员会亲善大使,宣传禁毒教育

    Action nand comedy star Jackie Chan, 60, served as a goodwill spokesman for the China National anti-drug Committee in 2009, promoting anti-drug education.


  • 国家减灾委员会(NDRC)上周报告该国由于大雨所造成损害

    China's National Disaster Reduction Commission (NDRC) last week reported on the damage caused by heavy rain in the country.


  • 全球基金要求下,将征集计划书建议,并整合入全球基金国家协调委员会计划书

    As required by the Global Fund, a call for sub-proposals or suggestion would be made, with an expectation to integrate the sub-proposals into the main CCM proposal.


  • 杨凤兰,说斯瓦希里语,早在20世纪70年代以来就居住东非国家坦桑尼亚国非洲商业委员会秘书长

    Glan, a Swahili-speaker who has been in the east African nation since the 1970s, is secretary-general of the Tanzania China-Africa Business Council.


  • 认证机构国家认可委员会(以下简称CNAS认可标志如下所示,CNAS标徽认可注册号组合基本色调白底兰色

    The following diagram shows a combination of Logo and accreditation registration number of China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment ( CNAS ). The basic color is blue and white.


  • 这项研究提供资金国家自然科学基金委员会国家重点基础研究项目美国国家癌症研究所

    Funding for this research was provided by from the National Natural Science Foundation of China, National Basic research Program of China and grants from the U. S. National Cancer Institute.


  • 根据备忘录国家标准化管理委员会德国标准化协会共同建立标准信息平台

    According to the memorandum, the China National Standardization Management Committee and the German Institute for Standardization and Germany will jointly establish the standard information platform.


  • 今年60岁的动作喜剧巨星成龙曾2009年担任国家禁毒委员会亲善大使,宣传禁毒教育

    Action and comedy star Jackie Chan, 60, served as a goodwill spokesman for the China National anti-drug Committee in 2009, promoting anti-drug education.


  • 近日经过合格评定国家认可委员会(CNAS)批准我公司实验室取得国家实验室认可资格,获准使用CNAS认可标识

    Recently, by the China national accreditation (CNAS) approval, our laboratory to obtain national laboratory accreditation, and obtained permission to use the CNAS accreditation logo.


  • 芝加哥全球事务亚洲社会委员会2006年进行一次民意调查显示87%受访者认为他们国家应该国家事务扮演重要的角色

    In a 2006 poll conducted jointly by the the Chicago Council on Global affairs and the Asia Society, 87% of Chinese respondents thought their country should take a greater role in world affairs.


  • 国光公司电子支付密码系统通过国家密码管理委员会技术鉴定,通过了人民银行总行组织的系统通用性测试为许多商业银行接受。

    The SZM19-A system has passed the technology appraisal of the Committee of National Cipher Management, and also has passed the general test that was organized by the People's Bank of China.


  • 同时,派出一个临时代表团监督利比亚局势。与利比亚国家过渡委员会坚定盟友英国美国法国相比国代表团的规模较小,也不那么长久

    In the meantime, China is monitoring the situation with a temporary delegation, smaller than the larger, more permanent post set up by strong NTC Allies such as the UK, US and France.


  • 1982年国家计划委员会批准国家森林公园第一个国家森林公园。

    In 1982, the park was approved by the national Planning Board to be China's first forest national park.


  • 今年8月10日通过19类36项合格评定国家认可委员会实验室认可。

    August 10th of this year, by 19 the 36 China National accreditation of laboratory accreditation.


  • 现为国家“863”技术计划能源领域专家委员会成员能源研究会理事长能源系统工程专业委员会主任。

    Member of National 863 High-tech Planned-Energy Specialist Committee, Deputy Director of Chinese Energy Research Institute and Dean of Specialized Committee of Energy System Engineering.


  • 投诉国家巴西,“德国美国联邦储备委员会的”量化宽松的行动默认情况下,美元贬值都表现这些相互依赖性。

    Complaints from countries like Brazil, China, and Germany about the U. s. Federal Reserve's "quantitative easing" moves, which by default deva1ue the dollar, attest to these interdependences.


  • 投诉国家巴西,“德国美国联邦储备委员会的”量化宽松的行动默认情况下,美元贬值都表现这些相互依赖性。

    Complaints from countries like Brazil, China, and Germany about the U. s. Federal Reserve's "quantitative easing" moves, which by default deva1ue the dollar, attest to these interdependences.


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