• 乔治肯定特伦克夫人暗暗刻意表现得丈夫不同因为新式教育,将手段温柔

    But Mrs. Strunk, George feels sure, takes leave to differ gently from her husband; for she is trained in the new tolerance, the technique of annihilation by blandness.


  • 长达40多年职业生涯,格林博士早年婴儿发育方面研究赢得赞誉后来作为一个作家公众发言人更是广赞誉。

    In a career spanning 40 years, Dr. Greenspan drew praise for his early research on infant development and later found a wide following as an author and public speaker.


  • 很多人认为这些作恶者萨拉·菲特宣教与战斗组织成员——他们沙特阿拉伯影响的一个原教旨主义团体追随者,在埃及(尤其是埃及最贫困阶级)有着较为广泛的影响。

    The perpetrators are widely assumed to be Salafists, adherents of a fundamentalist group influenced by Saudi Arabia that has made strong inroads, particularly among Egypt's poorest classes.


  • “3.9%的增幅主要经济2008年2009年的衰退复苏所推动。” 美国能源情报署代理署长霍华德·格鲁佩希特(HowardGruenspecht

    “The 3.9% increase in emissions in 2010 was primarily driven by the rebound from the economic downturn experienced in 2008 and 2009, ” said Acting EIA Administrator Howard Gruenspecht.


  • 朴茨茅库克群岛,是太平洋岛屿中受全球变暖威胁最大的一个。他们得很快马上就要消失了

    Portsmouth are the Cook Islands, or whatever Pacific islands are most threatened by global warming. They are sinking fast, soon to disappear without trace.


  • 节目威廉·弗解构主义舞蹈风格启发试图找寻生活纯真身体上的纯粹。

    Inspired by the "Destructuralism" proposed by William Forsythe, this dance seeks to explore the truth of life as well as the pure essence of the body.


  • 目前拉巴80个地区有35个地区大水淹没,估计至少有五千

    Out of the 80 districts in La Paz, 35 have been swamped by water, affecting at least five thousand residents.


  • 艾丽·沃克小说颜色通过一位思想束缚黑人妇女转变成长过程,阐述了妇女主义的思想

    In her novel the Purple Color, Alice Walker describes the growth and ideological change of a black woman trammeled by old ideas.


  • 鄂尔多盆地地处沉积盆地分布,兼太平洋构造西南特-喜马拉雅构造域的影响,是我国第二大含油气盆地。

    Ordos is the secondary petroliferous basin located at the middle zone of sedimentary basin in china, affected by The East Pacific tectonic process and The Southwest Tethys-Himalayas tectonic process.


  • 但是康宁公司首席技术大卫莫尔说:“一种更加弯曲玻璃正在开发”。

    But already, an even more flexible kind of glass is in development, says Corning's chief technology officer, David Morse.


  • 艾达姆设计的服装曾服务过莎拉·布朗、萨曼莎·卡梅隆以及广大众好评的贾尔·肯。其本人就是那些颇具商业意识设计师新潮一族员。

    Erdem, whose clothes have been worn by Sarah Brown and Samantha Cameron, and the critically acclaimed Giles Deacon are among a new wave of business-savvy designers.


  • 本文研究偏振氟化激光氢气的前向喇曼散射一级托克线转换效率44%。

    In this work, we have studied the forward Raman scattering of circularly polarized KrF excimer laser beam in hydrogen gas. The conversion efficiency of the first Stokes line has reached about 44%.


  • 包括法布雷加上场比赛停赛,包括艾曼纽尔·弗林庞膝盖伤势在季初伤。

    That includes Cesc Fabregas, who served a suspension at Wigan, but not Emmanuel Frimpong, who is still recovering from the serious knee injury he suffered at the start of the season.


  • 包括法布雷加上场比赛停赛,包括艾曼纽尔·弗林庞膝盖伤势在季初伤。

    That includes Cesc Fabregas, who served a suspension at Wigan, but not Emmanuel Frimpong, who is still recovering from the serious knee injury he suffered at the start of the season.


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