• 一贴灵贴剂剂量小鼠阈值阿司匹林接近

    The pain thresholds of high and medium dosage YTLP groups were near to the aspirin group.


  • 结论:丹参剂量防治肝纤维化作用优于剂量

    Conclusion: the results showed that the effect of high and medium doses groups were better than the low doses group.


  • 硫酸软骨素剂量大脑皮质海马神经细胞排列较整齐。

    It was observed that nerve cells decreased obviously and nerve cells arranged disorder in cerebral cortex and hippocampus in model group.


  • 然后小鼠随机分为对照、低剂量剂量剂量

    Then the 97 mice were randomly separated into control group(only given NS), low-dose group, middle-dose group and high-dose group.


  • 另外丸化裁剂量荷瘤小鼠肿瘤包膜完整性控制最好

    Furthermore, the medium-dose Biejia decoction of the need group in doses of the Dutch Group neoplasms mouse tumors Baomo integrity control best.


  • 氟尿嘧啶、消瘤汤剂量组空白对照细胞生长抑制率增高显著。

    When Xiaoliutang of serum containing low concentrations of drugs, With the inhibition of cell relatively serum containing increasing concentration of the increase.


  • 仔猪肠道形态观察抗生素剂量组仔猪肠道结构基本完整

    From the observation of intestinal morphology of piglets, the antibiotic group and the medium dose group had the basic integrity of the intestinal tissue structure.


  • 恢复期结束结构正常。剂量对照可见小叶、肝索及门管区。

    The recovery period conclusion liver structure was normal. in monitoring team: With control group, obviously hepatic lobe, liver rope disciple district.


  • 基线糖化血红蛋白水平百分之5.485.42百分之充分剂量中剂量

    Baseline HbA1c levels were 5.48 percent and 5.42 percent for the full-dose and mid-dose groups.


  • 治疗大、中剂量改善红细胞变形能力降低红细胞刚性指数和聚集指数

    The two groups also could enhance the deformity ability, reduced the erythrocyte aggregation.


  • 试验证明,多聚核苷酸微囊剂量死亡率显著低于感染对照死亡率。

    Experiments prove that the dead rate of the high dose group or the medium dose group of the polynucleotide microcapsule is obviously lower than that of an infectious control group.


  • 剂量剂量组疗效优于剂量组它们之间的差别在统计学上有显著意义。

    The effect of high doses group was similar to the medium doses group and these two groups were much better than the low doses group of treatment.


  • 结果各项检查结果均显示胶囊剂量具有很好的抗肝纤维化的作用,尤其是中剂量

    Results The results showed that each hepatic fibrosis groups had strong anti-liver fibrosis effect, especially middle dose group.


  • 结果模型比较,膝悦颗粒高、剂量组对大鼠关节肿胀显著抗炎作用P<0.05)。

    Results Compared with the model group, high-and middle-dosage XG had obvious anti-inflammation effect on the swollen joints(P< 0.05).


  • 提高大鼠T淋巴细胞转化剂量对照比较差异显著性(P <0 0 5 )。

    Se-rich rice increased T lymphocytic transformation rate. There was significance difference between the middle dosage group and the control( P<0 05 ).


  • 黄炭剂量使血瘀大鼠pt,TT延长,在一定程度上表现出剂量止血双向调节作用

    Carbonized Typhae Pollen in high and middle dosage could lengthen PT and TT, which showed the dosage has two-way regulating functions on hemostasis.


  • 结果剂量鸡于实验第三尿酸水平升高持续稳定升高以上,肾超微结构改变不明显。

    The results of the proceeding is that the blood uric acid level of "the middle dose group" begin rising at the third week and continued for more than eight weeks.


  • 结果山楂叶总黄酮冻干粉剂量能降低冠脉结扎所致心肌梗死麻醉犬SAPDAPMAP

    RESULT In the high and medium dosage groups, SAP, DAP and MAP of the animal models were reduced.


  • 方法60只雄性小鼠随机分为正常模型,泽兰提取物剂量中剂量组剂量组阳性对照

    Methods60 mice were randomly divided into normal control, model control group, high dosage, middle and low dosage group and positive control group.


  • 造模成功大鼠随机分为模型剂量、补肺汤剂量组、补肺汤剂量组桂龙咳喘宁

    After making model, the model rats were randomly divided into model group, high, middle, low dose group of invigorating lung Decoction and Guilong Kechuanning group.


  • 方法第3骨髓间充质干细胞随机分为剂量中剂量剂量组对照空白

    METHODS: The 3rd generation of BMSCs was randomly divided into blank group, control group and Chinese medicine with high, moderate and low dose groups.


  • 实验大鼠随机分为药高剂量中剂量组药低剂量组、丙、模型、正常对照。 观察各大鼠的惊厥潜伏期;

    All rats were randomly divided into six groups: KXZZ high-does group, KXZZ middle-does group, KXZZ low-does group, valproate magnesium group, model group and normal control group.


  • 剂量组剂量组血清ALP高于正常对照P<0.01和P<0.01)、高剂量组则对照组差异(P>0.05)。

    Serum ALP in LDG and MDG were higher than normal group(P<0.01 and P<0.01) but showed no difference between HDG and normal group(P >0.05).


  • 结果:对胫骨骨小梁体积百分比(TBV % )影响模型比较,骨碎补总黄酮剂量剂量组的TBV %明显增高;

    Result:As compared with the model group, the effect of small dose group and middle dose group of osteopractic total flavone on TBV% of shankbone increased significantly;


  • 方法选用实验家兔50只,分为5,即模型对照、强心复脉颗粒大剂量、强心复脉颗粒剂量组、强心复脉颗粒剂量组阿托品

    Method 50 rabbits were divided into five groups-control group, QXFMG low dose group, QXFMG middle dose group, QXFMG high dose group and atropine group.


  • 中剂量组鼠血清LH水平均有所升高差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。各染毒剂量组卵巢脏器系数显著降低(P<0.05)。

    The level of serum FSH increased and the organic coefficient of ovary decreased significantly(P<0.05), while the levels of LH didn't change obviously(P>0.05).


  • 结果显示SLTA部位小鼠移植性肿瘤S_(180)肉瘤艾氏腹水瘤(EAC)均很好的抑瘤效果剂量的抑瘤效果最为明显

    The result show that SLTA composition has obvious antitumous effect on S_(180) and EAC, especially the mid dose experiment group has obvious antitumous effect;


  • 结果尼尔雌醇和染料木素剂量组抑制动物体重增长,也可使左股骨重、左胫骨左胫骨重明显增加(P <0 0 1P <0 0 5 ) ;

    Results 1. Nilestriol and GEN of medium dose could slow the weight of rats and increase the weight of left femur, left tibia and the length of left tibia significantly ( P <0 05 or P <0 01);


  • 剂量脂肪化合物降低73%,剂量组降低27%。

    The higher dose group had a 73% decrease in fat compounds. The lower dose group had a 27% decrease.


  • 剂量脂肪化合物降低73%,剂量组降低27%。

    The higher dose group had a 73% decrease in fat compounds. The lower dose group had a 27% decrease.


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