• 地球任何特定地点阳光不断变化使能量储存成为地球太阳能系统的一必要设计特征

    Constant variations in the amount of sunlight available on Earth at any given location make energy storage a necessary design feature of terrestrial solar-energy systems.


  • 没有中央供暖系统,但有一燃木炉,屋顶有太阳能电板,可以为照明、音乐和计算机提供电力。

    There is no central heating, but there's a wood-burner and solar panels on the top which can provide power for lighting, music, and computing.


  • 绿色装备包括燃料电池、一充电设备电池发电机构成的太阳能电池板系统

    The green features include a hydrogenfuel cell, a solar panel system including recharging hubs and batterygenerators.


  • 世界上第一小区太阳能系统安装计划位于加拿大艾伯塔Okotoks小镇Drake Landing完美社区(master-planned community)内。

    One of the first neighborhood-wide solar installations in the world was at the master-planned community of Drake Landing in the town of Okotoks in Alberta, Canada.


  • 促使市场转向诸如风能水力太阳能替代性燃料致力于创建税收优惠系统开发这些能源

    Says he would promote market for alternative, low carbon fuels such as wind, hydro and solar power and would work to create a system of tax credits to develop such sources.


  • 比如今年推出新款普锐斯就太阳能系统选项,这系统可以停车熄火后保持车内凉爽

    For example, the new Prius, launching this year, has an option for a solar-powered ventilation system designed to keep the interior cool when parked.


  • 另外作者提到,为了维护完全依靠风能水能太阳能系统运营稳定性借助第三较少能源而不是化石燃烧系统

    Also aiding in the reliability of a system running completely on wind, water, and solar power, the authors say, is that it would need about a third less energy than a fossil-fired system.


  • 标准配置包括太阳能系统露痕迹地表层融为一体以及拥有高效热泵地热系统

    Its standard configuration includes a solar thermal system which is invisibly integrated into the zinc facade, as well as a geothermal system with a high-efficiency heat pump.


  • 建立国家新兴能源发电统一标准有助于统一美国零散电网系统是广泛采用风能太阳能发电重要一步

    Establishing a national renewable electricity standard will help to unify the fragmented U.S. grid systeman important step in the wider adoption of using more wind and solar for energy generation.


  • 粉尘达到一定量,系统将发生反应产生电荷,太阳能产生电流

    Once the dust reaches a specified level, the system reacts and produces a charge, with electricity generated by the panel.


  • 看起来像是土星环绕会展中心太阳能电池板铺成的巨型轨道提供了大厦所有热水系统电力系统的能源。

    It looks like a convention center surrounded by the rings of Saturn, great tracks of solar panels providing all its hot water and electricity.


  • 大规模太阳能系统不会替代需要屋顶电力研究员预计将需要17亿3千瓦太阳能光伏系统

    And the big solar systems wouldn't displace the need for rooftop power; the researchers estimate a need for 1.7 billion 3-kilowatt solar PV systems as well.


  • 另外一RETE系统优势因为太阳能聚光器中使用,实际设备需要半导体材料非常

    Another advantage of the PETE system is that by using it in solar concentrators, the amount of semiconductor material needed for a device is quite small.


  • 第一被动太阳能发电系统

    The first one is a passive solar power system.


  • 并且还有太阳能电池板屋顶另一后院两块电池板在有阳光时候贮存电能通过两不同系统提供照明用电和热水

    There are two photovoltaic arrays (one on the roof, another in the backyard) that produce electricity on sunny days, and a separate system that provides solar hot water.


  • 电力系统太阳能格子结变极器智能装载组成。智能装载板C - e - Systems公司设计,能够实时记录家庭电力消耗率

    The electrical which is comprised of solar panels, two grid-tied inverters, and a smart load panel by C-E-Systems Inc. which tracks the home's energy and consumption rates in real time.


  • 此外可能替代煤炭能源特别是风能太阳能无法解决缺乏持续性的问题,因此不能用作基载电力(网上看到的一解释是:能24小时全天候供电的电力系统)。

    Furthermore, the possible replacements for coal - wind and solar power in particular - are incurably intermittent and therefore cannot be used for baseload capacity.


  • 六边形太阳能独特的推进系统提供动力

    The hexagonal solar panels supply power to a unique propulsion system.


  • 1984年,特别的技术,新的太阳能能源系统实现了阳光能源效率百分之29.4。

    In 1984, a particular new solar energy system achieved a sunlight-to-energy efficiency rate of 29.4 per cent.


  • 现有水井房屋供水,小型太阳能电力系统位于远离房屋的地方,提供基本用电

    An existing well provides water for the house, and a small solar electrical system sits away from the house to provide for basic electrical power use.


  • 2001年以来,孟加拉国已经安装了350,000家用太阳能系统分发了550,000太阳能灯,4百万带来了太阳能

    Since 2001, 350,000 solar home systems have been installed in Bangladesh and 550,000 solar lanterns have been distributed, bringing solar power to around 4 million people.


  • 不久这里添置混合能源系统太阳能电池板小型风车提供电力

    There will soon be a hybrid installation (solar panels plus a small windmill) to provide off the grid electric power.


  • 另外每一所住宅都有充足能源高效保温随时运转太阳能热水器系统回收雨水用来冲洗卫生间或是衣服

    Plus, each house is highly energy efficient with ample insulation, an on-demand solar hot water heater and a catchment system that recycles rainwater to flush the toilet and wash clothes.


  • 第二活跃太阳能系统

    The second one is an active solar power system.


  • 太阳能热动力发电系统较为复杂系统

    The Dish Solar Energy Hot Power Generating system is a complicated system.


  • 太阳能热动力发电系统较为复杂系统

    The Dish Solar Energy Hot Power Generating system is a complicated system.


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