• 根据这些标准情景记忆不是关于个别信息片段;它们涉及单个事件多个组件绑定在一起的情况。

    According to these criteria, episodic memories are not of individual bits of information; they involve multiple components of a single event "bound" together.


  • 因为标准各个版本这些xml元素含义一般不会发生变化,个别工具可能会处理策略文档选择忽略名称空间差别

    Because the meanings of XML elements are largely unchanged across versions of these standards, individual tools may choose to ignore the namespace differences when working with policy documents.


  • 坚持这些标准航空公司还规定:空姐不得结婚年龄不得超过32岁(个别宽松的航班可放宽至35岁),否则不得继续从事空姐职业。

    In keeping with such standards, the airlines didn't allow women who were married or older than 32 (35 at a few liberal carriers) to keep working as stewardesses.


  • 按照这种标准我们调查只有个别国家房价低廉表格最后所示

    By that yardstick house prices seem low in only a handful of countries in our survey, as the final column in the table shows.


  • 认为仍然存在惊喜,总个别廉价公司符合自己的收购标准

    But he argues there are still surprisingly few firms targeting this type of distressed company.


  • 代码乱麻除了个别团队自建的标准外,什么技术标准没有

    Their code base is a disaster, with no engineering standards whatsoever except what individual teams choose to put in place


  • 之前,多芬在宣传中主推普通女性,而其中传递美的概念传统评判标准背道而驰,出心裁创意还获了。 这次的做法上次可谓异曲同工。

    This follows on from Dove's quirky and award-winning campaign that featured ordinary-looking women and departed from conventional notions of beauty.


  • 附加标准产品范围圆柱滚子轴承nke生产全套轴承个别客户订单要求规格特殊轴承。

    Additional to the standard product range of full complement Cylindrical Roller bearings NKE produce full complement bearings to individual customer specifications or special bearings on order request.


  • 为了标准一致,给页面元素起了datatransfer.xsl。

    To keep with standards, the page element was given an alias of datatransfer.xsl.


  • 较多上级一同组团个别员工享受上级出差费用标准

    Any individual employee who has a business trip with many higher-level personnel could enjoy the business trip expenses criterion of the higher level.


  • 特色文献包括供选择地区地图个别地区信息标准仓库报告水域情况出版文档索引

    With the literature on the map of the area, including alternative, individual areas of information, standard warehouse reports, and the waters of the files have been published index.


  • 我们能够同样好的个别证券证券组合计算变异性衡量标准

    We can calculate our measures of variability equally well for individual securities and portfolios of securities.


  • 当前利用标准质量安全作为技术性贸易壁垒,抓住个别问题食品进口加以限制已经成为国际贸易保护主义一个特点

    Currently, using the quality and safety standards, technical barriers to trade, as the food, have individual for import restrictions, international trade protectionism has become a new features.


  • 这里有一个设计类别标准语句并且解释个别公司使用的专有语句。

    There are standard sentences for each device category and there is also the ability to define proprietary sentences for use by the individual company.


  • 一个传统精心挑选标记耦合焙烧标准个别品种迪德里奇保费咖啡人民和格洛里亚·吉恩咖啡

    A coupling of tradition and meticulous care mark the standard for selecting and roasting each and every individual variety of premium Diedrich, coffee People and Gloria Jean's coffees.


  • 只有个别税种符合标准使用人头税财产税

    Few taxes qualify: User taxes and property taxes.


  • 特色文献包括选择地区地图个别地区信息标准仓库报告水域情况已出版文档索引

    Features include Maps for Site Selection, Individual Site Information, Standard Warehouse Reports, Browse Index of Stream Conditions and Published Documents.


  • 代表支持智利关于进行偏见影响研究提案,即根据个别国家国情以及各国认可标准评价知识产权适当标准

    The Representative supported Chile's proposal for a "without prejudice" impact study, to assess the appropriate levels of IP, with regard to individual countries and endorsed the suggested criteria.


  • 书籍项目显示标准文字使用者选取删除个别的项目。

    Book List displays the book entries as standard text and enables the user to select and delete individual entries.


  • 临床甲状腺功能减退,甲状腺素治疗标准更换必须根据个别病人

    In clinical hypothyroidism, the standard treatment is levothyroxine replacement, which must be tailored to the individual patient.


  • 最后关于智能,Poikonen博士虽然国家标准好事,个别卫生系统等待他们

    Finally, with regard to smart pumps, Dr. Poikonen said that although national standards would be a good thing, individual health systems should not be waiting for them.


  • 目前以下国家使用一些个别增补GOST标准

    Presently the following countries use GOST Standard with some individual additions.


  • 我们听说过一些“专家评论个别非常符合标准但是却又对于一个犬种标准不详或是绝口不提了

    One also hears the "experts" criticize dogs with respect to fine points which are desirable in the breed, but about which the breed standard is either non-specific or silent.


  • 结果表明,杭州市郊菜区个别蔬菜氟化物含量超过有关标准这主要工业污染源分布有关;蔬菜中氟化物含量与大气氟浓度之间存在明显的相关关系。

    The results showed that the content of fluoride in one or two vegetable have exceeded the standard, which related to the distribution of industrial pollution sources and there were obviously interrat


  • 同样地如果类别标记符合CLS 标准,那麽必须个别标示所有符合 CLS 标准成员

    Similarly, if a class is marked as CLS-compliant, you must individually mark all members that are not CLS-compliant.


  • 结果经现场调查、检测、分析,项目个别监测点噪声超过国家职业卫生标准外,其他职业病危害因素控制国家职业卫生标准范围内。

    Results the main occupational hazard factors were controlled under the national occupational health standard except the noise in some monitoring point exceeded national standard.


  • 结果经现场调查、检测、分析,项目个别监测点噪声超过国家职业卫生标准外,其他职业病危害因素控制国家职业卫生标准范围内。

    Results the main occupational hazard factors were controlled under the national occupational health standard except the noise in some monitoring point exceeded national standard.


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