• 通过模拟,确定了束晕混沌控制效果好的填充因子的取范围为0.75 ~ 0.99,从而以往填充因子只凭经验取个别值研究扩大到可在一较大的范围取

    By numerical simulation, it is found that when the filling factor takes range value from 0.75 to 0.99, the control effect is well. Thus, the range of filling factor values are extended obviously.


  • 因此我们不能担保个别用户获得吞吐量性能改善等同于这里所列的

    Therefore, no assurance can be given that an individual user will achieve throughput or performance improvements equivalent to the ratios stated here.


  • 实用工具检查文件个别不必转储整个文件整个输出排序

    This utility also inspects the individual keys and values within the file rather than having to dump the entire file and sort through the output.


  • 至于步骤2环境参数派生theme通常特定个别门户网站的。

    As for step 2, deriving the Theme value from the environment parameter is usually specific to an individual portal site.


  • 对于储存可组合列举的栏而言,个别列举视为栏位中的位元群组

    For fields that store combinable enumerations, the individual enumeration values are treated as groups of bits in the field.


  • 除非情况如此,否则布林逻辑运算子无法抽取栏位储存个别列举

    Unless this is so, the Boolean logical operators will not be able to extract the individual enumeration values that are stored in the field.


  • 库存任何个别零件项目数目不断变化重要资料所以应用程式必须尽可能反映资料库中的目前

    The number of items in stock for any individual part is an important piece of data that continually changes, so the application should always reflect the current values in the database if possible.


  • 目前甚至个别吸收线实际线参数精度只能确定10%以内因此不要期望这些精度优于10%。

    At present, even the actual line parameters of the individual absorption line can only be determined to within 10%. Hence, the values are not expected to be more accurate than 10%.


  • 如果显示来自单一资料检视表资料的查询或检视表,可以结果内的个别资料编辑加入新的记录以及删除现有资料列。

    For queries or views that show data from a single table or view, you can edit the values in individual columns in the result set, add new rows, and delete existing rows.


  • 取得设定个别工作阶段

    Gets or sets individual session values.


  • 个别指定每个属性同时也初始化单一陈述式中的所有属性

    You want to be able to specify the value for each property individually and also to be able to initialize all properties in a single statement.


  • 如果删除个别资料,请使用更新查询

    If you want to delete values from individual data columns, use an Update query.


  • 注意武器伤害只是估计并且近距离的情况下测出。请到个别的武器介绍页查看细节。

    Note: Weapon damage is approximate and listed at base value. See individual weapon pages for additional figures.


  • 编辑可以允许列表多个必须通过迭代找到,并把它们纳入分贝个别如果这样做的权利

    Edit: you can allow multiple values on the listbox, but you'll have to iterate through it to find the values and put them into the db individually if you want to do it right.


  • 结果表明少数茶园土壤个别污染物残留偏高外,绝大多数茶园土壤污染物残留均较低。

    The results showed that, in addition to a high residue level of pollutant in a few tea gardens, the residue of most pollutant in the soil of these Oolong tea gardens was low.


  • 地震常常发生F -含量恢复背景数十天,仅有个别地震发生F -含量达最高

    Earthquakes usually occur several days or tens of days after the F-content's return to the background value, and only few qua kes occur at the time of the maximum value of the F-content.


  • 对于极少数具有混合流动方向设计情况属性继承模型仍然可以让个别项目

    The property value inheritance model still enables individual elements to reset the value for the rare cases where having a mix of flow directions is intentional.


  • 取得指出是否会个别文件视窗开启文件,使其当做主控文件子文件。

    Gets a value that indicates whether the document is opened in a separate document window as a subdocument of a master document.


  • 取得指出是否会个别文件视窗开启文件,使其当做主控文件子文件。

    Gets a value that indicates whether the document is opened in a separate document window as a subdocument of a master document.


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