• 分析框架自己个人有些类似专门针对您自己的经验背景定制。

    An analytical framework is a little like your own personal library, tailored specifically to your own experience and background.


  • 这个新的映像输入个人提供了映像供应实例能力

    This new image will be entered into your personal library, giving you the ability to provision new instances from that image.


  • 例如如果查看一位专家home目录,您很可能在其中发现binlib目录分别存储个人应用程序以及脚本个人库

    For example, if you look at an expert's home directory, you'll likely find bin and lib directories to store personal applications as well as scripts and personal libraries, respectively.


  • 刚好低于分钟个人最好成绩。

    Coogan has run a personal best of just under four minutes.


  • 也许鲁塔克的建议略有不同更接近于马斯·西塞罗的主张个人应该通过创作来批评而不是吹毛求疵”。

    But perhaps Plutarch is suggesting something slightly different, something a bit closer to Marcus Cicero's claim that one should "criticize by creation, not by finding fault."


  • 其他研究人员认为自己身份理解与其他人身份的理解之间存在密切联系

    Cooley and other researchers suggested a close connection between a person's own understanding of their identity and other people's understanding of it.


  • 虹膜模式转译数码个人信息一起储存个人计算机数据中。

    The patterns of the iris are translated into digital code, and stored in a PC database, along with personal information.


  • 我们正在汇编类学学院发表文章数据

    We're compiling a database of articles the anthropology faculty has published.


  • 鲁塔克的建议略有不同一建议与马斯·西塞罗的主张更为接近,个人应该通过创作吹毛求疵来进行批判”。

    Plutarch is suggesting something slightly different, something a bit closer to Marcus Cicero's claim that one should "criticize by creation, not by finding fault."


  • 这些改变包括媒体个人电脑远程存储中,同时智能手机应用取得巨大成功。

    These changes include the migration of digital media libraries from personal computers to the remote storage of the "cloud," as well as the explosive success of smartphone applications.


  • 因此应该ca证书其他签名证书放入信任存储私有信息(含有个人证书)放入密钥存储中。

    Thus, you should place ca certificates and other signing certificates in a trust store and private information (personal certificates with private keys) in the key store.


  • Facebook不仅仅快速增长社交网络而是潜在的庞大个人信息

    Facebook was more than a fast-growing social network. It was, potentially, an enormous source of personal data.


  • 但是对于使命组织全世界信息使人人可访问”的公司,Facebook的海量个人数据足以使成为一个明确的竞争对手

    But for a company whose stated mission is to "organize the world's information and make it universally accessible," Facebook's massive data trove on personal relationships makes it a clear competitor.


  • 累积个人内容方便链接提要查询文档

    Accumulate your own personal content library: handy links, feeds, queries, and documents.


  • 如果支持任务存储可以试着它来完成个人任务。

    If it does not support your repository, you can still use it with personal tasks.


  • 通常,工程只有个人需要资源管理员”权利

    Usually, only one or two people on the project need Repository Administrator rights.


  • 达到效果简单的方式就是创建一个共同中央文件个人定期地他们的工作传到这里,整个团队分享

    One of the simplest ways to achieve this is to create a common central file repository, where everyone regularly uploads their work, and shares it with the team.


  • 个人觉得比较令人激动的是潜力

    I, for one, am also excited about the potential of the library.


  • 这种智能生物能够作者姓名标题含义然后检索存储大脑中的个人数据填写HTML表单

    An intelligence that reads and understands the meaning of "Author name" and "Title", and fills in an HTML form using queries against her personal database, stored in her brain.


  • 不一致问题项目中出现时开发过程就变成存储个人从中寻找他们自己辩护攻击其他人的东西。

    When issues of noncompliance arise on a project, the development process becomes the repository to which everyone looks for defending their position or for attacking someone else's.


  • 好的RM实践管理需求规格说明书清楚地确定了一个中央知识这样个人总是得到最新的需求版本

    Good RM practice dictates that the team clearly designate a central repository for the requirements specification document so that everyone always has access to the latest version.


  • 巴马承诺会提升电子健康记录安全性,同时增加一些新的措施限制存储数据中的个人信息使用

    Obama proposed increased security for electronic health records to and new measures to restrict the use of personal information stored in electronic databases.


  • 可以获得开放源码全部优点比如可以查看代码使用检查代码。

    You have all the advantages of open source, such as being able to see the code and having everyone else using the library reviewing the code.


  • 一旦技术设施就绪随着数据需要增长用户可以轻松地访问云环境请求他们需要资源以及根据需要获取他们个人数据即时访问

    Once this infrastructure is in place, as database needs arise, users can simply go to the cloud, request the resources they require, and gain instant access to their own personal database on demand.


  • 通过这个系统难民登记他们个人数据被输入数据

    Using the system, refugees were registered and their biographical details entered into a database.


  • 数据访问提供了语义数据存储、一个用户个人文件以及规则数据

    The data access layer provides a semantic data store, a user profile, and the rules database.


  • 例如讨论数据中的基本数据元素使用文档形式发表帖子

    For example, the basic data element in a discussion database is an individual's contribution in the form of a document.


  • 直接数据用户个人信息不同,我们首先会将数据中取出的个人信息,预先加载缓存中。

    Instead of pulling the user profile information directly from the database, they will preload the cache with the profiles from the database.


  • 直接数据用户个人信息不同,我们首先会将数据中取出的个人信息,预先加载缓存中。

    Instead of pulling the user profile information directly from the database, they will preload the cache with the profiles from the database.


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