• 口周皮炎严重指数评分均5.2。

    Both groups had baseline POD Severity Index scores of 5.2.


  • 银屑病严重指数修改银屑病严重指数反应疾病严重程度。

    Both the Nail Psoriasis severity Index (NAPSI) and the modified NAPSI showed a correlation in their ability to reflect the severity of the disease.


  • 银屑病严重指数评估了存在程度…指甲母体所有20个指甲提供了最高分80。

    The NAPSI score evaluates presence of signs on the nail bed... and on the nail matrix... in all 20 nails, providing a maximum score of 80.


  • 如果皮损面积严重指数评分(PASI 75)第12减少75%以上研究者认为有效

    Researchers considered the drug effective if it caused a 75% reduction in the psoriasis area and severity index score (PASI 75) at week 12.


  • 接受卫报采访时表示:“全世界都在对银行业进行重新规范,粮食市场严重暴露指数基金流入商品交易所短期资金所带来的投机风险之中。

    The banking sector is in the process of being re-regulated worldwide, but the food market remains seriously exposed to short-term flows of indexed funds into commodity exchanges.


  • 越来越分析家通胀压力价格指数上看出来的更大,因为价格指数严重倾向食品尤其是猪肉价格

    A growing number of analysts say inflationary pressure is stronger than the price index indicates, because it is heavily weighted toward food - particularly pork prices.


  • 这个问题如此严重以至于cnbc亚洲天气预报中加入污染指数

    The problem is so bad that CNBC Asia even carries a pollution index with its weather reports.


  • 美国人肥胖问题越来越严重各种胖法——渐渐增粗腰围、一路飙升的身体健康指数、抬升肥胖病(II型糖尿病)发生率

    Americans are getting fatter by most any measure — expanding waistlines, body mass index, or the incidence of obesity-associated illnesses like type II diabetes.


  • 因此尽管美元实际上正在丧失购买力,已经导致低值金属能源价格大幅下跌全球衰退可能变得愈加严重6月7日下午标普500指数(S&P 500)下滑至1,068点,证明了双底衰退的临近。

    Therefore, the global recession will likely be severe, as it has caused base metals and energy prices to decline, despite the fact that the dollar is actually losing its purchasing power.


  • 但是如果每天服用的话,那么你需要提升防晒指数了,因为这种提取物引起严重阳光反应

    However, if you take it every day, you'll need to start amping up your SPF, as this herb has been linked to severe sun reactions.


  • 然而欧洲亚洲指数普遍下跌,其中银行业股份尤为严重

    But leading indices across Europe and Asia ended lower, with banking shares being the worst hit.


  • 多项调查显示美国英国欧元区消费者信心指数将出现预期更为严重下滑

    Various surveys showed a much sharper slide than had been expected in consumer confidence in America, Britain and the euro area.


  • 体重指数35 - 39.9(即肥胖症),并且严重体重相关健康问题2型糖尿病高血压严重睡眠呼吸暂停综合症

    Your BMI is 35 to 39.9 (obesity), and you have a serious weight-related health problem, such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure or severe sleep apnea.


  • 严重问题即使就是指数除去了房屋成本最近中心消费品价格的上涨依然是不争的事实。

    The bigger point is that even if you take out housing costs the recent acceleration in core consumer prices does not disappear (see chart).


  • 另外交易所指数基金提供每日价格流动性允许投资者迅速退出改变他们市场地位而不遭受出来受到严重损失。

    In addition, ETFs can provide daily pricing and liquidity, allowing investors to exit quickly and change their market position without incurring heavy discounts on selling the product.


  • 今年地产股指数下跌了26%,基准测量下降还多,五个产业中下跌严重

    The gauge of property stocks lost 26 percent this year, more than twice the decline on the benchmark measure and the most among five industry groups.


  • 日本上一次严重地震发生1995年神户;地震过后,日经225指数4个交易日下跌7.6%,但是在之后11个月没有恢复地震前的水平

    After Japan's last severe earthquake in the city of Kobe in 1995 the Nikkei 225 fell by 7.6% over the next four trading days, but it did not recover to its pre-earthquake level for another 11 months.


  • 基金亏损位置严重指数基金被动管理首当其冲

    Fund net loss of high-position most serious of which, passive management of index funds to bear the brunt.


  • 体质指数较高妇女增重目标相对低,对于严重超重的妇女建议增加15

    Women with a higher BMI have a lower target —— 15 pounds only for the most obese women.


  • 巨无霸指数中,韩国马来西亚乌克兰等国家的货币也严重低估了。

    Other heavily undervalued currencies highlighted by the index include South Africa, Malaysia and the Ukraine.


  • 严重肥胖定义体重指数为40更大

    Severe obesity is defined as having a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or greater.


  • 直接劳级数浮点数运算下计算指数对数函数严重缺点

    There are serious disadvantages with calculating the value of exponential and logarithmic functions by directly using the Taylor series.


  • 方法采用DLQI研究银屑病患者治疗生活质量及其影响因素,并传统的银屑病皮损面积严重指数(PASI)进行比较

    Methods: Compared with psoriasis area and severity index (PASI), DLQI was used to evaluate the life quality in the patients with psoriasis before and after treatment and its affecting factors.


  • 通过评价方法发现,在泾河流域西北部大部分子流域植被冗亏指数小于-0.2,植被亏较为严重

    By this method, we found that the VRD indices for most watersheds of the northwestern basin were less than -0.2, displaying a severe vegetation deficiency.


  • 目的:研究银屑病患者外周血T淋巴细胞表面共刺激分子CD80表达及其银屑病皮损面积严重程度指数PASI)的相关性

    Objective: To measure the expression of co-stimulatory molecule CD80 on peripheral blood T lymphocytes in patients with psoriasis and its correlation with psoriasis area and severity index (PASI).


  • 病人昏迷指数1314时通常比较容易严重伤害

    Patients with GCS score 13 or 14 tended to have more serious injury.


  • 病人昏迷指数1314时通常比较容易严重伤害

    Patients with GCS score 13 or 14 tended to have more serious injury.


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