• 船方数字一致不负责任

    Ship not responsible for the difference in the figures between loading and discharging ports.


  • 文章首先从三个层面空间关系进行考察

    First of all, the thesis carries on an investigation of the space relations between the two ports in three aspects.


  • 那么两港空间关系是如何演变的,演变的原因什么,本文希望解决问题

    Then what did the space relations turn into between the ports, and what is the reason for this evolution? These are the two issues the thesis hopes to solve.


  • 针对目前开发利用中存在问题潜在弊端。就建设宁波—舟山的若干问题提出构想.并作了一些理论探讨。

    Then, to counter the existing problems and latent abuse, the paper put forwards the conception of constructing Ningbo-Zhoushan Joint Port, and goes further into this conception theoretically.


  • 通过SWOT对比分析我们发现很多方面存在互补性其中方的优势往往就是另一方的劣势,这也一定程度两港合作奠定基础

    Through SWOT comparative analysis, we found there is a complementary in many areas between the two ports, which has to a certain extent laid the basis for cooperation.


  • 分钟辆马车,弗雷德里克斯

    Two minutes later, he was sitting in a hackney-coach and driving to Frederickshafen.


  • 岛上自称有着特殊沙滩东湾,它是一个受欢迎游泳区,具有大批田园诗般的海滨别墅,还有观音著名帆板运动的避风

    The island boasts two exceptional beaches: Tung Wan, a popular bathing area with idyllic beach houses and Kwan-yin Wan, known as a windsurfing haven.


  • 避税导致税收外流罪犯的单纯观点过时了,这原因

    Singling out tax havens as the culprits behind tax flight is out of date, for two reasons.


  • 过去天里武装分子袭击了白沙瓦个仓库,这巴基斯坦卡拉奇阿富汗军事基地之间运送供应物资的车队使用主要交通枢纽

    In the past two days militants have stormed two warehouses in Peshawar that are key transport hubs for supply convoys moving between the Pakistani port of Karachi and military bases in Afghanistan.


  • 日本偷袭珍珠之后,路易斯捍卫自己头衔并将奖金捐给陆军海军慰问基金是在1942年参军之前的事情。

    After the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, Louis defended his title twice more, donating his purses to the Army and Navy Relief Funds, before entering the Army himself in 1942.


  • 以前武装分子尼日尔三角洲主要城市哈科特附近绑架了一家建筑公司工作名德国人

    Armed men kidnapped two Germans working for a construction firm near Port Harcourt, the main city in the Niger Delta, two weeks ago.


  • 为了安定情绪,名哈科特居民欢欣鼓舞地说道该市已经没有发生绑架案件了。

    In an attempt at reassurance, a resident of Port Harcourt says cheerfully that there has been no kidnapping in the city for two whole days.


  • 最近澳大利亚最大动力出口——纽卡斯尔船舶排队数量达到年来的最高水平,60艘船只装载煤炭

    At Australia's largest thermal coal export port of Newcastle, the ship queue recently reached a two-year high, with 60 vessels waiting to upload coal.


  • 如果想在者之间桥梁(译者注:粤澳大桥),你就想出非常巧妙的不会引起混乱事故的设计来切换车道才行。

    If you're building a bridge between the two, you've got to come up with a clever way to switch lanes without disruption or accident.


  • 他们防守线第一DM CA避风条款,如果法院认定他们有此资格,他们不受其他任何因素影响获得免责

    They have two lines of defense. The first is the DMCA safe harbor; if the courts decide they qualify, then they're likely to be immune from liability regardless of other factors.


  • 一位警察透露失踪者分别卡尔顿大学昆学院读书

    A police report said the missing men were studying at Algonquin and Carleton University.


  • 荷兰小镇半岛一分为二,小镇北部机场南部通过座大桥和邻近的城镇相连

    The town of Dutch Harbor is split between two peninsulas; a northern part that is south of the airport, and a southern part, which is connected to its neighbor by a bridge.


  • 警方发言人仁川附近说:“名60多岁的据称是由于昨天炮击发现身亡的。”

    "Two people aged in their 60s were found dead allegedly as a result of yesterday's shelling," said a spokesman for police in the nearby port of Incheon.


  • 西部沿岸防御能力最强地区多佛尔海峡其次塞纳河河口

    The most heavily defended coast in the west is that on either side of the Straits of Dover, and next in order of strength are the Seine estuary and the port of Cherbourg.


  • 美国航太总署地球观测1号(EO - 1)卫星高级陆地成像仪(ALI)拍摄的图片显示的是2001年(上图)2010年(下图)的雅各布冰川

    These images acquired by the Advanced Land Imager (ALI) on NASA's Earth Observing-1 (EO-1) satellite show Jakobshavn Glacier in 2001 (top) and 2010 (bottom).


  • 美国航太总署的地球观测1号(EO-1)卫星高级陆地成像仪(ALI)拍摄的图片显示的是2001年(上图)2010年(下图)的雅各布冰川

    These images acquired by the Advanced Land Imager (ALI) on NASA’s Earth Observing-1 (EO-1) satellite show Jakobshavn Glacier in 2001 (top) and 2010 (bottom).


  • 2006年中期到2007年中期一年时间内,交所上市航运公司——太平洋盘地(PacificBasin)金辉集团(Jinhui Holdings)的股价翻了倍。

    The share prices of two shipping companies listed in Hong Kong, Pacific Basin and Jinhui Holdings, increased fivefold between the middle of 2006 and the middle of 2007.


  • 离开温哥华35分钟到了加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚市的盐泉(SaltSpring),白色渡船滑向Fulford-进入该岛入口其中一个。

    Salt Spring Island, British Columbia JUST 35 minutes after leaving Vancouver, the small white ferry glides into Fulford Harbor, one of two entrances to the island.


  • 离开温哥华35分钟到了加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚市的盐泉(SaltSpring),白色渡船滑向Fulford-进入该岛入口其中一个。

    Salt Spring Island, British Columbia JUST 35 minutes after leaving Vancouver, the small white ferry glides into Fulford Harbor, one of two entrances to the island.


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