• 星期过去他们用光了。

    Two weeks passed. They ran out of money.


  • 过去星期里,他为考试努力学习。

    He studied hard for his exams in the past two weeks.


  • 开学以来星期已经过去

    Two weeks has passed since the new term began.


  • 基调当然友善,我来说政策这个问题上,他过去星期没有吸取很多教训。

    Certainly the tone was nice, but it just did not seem to me that on the issue of policies it just did not seem to me he really learned a great deal in the last couple of week.


  • 三个星期一眨眼过去,每当离开的时候心中问题往往答案更多

    Two-to-three weeks can go past in the blink of an eye, and frequently I leave with more questions than answers. More maddening: That? S usually a sign I? Ve done my job.


  • 他们抵达巴黎以来,过去星期了。

    Two weeks have lapsed since they arrived in Paris.


  • 过去一个星期中,世界粮食计划署只收到了来自非洲架直升机援助专家远远不够的。

    Instead, in the past week the World Food Program received two helicopters from Africa, but aid experts say that is not enough.


  • 三个星期过去了,赛琳娜可以不用头盔,并已经逐步学会了慢慢地信号灯前减速。但是还是一个问题:相遇时,她还傻傻地呆在道路中间

    Three weeks later, Serena is getting better at slowing to a stop sign without a helmet, but she still has a problem staying in the middle of a traffic lane when cars are approaching head on.


  • 过去星期经由哈拉雷国际机场返回哈拉雷。

    He returned to Harare in the past two weeks via Harare International Airport.


  • 对于那些纽约镇股权交易所工作经纪人来说,过去星期就像是令人疲惫不堪但又以令人兴奋的马拉松比赛一样

    For the brokers who work the floor of the Big Board, the past two weeks have been as exhausting and exhilarating as a triumphant run in a marathon race.


  • 用光明点亮内心的世界可是星期暑假结束,他又回到了他过去的世界。

    She's the light that comes to lighten his world, but summer will end after two weeks and his world will be dark again.


  • 他说也许没错,过去星期以来,非洲杯证明他们猜测

    That may be so, but on the evidence of the past fortnight, their suspicion appears justified.


  • 时隔星期之后不再那样尴尬恼怒家庭律师报酬已经支付,家里风波也已经过去他的钱夹上午送来的邮件中意外地出现了,没有附任何解释

    Two weeks laterthe embarrassment and rage have diminished, the family lawyer has been paid, the confusion in his household has receded-the wallet turns up without explanation in one morning’s mail.


  • 时隔星期之后不再那样尴尬恼怒家庭律师报酬已经支付,家里风波也已经过去他的钱夹上午送来的邮件中意外地出现了,没有附任何解释

    Two weeks later--the embarrassment and rage have diminished, the family lawyer has been paid, the confusion in his household has receded-the wallet turns up without explanation in one morning's mail.


  • 星期过去了,父亲几乎音信全无。

    Two weeks went by with hardly a word from my father.


  • 过去星期时间里,由40位成员组成弗尔工作队搭建好升空平台,位置是在萨斯卡通西北90英里处

    In the past two weeks, Fournier's 40-person team has assembled at the launch site, about 90 miles northwest of Saskatoon.


  • 过去星期以色列媒体是否袭击何时袭击伊朗设施的问题上爆发了一场前所未有公开辩论

    The past fortnight has witnessed an unprecedented, open public debate in the Israeli media about whether, and when, to attack Iran's nuclear installations.


  • 星期国家媒体报道了过去年中数十只老虎其他一些濒危动物营养不良哈尔滨北方森林动物园死亡

    On Tuesday, state media reported that dozens of tigers and other endangered animals had died of malnutrition over the past two years at the Northern Forest Zoo in the Chinese city of Harbin.


  • 话说星期过去了,大家已经死了心,觉得老毛子再也回时候,老毛子又悠然自得地出现办公室了。

    Another two weeks had gone away, we had already no interest in the Russian whereabouts when the Russian appeared in the office.


  • 那么任何休息时间都会很快过去因为周二会议——星期的会议加上星期的。

    Then any rest you got is quickly lost because on Tuesday there will be twice the meetings– all the Tuesday meetings plus all the Monday meetings will get rescheduled.


  • 过去星期烧毁超过1万英亩的大火灾中的第5起

    The fire is the fifth in Texas to have burned at least 100, 000 acres in the past two weeks.


  • 日子一天天星期一个星期过去了,后来月一个月地过去了,太斯仍然处在期待之中最初预计星期以内释放

    Days and weeks passed away, then monthsdantes still waited; he at first expected to be freed in a fortnight.


  • 警方过去这个星期逮捕了其中人,并在讯问之后释放他们

    Police arrested two of them this past week, releasing both after questioning them.


  • 大多数甚至不会理会过去第一星期去。

    Most people won't even bother going past the first page or two.


  • 那个时候逮捕令没有发出过去星期经由哈拉雷国际机场返回哈拉雷。

    At that stage no warrant for his arrest had been issued. He returned to Harare in the past two weeks via Harare International Airport.


  • 过去短短星期里,随机碰到很多问题,有些我甚至知道它们可能出现

    In these two short weeks, I've run into a lot of random problems I didn't even know could become problems.


  • 北约指挥官过去星期中,500名塔班战斗人员阿富汗南部被击毙。

    NATO commanders say more than 500 Taleban fighters were killed in southern Afghanistan over the past two weeks.


  • 北约指挥官过去星期中,500名塔班战斗人员阿富汗南部被击毙。

    NATO commanders say more than 500 Taleban fighters were killed in southern Afghanistan over the past two weeks.


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