• 行为指标实验证实两侧性迁移发生迁移不对称的存在;

    The behavior index experiments testify the asymmetry of bilateral transfer and occur.


  • 关于运动技能两侧迁移机制主要认知学说肌肉激活学说,但对于两侧性迁移的特征与模式依然存在争议和不确定

    There are two kinds of hypotheses on bilateral transfer of motor skill, one is cognitive hypothesis and the other is neuromuscular activation.


  • 更改这个WSDL使满足WS-I依从可以手工地标记添加标记两侧 part> 标记中的type更改element

    To change this WSDL so that it is WS-I compliant, manually add tags around the tag and change the type attribute in the part> tag to an element attribute.


  • 两侧变换器相关技术对于整个系统能的改进优化有着各自重要

    Therefore, the issues related to each of which has its own importance for overall system improvement and optimization.


  • 两侧经过精密光亮磨光的刀片确保填料气密密封闸板密封面经过研磨,提供最好阀座密封

    Precision ground blade on both sides for tighter packing chamber sealing. Sealing face of the gate is lapped to provide the best possible seat tightness.


  • 基于输电线路端测距算法只用到达故障线路两侧母线的第一个故障初始波波头,其可靠较高。

    Based on the traveling wave, double ended approach only deals with the first transient traveling wave reaching the two buses of the fault line.


  • 室内建筑一个对称布局开放的起居、餐饮厨房空间位于中心两个配套套房卧室对立两侧

    Inside, the building has a symmetrical layout. An open-plan living, dining and kitchen space is located in the centre, with two matching en-suite bedrooms on opposite sides.


  • 两个最主要机能元素流行音乐中心海洋文化展示中心,分别位居于河口两侧有一连接结构统合。

    The two major components of the program, the Pop Music Center and the Marine Culture Exhibit Center, are deployed on either side of the mouth of the Love River and joined by a Connective Structure.


  • 产品适用于对平板玻璃磨削。玻璃双直线平边粗磨、精磨及两侧角的粗磨可一次加工完成

    Of flat glass products for the grinding. Glass straight double-edge of the Cumo, Jingmo Chamfer on both sides of the Cumo and one-time processing can be completed.


  • 催眠感受个体清醒催眠状态脑电图差异涉及两侧大脑半球所有脑电节律。

    The differences of electroencephalogram under waking and hypnotic state in high and low hypnotic receptivity were related to all frequency patterns of brain of cerebral hemispheres at the two sides.


  • 永久玻璃墙取代纪念碑南北两侧金属屏障

    The permanent glass walls are designed to replace the metal barriers on the north and south sides of the monument.


  • 两侧腮腺肿大干燥综合症(干燥综合征)特征表现之一

    On both sides of the parotid gland enlargement is drying syndrome (Sjogren's syndrome) characteristic of one.


  • 屏障充分利用轨道两侧架设通讯电缆型空腔,依据列车噪声分布进行针对设计

    The sound-barrier sufficiently uses the concave space of both sides of the railway which is used for communication cable, and designs based on distributed noise result of urban rail transit.


  • 方法采用人体行走过程中左右两侧对称作为一种评价标准行走功能异常程度进行定量评价。

    Methods: Using the left and right symmetry of human walking as a standard on the abnormal degree of walking function will be evaluated quantitatively.


  • 分析了平行对称曲柄机构由于两侧机构对称而引起防卡可靠

    The reliability of the parallel symmetric crank and block mechanism caused by the non symmetry of the two mechanisms is analyzed.


  • 皮质台阶骨折两侧皮质骨宽度一致表明旋转复位不良。

    The cortical step sign, or incongruity of corticalwidths on either side of a femur fracture, is indicative of rotationalmalreduction.


  • 结果表明格陵兰东西两侧海冰面积显著变化并且具有明显的年际年代际周期振荡

    The results point out that the sea ice extent oscillations on the west and east sides of Greenland island show inverse variation with distinct interannual and interdecadal circles.


  • 不对称主要在于两侧髓突数目大多不相同髓突的分叉粗细扭曲方向对称。

    The medullary processes asymmetry are chiefly that the number is unequal, and the bifurcation , thickness, twist and the direction of medullary processes are asymmetrical.


  • 实用新型通过传动机构带动 两侧动作,从而实现升降平台升降幅度一致,平稳好,操作方便;

    The utility model, through driving the right and left side plates by the driving mechanism, achieves uniform lifting amplitude of the lifting platform.


  • 泪腺唾液腺淋巴细胞增生引起两侧腺体无痛肿大

    Proliferation of lymphocytes in lacrimal and salivary glands may cause bilateral painless enlargement.


  • 结果淋巴管瘤的影像学特征头颈部两侧侧的囊,呈囊或多囊表现,回声信号均匀均匀,病变范围可延伸至枕部或肩背部纵隔。

    Results:The cervical lymphangioma in fetus was characterized by a cystic mass, single or multilocular with septations, on the back or both sides of the neck, the echo and signal is uniform or not.


  • 结果发现胰腺小叶导管、小叶内导管、闰管上皮细胞泡心细胞均呈胰岛淀粉样多肽免疫反应,阳物质主要分布上方两侧

    Results It was found for the first time that IAPP distributes all the parts of ductal epithelium from interlobular duct to centroacinar cell and was located in the upside and both sides of nucleus.


  • 片麻岩南北两侧岩石,在岩上及构造上都大不相同。

    Rocks to the north and south of the gneiss zone are lithologically and structurally distinct from it.


  • 间隙连续中心为基点,向两侧间距地置入具有同样结构间隙不连续从而构造出一个周期不连续阵列。

    On either side of the discontinuity, the gap discontinuities with the same structure are inserted at equal spacing so that periodic discontinuity arrangement is constructed.


  • 进一步找矿方向应为断裂两侧()剪切

    The further prospecting directions should be in two sides of deep fracture and ductile (brittle) shear zones.


  • 果蔬通风包装箱开孔大小包装箱两侧压差影响预冷速度冷却均匀重要参数

    The vent hole size and the pressure drop are the important parameters which affect cooling rate and cooling uniformity in pressure pre-cooling of fruit and vegetable.


  • 方法结扎两侧颈总动脉,制备不完全缺血模型

    Method The rat acute incomplete cerebral ischemia model was made by ligation method.


  • 方法结扎两侧颈总动脉,制备不完全缺血模型

    Method The rat acute incomplete cerebral ischemia model was made by ligation method.


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