• 两个对手实力悬殊

    The two opponents are mismatched.


  • 挑拨两个对手使自己弄到了份工作

    She played her two rivals off against each other and got the job herself.


  • 两个对手表现平庸可谓也一臂之力。

    The lacklustre showing of his two opponents has helped him.


  • 两个对手在那站着怒目而视

    There were two adversaries standing eyeball to eyeball.


  • 那么我们就比较一下麦当劳两个对手

    So compare McDonald's with two of its restaurant peers.


  • 看来两个对手,我努力他们打败

    It seemed I had two opponents. I should try my best to defeat them.


  • 女孩惊讶的是,轻松地击败了两个对手

    Surprising herself, the girl easily won her first two matches.


  • 挑拨两个对手自己却获得份工作。

    She play her two rival off against each other and get the job herself.


  • 如果击败两个对手可以进入最后一轮比赛

    If he can knock off the next two opponents, he could get into the last part of the competition.


  • 但是男士赞同说:“这好比是两个对手冲突。”

    "It's like a clash between two rivals," said a man, who is not convinced.


  • 幅漫画幽默呈现了足球赛一个场面两个对手正在面对面较量。

    This cartoon humorously presents a scene of a football game with the two rivals facing each other.


  • 说明两个对手之间掌握信息量不同影响竞争条件下实验结果因素之一

    This result shows that the information amount given to both adversaries is one of factors that influence the experimental results under competition circumstances.


  • 温布尔登两个对手打出了史上最好比赛之一虽然胜利只有一步之遥,费德勒输了

    At Wimbledon, the two rivals played one of the best matches ever, and even though he was only a point away from winning, Federer lost.


  • 20集团(G20)已经要求两个对手方在进行交易时,应该更多的抵押品保险作为担保。

    The G20 group of economies has pushed for more swaps that are traded between two counterparties to be backed with more collateral, or insurance, for trading.


  • 那时开始,指令一改再改而且各方官员主要两个对手法国英国,立场上的分歧并不大。

    Since then, however, the directive has been rewritten, and officials on all sides say that Britain and France, the main combatants, are not really that far apart.


  • 我们对阵桑坦德竞技万特的比赛不同的,但是两个对手都做好反而我们没有做好,我们发现创造进球机会总是很难

    Our matches against Racing and Levante were different, but both opponents did well and we didn't. We found it hard to create chances to score.


  • 所以根据网上查到东西,我一般具体只是两个对手分析数据方法,和一般的方法演绎推理区别什么

    So based on what I've checked online, shall I guess generic and specific are just two opponent ways of analyzing data, and what is the difference between generic approaches and deductive reasoning?


  • 姚明投中制胜,一直唠叨海耶斯终于无话可说,作为输球的惩罚,姚明让两个对手做折返跑,他:“点什么吧查克。”

    After draining a contest-winning jumper to shut up the ever-yapping Hayes and send his two opponents on a penalty-for-defeat run up the court and back, Yao said, "Say something, Chuck."


  • 内贾德现在面临竞赛,其中两个对手改革派候选人,而另外一个对手穆森•雷扎伊(MohsenRezaei)也是保守派

    Ahmadinejad is in a four-way race against the two pro-reform candidates and fellow conservative Mohsen Rezaei.


  • 因此大多数数字系统都是两个关键因素意外结果人类语言能力我们对手手指的关注倾向

    Most number systems, then, are the by-product of two key factors: the human capacity for language and our inclination for focusing on our hands and fingers.


  • 肯定总统大选较量中击溃自己两个竞争对手

    He is set to pulverize his two opponents in the race for the presidency.


  • 两个一直竞争对手

    The two teams have always been rivals.


  • 任何体制下的两个最高权力者必然永远主要竞争对手历史提供了这种观点一些佐证

    The two largest powers in any system must always be major rivals. History offers some support for this view.


  • 我们对手两个

    We spotted the opposing team two goals.


  • 以百思由于最大两个竞争对手亚马逊沃尔玛没有自己回收项目,百思买一直承担着最大份额的电子垃圾量

    Best Buy, for instance, has been bearing the lion's share of e-waste volume since two of its largest competitors, Amazon and Wal mart, do not have their own recycling programs.


  • 以百思,它一直承担着电子垃圾最大份额因为两个最大竞争对手亚马逊沃尔玛没有它们自己的回收计划

    Best Buy, for instance, has been bearing the lion's share of e-waste volume since two of its largest competitors, Amazon and Walmart, do not have their own recycling programs.


  • 以百思,它一直承担着电子垃圾最大份额因为两个最大竞争对手亚马逊沃尔玛没有它们自己的回收计划

    Best Buy, for instance, has been bearing the lion's share of e-waste volume since two of its largest competitors, Amazon and Walmart, do not have their own recycling programs.


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