• 阿森纳的温格蒂埃里亨利阿森纳更衣室带来了某些(不同的)东西即便不在场上

    Arsene Wenger says Thierry Henry can add something to the Arsenal dressing room - even if he isn't playing.


  • 纳森照相机来,给这些东西照片。

    I sent Jonathan to get my camera and we took this photograph.


  • 戴尔曾经提过海岸咖啡馆,那里的东西更好没错纳森喜欢的地方不能在那里和戴尔见面

    Dale had mentioned the Oceanside Cafe, which had better food, yes, but that was Jonathan's favorite place; she just couldn't meet Dale there.


  • 能够在阿森纳这样俱乐部中踢球实在了!慢慢适应整个联赛,我还要学习很多东西享受整个过程,不断地努力下去

    It's been good to play for a club like Arsenal and getting used to the league, but I‘m trying to learn, enjoy it and long may it continue.


  • 起身互联网打印下来目击者陈述,大卫纳森博客听。互联网真是个可怕东西

    David was reading aloud to me from Jonathan's blog as I went and got the printouts of witness accounts I had found on that horrible thing called the Web.


  • 玛丽·思:纳森知道必须妈妈的话,他可以任何东西⋯。

    MARY BETH: Well, Jonathan knows he must listen to Mommy and he mustn't touch anything...


  • 丽塔东西纳森

    RITA: No eating, Jonathan!


  • 欢迎来到分钟英语靶子我们一直打中的东西,就射箭时候那样。纳森安娜要来一个射击比赛吗?

    Welcome to English in a minute. A target is something you want to hit, like when you shoot a bow and arrow. Are Jonathan and Anna having target practice?


  • 来说,阿森纳一个学校俱乐部学到了很多东西

    For me, Arsenal was a big school, as I learned so many things at the Club.


  • 对于非常好的经历认为已经将学到东西带回阿森纳

    It was a very good experience for me and I feel it's something that I've brought back to Arsenal.


  • 面对阿森纳赛季回顾DVD时概括过去的那个赛季中,他所收获的东西

    Talking to the Arsenal season Review DVD he outlined what he has taken from the season gone by.


  • 不能理解某样东西是如何运作时,它就会变得神奇起来。”——苹果工业设计高级总裁纳森·艾维

    "When something exceeds your ability to understand how it works, it sort of becomes magical." -jonathan Ive, Senior VP of Industrial Design at Apple, Inc.


  • 范佩西回归显然阿森纳进攻增加了一些东西荷兰球星法布雷加斯萨谬尔纳斯里以及西奥·沃尔科特之间默契已经做到了很多

    The return of Van Persie has certainly added something to Arsenal's attacking play and much has been made of the understanding between the Dutch star, Fabregas, Samir Nasri and Theo Walcott.


  • 知道乔纳森严肃的这些东西没准就是他用来发泄情绪的工具。

    How could I have known Jonathan was serious? I thought, Maybe these things can be healthy.


  • 阿森纳情歌球场取得一个价值千金客场进球之后,成为晋级的热门但是温格认为下周埃米尔球场第二回合没有任何理所当然的东西

    Arsenal are favourites to advance after scoring a potentially priceless away goal at el Madrigal but Wenger is taking nothing for granted ahead of next week's second leg at Emirates Stadium.


  • 西班牙同意阿森纳中场拉塞纳·迪亚拉“没有温格那里学到东西”的言论。

    The Spaniard also disagrees with former Arsenal midfielder Lassana Diarra's assertion he learned nothing from Wenger.


  • 阿森纳医护人员已经在旁边,因为他们较早前已经处理一次受伤事件所以我们人员到场后,所有东西已经控制之内

    The Arsenal medical department was already there because they had been treating an injury close to the situation, so by the time our people got there, everything was under control.


  • 阿森纳有些东西必须被打破

    At Arsenal, something has to break.


  • 温格将下周迎来入主阿森纳周年纪念。独木舟上的日子结束,并打算归还一些东西这场游戏之前,他说明这点。

    Wenger, who celebrates 10 years in charge at Arsenal next week, has stated before that he intends to give something back to the game when his days in the dugout are over.


  • 温格承认阿森纳必需防守上东西”,因为球队重大比赛里面看起来脆弱

    'Defensively we were vulnerable in big games' By Nick Teale arsene Wenger has admitted that Arsenal must "add something" in defence because his side look vulnerable in the big games.


  • 营养中心的营养学家修纳·威尔金森解释说:“摄入含有大量碳水化合物的食物,使你第二即使东西仍然感觉到饥饿

    Shona a Wilkinson, Nutritionist at NutriCentre, explains: "Eating a carbohydrate-heavy meal the night before can be a reason for feeling hungry the next day, even after eating!"


  • 马鲁万·沙马赫已经阿森纳足球,他甚至可以枪手独一无二足球风格增添一些新的东西

    Marouane Chamakh says he already plays the Arsenal way and can add even more to the Gunners' distinctive style of football.


  • 正当不断拿出自己在被称为网络恐怖玩意儿找到目击者记录大卫的口中却一直大声念着纳森博客上东西

    David was reading aloud to me from Jonathan's blog as I went and got the printouts of witness accounts I had found on that horrible thing called the Web.


  • 也许负荷量有点大,阿森纳前锋认为只是弥补失去东西一个小机会。

    Some may see that as a daunting prospect, but the Arsenal striker looks upon it as merely a chance to catch up on all that he has missed.


  • 每天都能学到新东西所以阿森纳这样机会对于我和其他年轻球员非常有益。

    I am learning every day, so it was the right move for me to join Arsenal - and opportunities like this are good for me and for the young players.


  • 纳森说:“珍妮削减一定还有别的东西改进。”

    Jonathan said "Janine, your cut definitely left something to be desired."


  • 现在一个每个人阿森纳的原因就是因为他们没有赢得任何东西

    There must be a problem somewhere - no disrespect, but if a team like West Brom can score three at the Emirates and miss a penalty as well, they haven't cracked it yet.


  • 这些交易背后阿森纳目前步履阑珊这家俱乐部处于失去价值东西危险当中。

    With Arsenal having stumbled out of the blocks on the back of those sales, it has been suggested that the club are in danger of being further asset stripped.


  • 不许东西…不许喝饮料…不许跑动…不许东西…好吗, 乔纳森

    There's no eating…There's no drinking…There's no running…There's no touching.


  • 营养中心的营养学家修纳·威尔金森解释说:“摄入含有大量碳水化合物的食物,使第二即使东西仍然感觉到饥饿。”

    Shona Wilkinson, Nutritionist at NutriCentre, explains: "eating a carbohydrate-heavy meal the night before can be a reason for feeling hungry the next day, even after eating!"


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定