• 如今知道生命有些东西因为特殊原因是不会发生的,这些原因通常不可思议的甚至狂野梦中无法描述

    Now I know that some things do not happen in life for a particular reason and this reason is often so amazing that you could not picture it even in your wildest dreams.


  • 或许你们甚至知道什么东西-,你们都知道复写纸吗-,你们都知道这是什么,对吧

    Maybe you don't even know what this — do you all know what carbon paperI guess you do know what this is, right?


  • 学校每个人知道抽烟饮酒但是从没任何说过也偷东西

    Everyone at school knew about the smoking and drinking, but I have never told anyone about the stealing.


  • 很多年了,知道研究所里学者能够构建些什么东西

    I know from too many years in graduate school what silos academics can construct.


  • 知道有些交际但是最大胜算就是等到咀嚼完毕……那之后将会高兴美食频道的东西喋喋不休,并且进行有关猫咪重复演讲

    I know you want to socialize, but your best bet is to wait until we're done chewing... then, I'll be happy to rattle of facts about Food Network and engage in repetitive speech about my cat with you!


  • 往往一件事兴趣,但是相信理论化知识(不知道这样理解恰当不?) ,而是相信你的每一样东西可能有用并且通常的确如此。

    I tend to be interested in everything, and, while I don't believe in knowledge for knowledge's sake, I do believe that anything you learn can be useful and often is.


  • 这位母亲补充道:“她知道这些东西有害丈夫大卫讨论过这些东西对她的害处,但是一个3的孩子来说,(控制)这种渴望太难了。”

    "She knows these things are bad for her, me and my husband David have discussed how harmful it is with her. But the cravings are too much for a three year old to handle, ", she added.


  • 上帝握着沉默了片刻。然后问道,“作为一个家长,希望孩子知道哪些终身受益的东西?”

    God's hand took mine and we were silent for a while, and then I asked, "as a parent, what are some of life's lessons you want your children to learn?"


  • 的是一个叫做kapporeth东西知道它,真正意味着什么,通常叫它“约柜上的金盖“,认为这个译本翻译自,犹太人出版学会。

    It's referred to as a kapporeth: we don't really know what this word means it's traditionally translated "mercy seat," ] I think that's how the JPS might translate it.


  • 已经知道有些特殊东西并且无论实现的梦想需要花费什么愿意做。

    Like you, I've known I have something special and have been willing to do whatever it takes to to make my dreams come true.


  • 打完之后知道了,公司上上下下这么不是东西

    After be being hit, I also do not know to who should look for, the company is remittent not be a thing so.


  • 那些丢弃的东西每个人知道不好东西一向认为有潜力变得有趣。

    Things that were discarded, that everybody knew were no good, I always thought had a great potential to be funny.


  • 知道许多人(也许是大部分)养成一个根深蒂固习惯把注意力集中不想要的东西上面。

    I know many (maybe most) of us have an ingrained habit pattern that focuses us on what we don't want.


  • 朋友看看平时些什么汽车上起来本子上写东西。当然,知道非常痛恨那个男孩一群兄弟就坐在后面

    One day when my best friends wanted to see what I wrote in my diary, I was reading it in the bus and without noticing the guy whom I hate was sitting back of me with his buddies.


  • 知道一向把所有东西烘衣机里

    I know you always toss everything in the dryer.


  • 说“知道为何会将性命交付于他,清楚是个什么东西”。

    I don't know how we allowed him to take control of our lives. We could all see what he was.


  • 感到一切曾经用来认同自己身份的东西被剥夺了,”六个这样说道,“一切认为知道相信事物—时间、金钱形象、对事物的看法毫无价值了。”

    "I felt stripped of everything I'd ever identified myself with," she said six months later. "everything I thought I'd known or believed in was useless-time, money, self-image, perception."


  • 坚信设计建造运营这样一个普通人知道东西一定非常聪明卓越的

    I'm sure there is a very wise and wonderful Being who designed, constructed and operates this existence as we mortals know it.


  • 事实上别人使用手段一直明白也一直知道那样的手段无法你你真正想要的东西

    The truth is, I have always been aware of those means others used to you, and I've always known that those means you've been through can never lead you to the end you have always desired.


  • 一些必须知道东西, 齄帮助练成一个身体, 鰪每天你照顾

    Teach me all the thing l need to know. Help me become a good person.


  • 维特尔轶事知道不多不过伟大的舒马赫参加足球赛乐意让他一起去,说明一些东西

    I know few anecdotes about Vettel, but great Michael Schumacher enjoys his company even when take part in football match, it can tell something.


  • 感到一切曾经用来认同自己身份东西被剥夺了,”六个这样到,“一切认为知道相信事物——时间、金钱形象、对事物的看法——毫无价值了。”

    "I felt stripped of everything id ever identified myself with," she said six months later. "everything I thought id known or believed in was useless-time, money, self-image, perceptions."


  • 感到一切曾经用来认同自己身份东西被剥夺了,”六个这样到,“一切认为知道相信事物——时间、金钱形象、对事物的看法——毫无价值了。”

    "I felt stripped of everything id ever identified myself with," she said six months later. "everything I thought id known or believed in was useless-time, money, self-image, perceptions."


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定