• 纽约公寓楼5层的一间没有电梯直达的狭小公寓里。

    She lives in a tiny fifth floor walk-up in New York's East Village.


  • 谢谢我们哪一列车呢?

    Thank you. We are going to East Village. Which train should we take?


  • 但不幸的于1994年被迫关闭。

    The East Village was closed down by the police in 1994.


  • 第一担担面几年以前纽约

    The first time I ever had dan dan mian was years ago in New York's East Village.


  • 第三荣荣生活期间拍摄的自拍像。

    The third group consists of Rong Rong's self-portraits taken in his East Village days.


  • 改造取得重大进展拆除重建工作全面铺开

    Dark Drive East Village of significant progress, demolition and reconstruction work full swing.


  • 至少东村精神久远回忆永远驻留下去超越时光流逝

    At least the old memories of the east Village spirit will always stay, transcending the passage of time.


  • 第一拍摄1993年至1994年,刻画了这个艺术家群体

    The first group, taken from 1993 to June 1994, portrays the East Village's artistic community in its original location.


  • ,”我那时我们他那间位东村的阁楼里,我的身旁。

    "I love you," I said while I lay next to him in his East Village loft.


  • 盲人乞丐舞厅、82号俱乐部异装癖者、位于东村一个男扮女装卡巴莱餐馆;

    blind beggars, dance halls, transvestites at Club 82, a drag cabaret in the East Village;


  • 如今更多一个可以前往获得自己要的酷酷刺青穿刺疯狂发型地方

    Today's East Village is more of a place to go for cool tattoos, weird piercings or crazy hairdos you've been wanting.


  • 大批艺术大军涌入20世纪60年代,混杂在便宜租金移居此地房客之中。

    It was in the 60s that East Village saw a huge influx of artistic forces from the tenants who moved down there for its cheap rents.


  • 读到有关东村事情又使觉得应该里德(丝绒乐队主唱)好,至少在服装上要有所表现。

    But everything he'd read about the east Village made him think you should look as much like Lou Reed as possible, at least clothing-wise.


  • 家看上去恶心中餐馆,他们家扇同样肮脏窗户上挂着块手绘牌子着‘我们主厨伦敦有名。’

    There's a nasty-looking little Chinese restaurant in the East Village with a handwritten sign in the window-a dirty window, too-that says' our chef is very famous in London. '.


  • 认为我做对了,因此不得不返回家乡“,星期三出租车接受采访时说,“我认为我所做的是正确的,对吗?

    I think I’m doing great, so I have to return something to the country, ” he said in an interview on Thursday in his cab in the East Village.


  • 可以这个街区各处见证以往精神——也许并不是以往那般自然流露根深蒂固历史许多方面都重复着自己

    You can still spot the old spirit of East Village here and there in the neighborhood - probably not as spontaneous and deep set in the roots as the old days, but history repeats itself in many ways.


  • 此次展览将限量出版同名图录《荣荣》,其中包括荣荣于1993至1998年间拍摄四十张最有价值,值得回忆的照片。

    The exhibition coincides with the publication of Rong Rong's East Village, a limited edition portfolio of forty of the most memorable photographs taken between 1993 and 1998.


  • 20世纪70年代低迷经济状况艺术家纷纷涌入租金低廉的公寓迎来了80年代初期的(East Village)一片荣景。

    The bleak economic conditions of the 1970s allowed artists to flock into dirt-cheap apartments and ushered in the East Village scene of the early 1980s.


  • 纽约不仅Spin打球,还会在户外常年聚集汤普金广场公园(Tompkins Square Park)水泥台子旁边的人打球。

    In New York, he plays not only at Spin but outdoors, with the regulars who gather year-round at the concrete tables in Tompkins Square Park in the East Village.


  • 传奇艺术区——“北京东村”生活和创作过多年,在1995年参与认为中国现代艺术的经典之一,“东村”艺术家集体行为艺术作品《为无名山增高一米》的创作和表演。

    In 1995 she participated inthe performance "To Add One Meter to an Anonymous Mountain" which is consideredto be one of the classics of Chinese contemporary art.


  • 位于新河力宏,有一个破烂的小诊所就是所谓的血吸虫防治中心每天接收高达30个病人

    East of Xinhe is the town of li Hong, home to a ramshackle clinic billed as a Snail-Fever Control Centre. It still receives up to 30 patients a day.


  • 隐蔽法国中部高低起伏山谷之中、麦田牧牛之间兹(donzy)似乎来自另一个时代

    NESTLING in the rolling valleys of central France, between fields of wheat and grazing cows, the village of Donzy seems from another age.


  • 位不愿透露全名的王姓妇女曾经3自杀丈夫一再虐待她。

    In Donghao, a woman who asked to be identified only by her surname, Wang, said she had attempted suicide three times, adding that her husband had abused her repeatedly.


  • 位不愿透露全名的王姓妇女曾经3自杀丈夫一再虐待她。

    In Donghao, a woman who asked to be identified only by her surname, Wang, said she had attempted suicide three times, adding that her husband had abused her repeatedly.


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