• 工程地址东方希望大厦面积:2000平米

    Project Location: East Hope Plaza, Size:2000 sqm.


  • 1995年,刘永行搬上海旗下东方希望集团至今仍是中国最大饲料公司之一同时拥有冶炼厂

    Liu settled his East Hope Company, one of the largest feed producers in China, to Shanghai in 1995. At the same time, Liu also owns a large aluminum ingot plant.


  • 太阳东方升起希望东方升起,巨龙东方升起,中国东方崛起

    The sun rises in the East, the hope rises in the East, the Dragon rises in the East, and China rises in the east.


  • 这位同样大自然东方哲学感兴趣摄影师希望孩子般的再次认识这个诗词

    The photographer, who is also interested in nature and eastern Philosophy, said he wanted to reveal the world anew as children saw it.


  • 李丰华表示东方航空希望这样安排加强整个管理体系,重要的一点

    'We hope that with this kind of arrangement, the whole management structure will be beefed up. This is the most important thing,' Mr. Li said.


  • 有力地证明,东方文化和西方文化可以和谐共处,而不是彼此冲突。 我们希望美国家庭领养中国儿童能够成为中美两国人民之间友谊的使者和桥梁。

    It is shared hope that these children could grow up to become the ambassadors for deeper friendship between the Chinese and American people.


  • 我们需要希望这个共识所有人理解,东方以及西方

    We should wish this to be understood, both in the East and in the West.


  • 我们希望分享我们兴奋这些古老东方课程如此适合我们的现代时期文化

    We hope you will share our excitement over how extraordinarily well suited to our modern age and culture these ancient eastern lessons are.


  • 希望可以在新东方这样一个专业舞台上,更好认识自己,更好的提升自己

    And I hope I can take advatange of the stage to better understand myself as well as enhance my ability.


  • 那时希望我们个国家兄弟般的合作关系仍然存在友谊深藏两个东方民族心底

    I hope by then our fraternal and friendly relations will still be vibrant and strong and will remain dear to the hearts of two oriental nations.


  • 希望做好工作东方带到西方

    I hope I can do a good job and bring the beauty of the East to the West.


  • 最后祝愿首届“东方杯”英语口语大赛圆满成功,也希望每位参赛者能有所收获!

    Last but not least, wish the NSEC contest a splendid success with participants make the anticipated progress.


  • 李丰华表示,东方航空希望这样安排加强整个管理体系,是最重要的一点。

    We hope that with this kind of arrangement, the whole management structure will be beefed up.


  • 东方的博士告诉一位君王诞生了,律王希望杜绝所有竞争对手

    He had been told by the Magi from the East that a king had been born, and Herod wanted no competition.


  • 多少守望智人看到希望挺立世界东方

    Many people on the watchtower, benevolence, homo sapiens see hope, she would stand in the east of the world.


  • 神秘奥运圣火又再一东方——华夏大地点燃——我们炎黄子孙的共同希望

    Mysterious Olympic flame will once again in the East - Chinese ignited the earth - this is our common hope that the Chinese people.


  • 每一位家长希望自己孩子能够生活中获得成功作者这种东方传统教育习惯方式大相径庭的做法使出乎意料

    Every parent longs for their child to have a successful life. The author's educational methods to his son is almost opposite to the Eastern way, which really was beyond my expectations.


  • 我们印度人,对整个亚洲全世界关系重大时刻,一颗新星升起了,东方自由,新希望出现了,长久珍视远景实现了。

    It is a fateful moment for us in India, for all Asia and for the world. A new star rises, the star of freedom in the East, a new hope comes into being, a vision long cherished materializes.


  • 是个情感丰富女孩拥有标准东方美女特点内涵,不过英文大好,非常希望提高英文水平

    I am the emotion rich girl, has the standard Eastern beautiful woman characteristic and the connotation, my English not greatly good, hoped that can raise English proficiency.


  • 香料东方财富海上野心希望汹涌海洋

    Spices in the East, the sea of wealth, ambition and hope toward the raging sea;


  • 探索东方世界一部分希望找到新的战士

    She has to explore the Eastern part of the world with the hope to find new warriors!


  • 看起来可能一个娇小东方女孩希望任何人告诉,我做不到

    I may look like a petite Asian girl, but I don't want anyone to tell me that I couldn't do it.


  • 专业篮球教练,目前在东方雅思新概念。喜欢孩子一起希望自己知识技能传授年轻一代

    Hi, my name is Ben. Australia University graduate very motivated and ready to work. Love playing with kids and pass my skills and knowledge to the younger generations.


  • 最后再次感谢光顾保定东方大洒店的真诚希望不久将来我们有幸为您服务

    Finally , thank you again for your patronage to Bakding DongFang Hotel. I sincerely hope we still have the honor to provide service to you in the near future.


  • 所以这个学校一点就是所有人都希望学校能越来越好,正是东方一直被认为最好学校之一的原因!

    So I say this school that's one good thing. Everybody wants to be better and better, and I think that's why New Oriental School stays one of the best?


  • 作品主题东方经典西方创意不仅服装世界里希望每个方面都东方西方结合起来,努力他们之间寻求统一。

    Theme: The Classics of East & Creations of West Not only in the fashion world, I wish to combine east and west in every aspect and should strive for unity among them.


  • 西方文明这个名字命名东方希望东方只是罗马帝国一个

    The Western Civilization assigned that name to East hoping one day East would be just one province of the Roman Empire.


  • 东方-21世纪希望未来

    East Morning - Hope and future of 21st century!


  • 东方-21世纪希望未来

    East Morning - Hope and future of 21st century!


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