• 相比之下,三月份以来,食品指数上涨13%。

    By contrast, our food index has gained 13% since May.


  • 供应管理协会公布的10月份服务指数有望持续增长但是增速9月份

    The Institute for Supply Management is expected to say the services sector continued to expand in October, but at a slightly slower pace than September.


  • 与此同时美国供应管理协会六月份服务指数表明,美国服务增长率在经历个月稳步上升有所下降

    Meanwhile, the Institute for Supply Management's services index for June showed that the rate of growth in the American services sector dropped after having held steady for the previous three months.


  • iPerceptions最近公布了一项酒店指数报告结果显示有超过40%客户酒店网站上无法完成预订,都是由于预订导航的技术问题造成

    IPerceptions recently published Hospitality Index report shows that over 40% of customers failed to complete a booking on a hotel website because of booking or navigation problems.


  • 美国西北大学凯洛管理学院芝加哥大学学界人士本周最新推出的金融信任指数表明,目前只有22%的美国人信任金融体系

    According to a financial-trust index launched this week by academics at the Kellogg School of Management and the University of Chicago, only 22% of Americans have faith in the financial system.


  • 建筑没有显示恢复泡沫时代水平任何迹象没有任何指数表明负债家庭正在恢复到挣来所有金钱花掉的旧习惯。

    Construction shows no sign of returning to bubble-era levels, nor are there any indications that debt-burdened families are going back to their old habits of spending all they earned.


  • 英国脆弱经济复苏变得更加举步维艰,上月英国的服务活性指数下跌幅度2001年四月以来最大的。到了整个GDP四分之三

    The fragility of Britain’s economic recovery was underscored by the biggest monthly fall since April 2001 of an index of activity in the service sector, which accounts for three-quarters of GDP.


  • 世卫组织鼓励媒体旅游发布紫外线指数预报开展防晒宣传

    WHO encourages the media and the tourism industry to publish UVI forecasts and promote sun protection messages.


  • 石油公司已经占据金融时报全份额指数30%左右,是全球股票指数一行所占比重的两倍(图表)。

    Miners and oil firms already account for some 30% of the FTSE all-share index, twice their weight in the index of global stocks (see chart).


  • 指数中的下降了表明服务创造方面有所落后。

    The employment component of the index fell, indicating that services are lagging in job creation.


  • 调查指出欧洲大城市零售价格运动已经超过官方国内通胀指数

    The survey results also suggest that retail price movements in Europe's main cities have exceeded the official national inflation figures.


  • 道琼斯平均指数30种成分股,有23只股票上涨,美国公司、美国银行公司涨幅居前。

    Alcoa Inc., Bank of America Corp. and Home Depot Inc. led gains in 23 of 30 Dow Jones Industrial Average stocks.


  • 五月份服务订单指数环比下降1.1个百分点57.1%;雇用指数增至50.4%,29个月来首次超过50%。

    The new orders index fell 1.1 percentage points to 57.1%, and the employment index rose above 50% for the first time in 29 months at 50.4%.


  • 周二斯托克欧洲600指数收盘上涨1.9%,此前美国公司拉开第二季度财报序幕,带来一系列利好消息。

    The index ended up 1.9% on Tuesday after Alcoa Inc. (AA 11.00, +0.13, +1.20%) unofficially kicked off the second-quarter earnings season with a set of well-received results.


  • 美国官方统计数据显示,6月份美国零售销售下滑,致使美国股市消费板块整体走低,标准普尔500指数连续六个交易日走高

    U.S. stocks retreated after six straight gains for the Standard &Poor’s 500 Index, amid declines in consumer shares after a government report showed retail sales fell in June.


  • 美国铝公司(Alcoa Inc .)周一将公布第一财季收益报告打开这一波收益报告闸门。美国铝是首家公布绩的道琼斯平均指数成份股公司。

    The floodgates for first-quarter-profit reports open in earnest Monday, when Alcoa Inc. releases its results, the first member of the Dow Jones Industrial Average to do so.


  • 其他密切相关的股指表现更糟道琼斯运输股票价格平均指数下滑4.27%,小型资本额的罗素指数下跌4.02%。

    Other closely watched indexes fared worse. The Dow Jones Transportation Index slid 4.27% and the Russell 2000 Index of small-capitalization stocks declined 4.02%.


  • 9月建筑信心指数是1月份的两,那时候的持续低迷可是创纪录的,随之而来的是新增岗位乐观情绪

    By September building-industry confidence had more than doubled from January's all-time record low, generating optimism about new employment.


  • 相对于传统零售模式客户信息缺乏相比,在线零售拥有海量的客户数据并且这些数据指数增长。

    Comparing to the scarce customer information of the traditional mode of retail business, the retail online business has magnanimity customer's data and these data is now growing with the index grade.


  • 一个密切关注制造服务计量指标采购经理人指数十月46.9下降至43.6,创立十年来最低点

    In October the purchasing managers' index, a closely watched gauge of activity in manufacturing and service industries, dived from 46.9 to 43.6, a nadir for the ten-year-old survey.


  • 据一家名为“花卉指数研究花卉私人公司指出事实上,一半以上玫瑰不是出售的。

    In fact, more than half of all roses are sold in groups of fewer than a dozen, says the Floral Index, a private firm that researches the flower industry.


  • 因为金融FTSE 100指数中的成分超过五分之一,具有突出地位,所以,这些财报必将受到投资者密切关注。

    Due to the predominance of the financial sector in the FTSE 100, it makes up more than a fifth of the index, these results should be closely watched by investors.


  • 零售的逐渐增长暗示了现有的真正消费者正在一季度GDP指数提供更多支撑

    Retail sales increased moderately which suggests real consumer was stable providing more support that GDP contracted in q1.


  • 沙区结构单一,种植多样化指数1.5—1.8之间;

    Simple production structure with planting diversity index from 1.5 to 1.8;


  • 日经225指数下降了1.6%,达到9568.87点,日元的升值与日本经济电厂和,出口产生冲突。

    Japan's Nikkei 225 fell 1.6 percent to 9,568.87, as a rising yen battered the country's powerhouse export sector.


  • 日经225指数下降了1.6%,达到9568.87点,日元的升值与日本经济电厂和,出口产生冲突。

    Japan's Nikkei 225 fell 1.6 percent to 9,568.87, as a rising yen battered the country's powerhouse export sector.


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