• 零售业分析尼尔·桑德斯表示,受影响的是那些只做网上业务零售商尤其是那些规模较小的零售商。

    The losers, said retail analyst Neil Saunders, are online-only retailers, especially smaller ones.


  • 提供审计报告决策方法规则执行历史记录,后者有助于分析策略和决策业务影响

    Provides ways of auditing and reporting on the decisions and rule execution trail that helps to analyze the impact of policies and decisions on business.


  • 需求业务规则分析转换,如果对应关系大于一对一或者影响多个任务或者流程,就是使用规则技术的清晰信号。

    Analytic transformation of requirements into business rules that are more than one-to-one or that affect multiple classes, tasks or processes is a clear indication for using rules technology.


  • 这种数据其他相关元数据结合在一起,可以支持其他应用程序(模式范围之外那些应用程序),影响分析业务汇编

    Combining this metadata with other related metadata can support other applications (ones that are outside of the scope of this pattern) such as impact analysis and business glossaries.


  • 业务需求指示时业务分析可以使用WebSphereProcessServer提供基于Web运行时工具更新业务规则而不会影响其他服务

    Business Analysts can use the Web-based runtime tooling included in WebSphere Process Server to update business rules as business needs dictate without affecting other services.


  • 任何情况下的目的使转换影响最小,这样业务分析才能认识理解可执行过程图。

    In any case, the goal is to have a minimal impact on the diagram so that the business analyst recognizes and understands the diagram of the executable process.


  • 周三担心现在华尔街交易部门研究分析施加了过度的影响赢得业务

    Mr. Galvin on Wednesday said he is concerned that now the trading arms on Wall Street are putting undue influence on research analysts to win business.


  • 需要更改业务影响进行分析如果更改被认为业务非常重要,需要流程步骤进行更改缩小存在差距

    The business impact of the changes needs to be analyzed and if the changes are considered to be vital to the business, then the process steps need to change in an effort to close the gap.


  • IBMRationalManualTester一个手动验证执行工具可以促进测试步骤重用减少软件变更测试人员和业务分析影响

    IBM Rational manual tester: a manual test authoring and execution tool that promotes test step reuse to reduce the impact of software change on testers and business analysts.


  • 分析怀疑McAfee业务近期英特尔底线很大的的影响

    Analysts doubted that McAfee's business would have much near-term impact on Intel's bottom line.


  • 3月一次分析会议上英特尔总裁宣布公司现在大部分业务来自海外,而受美国市场影响较小。

    In a meeting with analysts in March, Intel executives told their audience that much of the company's business now comes from overseas, with should lessen its reliance on the U.S. market.


  • 接下来文章分析我国公开市场业务影响债券市场现状

    Then the article analyses the present situation of influence in our country.


  • 文章银行资产负债业务隐含期权进行了分解分析隐含期权特征以及各个因素期权执行可能性影响

    This paper decomposes the implied options in the asset and liability operations of bank, analyzes their characters and the impact of different factors on the execution possibility of option.


  • 正确分析业务多元化地域多元化对企业绩效影响有助于企业摆脱多元化经营的困惑,具有相当大的现实意义。

    It is practical significant to analyze the impact of business diversification and geographic diversification on firm performance, which can unties the puzzle of diversification.


  • 第三部分国有商业银行国际结算业务影响因素进行了分析

    The third part analyzes the impacting factors of international settlement business of state-owned commercial Banks.


  • 第四分析金融危机私人银行业务影响

    In chapter four, we analyze the impact of financial crisis to the private banking business.


  • 影响多元化经营的众多因素中,本文选择主营业务角度分析中国企业的多元化问题。

    Among the numerous factors influencing diversification, the paper selects the dominant business as the point to study diversification of Chinese enterprise groups.


  • 本文通过对M2M 业务随机接入过程研究此基础上分析了加入M2M 业务LTE系统,对随机接入性能影响

    This paper first introduces M2M and the progress of random access. Then performance of random access in M2M for LTE system is analyzed.


  • 利用面板数据单位检验整检验计量经济学方法,实证分析宏观经济指标财产保险业务规模和赔付水平区域差异性影响

    The paper made empirical analysis on the influence of macroeconomic index on the regional difference based on panel data′s unit root test, cointegration test, etc.


  • 前言:目的:分析影响护理业务查房临床护理工作指导作用因素

    Objective: to analysis the influencing factors of the clinical nursing work instruction effect of nursing ward-round.


  • 通过分析预期业务损失对全网加权影响,提出静态部件预警动态维预警两种预警机制

    By considering weighted impacts of predicted service losses over total services, two early-warning mechanisms, static component and dynamic maintenance, was proposed.


  • 文章研究了业务穿越AT M -PON接入网延时延时变化性能着重分析媒体接入控制协议业务延时和延时变化性能影响

    The performances of cell delay and cell delay variation through ATM pon access network are studied. The effect of ATM pon media access control protocol on the performances is chiefly analyzed.


  • 分析了处于保安等级3港口安全性认定问题,论述实施ISPS规则运输业务影响

    This paper analyzes the assessment and cognizance of the safety status quo of those ports under the security level of 3, and includes the influence of the ISPS Code upon vessel chartering.


  • 目的分析医院托管成员医院及其联合体业务规模影响

    Objective To make clear the effect of the hospital mandate on the development of both the hospital group and its member hospitals.


  • 8月27日瑞银(ubs)分析全球信贷紧缩正在影响业务麦格理股价下跌了将近百分之十。

    On August 27th Macquarie's shares tumbled almost 10%, after a UBS analyst said that the global credit squeeze was hurting its business.


  • 结果表明模式可以较好地应用实际业务预报中,同时改进了模式计算方法分析各种物理参数对混合层高度变化的不同影响物理成因。

    The results show that the model can be used in operational forecast. Meanwhile the calculation method of model is improved and the effects of …


  • 根据系统初始呼叫强度离散接入推导出系统主控信道总的业务量、接入时延及每时隙的平均接入个数,分析了离散接入帧长对上述参数的影响

    The total call strength, access delay and average access calls for the main control channel are derived according to the initial call strength and discrete access frame length.


  • 根据系统初始呼叫强度离散接入推导出系统主控信道总的业务量、接入时延及每时隙的平均接入个数,分析了离散接入帧长对上述参数的影响

    The total call strength, access delay and average access calls for the main control channel are derived according to the initial call strength and discrete access frame length.


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