• 反映企业各种组织一致性级别此类组织包括业务单位IT支持团队等

    They reflect a level of consensus among the various organizations within an enterprise, such as business units, it, and support groups.


  • 显示关于业务服务使用情况关键信息比如使用量、单位成本、成本修饰时间段内成本。

    It displays key details about the usage of a business service such as its volume, cost per unit, cost modifier, and the total cost in a particular period.


  • 说:“我们拥有很多BI战略但它们都在按地理分布业务单位之内各自为阵’”。

    "We had a lot of BI strategies; it was essentially 'roll your own' within business unit within geography," he says.


  • evsibm企业目标体系结构定义主要SOA“企业组件”,实际就将定义为了所有IBM的业务单位重用

    EVS is defined in IBM's Enterprise Target architecture as a key SOA "Enterprise Component", which by definition designates it for reuse by all of IBM's business units.


  • soa治理使各种业务单位IT涉众确保他们共同设计SOA是真正跨企业的。

    SOA governance is what enables diverse business unit and it stakeholders to ensure that the SOA they collectively design is truly cross-enterprise.


  • 美国航空母公司AMR集团表示,第二季度商务旅游业务降幅大于整体客运量单位收益的降幅。

    American Airlines parent AMR Corp. said it saw business travel decline more in the second quarter than its traffic overall or its unit revenue.


  • 各家公司拒绝削减庞大业务并且拆分非核心单位(例如公司普遍拥有自己的温泉度假村)。

    Companies refused to pare their sprawling operations and spin off non-core units (it is common for firms to own their own hot-spring resorts, for instance).


  • 提供IT服务以向业务单位收费——3.1分。

    Charge business units for it - 3.1.


  • ResponseTime完成业务服务事务的一次调用花费时间(以毫秒单位)。

    Response Time is the total time taken to complete an invocation for a business service transaction. It is measured in milliseconds.


  • 业务策略目标普遍理解业务单位IT基础

    A common understanding of the business strategy and objectives is fundamental for both business units and it.


  • 实施过程中,需要项目管理努力部分IT业务单位经理确保进程如期完成在预算之内

    The implementation process requires a project management effort on the part of the IT and business unit managers to make sure the process is completed on time and within budget.


  • 没有上级机关单位应当立即提请相应定密权限业务主管部门或者保密行政管理部门确定

    If it has no superior, it shall immediately apply to the competent business department or secrecy administrative department which has the corresponding determination powers.


  • 例如业务单位一种方式,其它如按产品种类期间长短部位集中度不同风险因子均是可行之方法。

    For example, it may be done on the basis of business units, or on the basis of the type of product, length of period, the degree of concentration in a position, or differences in risk factors.


  • 新的市场机会出现时可以重新布局核心能力产生新的业务单位终端产品

    As new market opportunities appear, it can reconfigure its core capabilities to create new business units and end products.


  • 部门应当督促下属单位,结合本身业务积极参与社会治安综合治理,充分发挥各自作用

    All departments should enjoin their subordinate units to participate in the all-round improvement of social security, while integrating it with their professional work and play their respective roles.


  • 作业经理主要掌管日常IT服务负责达成各业务单位执行目标例如装置设备或是修理系统故障所需时间。

    They oversee the day-to-day delivery of it services and are accountable for the business units? Specific performance goals, such as the time it takes to install new hardware or to fix systems faults.


  • 作为一个基本建设单位开展工程建设过程中,经常会发生预付工程款业务

    Being a capital construction unit, it usually has to handle the advance payment in the construction.


  • 第四代理报检单位应当国家质检总局注册登记,未经注册登记单位不得从事代理报检业务

    Article 4 an inspection and quarantine report agency shall be registered by the AQSIQ, otherwise it shall not engage in the business of inspection and quarantine report by proxy.


  • 系统在军内外一些气象业务单位得到应用,实践证明一种简便有效的台风预报工具。

    The typhoon prediction system bas been used by some weather stations, it has been proved that the system is a convenient and preferable


  • 系统在军内外一些气象业务单位得到应用,实践证明一种简便有效的台风预报工具

    The typhoon prediction system bas been used by some weather stations, it has been proved that the system is a convenient and preferable means...


  • 系统军内外一些气象业务单位得到应用,实践证明一种简便有效台风预报工具

    The typhoon prediction system bas been used by some weather stations, it has been proved that the system I...


  • 系统军内外一些气象业务单位得到应用,实践证明一种简便有效台风预报工具

    The typhoon prediction system bas been used by some weather stations, it has been proved that the system I...


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