• 业余艺术爱好者——是轮流引诱文学艺术的不专一

    Dilettante: a philanderer who seduces the several arts and letters each in turn for another.


  • 作为一个业余艺术爱好者过于严肃认真了,一个专业人员我又太业余了。

    I'm too serious to be a dilettante and too much a dabbler to be a professional.


  • 这个28岁业余艺术灵感得来实属偶然:擦燃火柴发现火柴燃烧生成被做成不可思议的造型——于是火柴艺术就此诞生

    The 28-year-old part-time artist discovered the idea when he struck a match before noticing the incredible patterns formed in the carbon of the used wood - and so match art was born.


  • 父亲是个业余画家艺术书籍我的童年时代起了很大作用

    My father was a sunday painter, and his art books played a formative role in my childhood.


  • 业余时间着力于装置艺术和平面设计

    In his spare time he works making installation art and on graphic design. "at."


  • 流行艺术看起来也许因特网其余部分:许多不记报酬的工作业余时间迅速廉价地完成,而一些高端产品可能货币化

    The popular arts may come to look more like the rest of the Internet: many labors of love produced quickly and cheaply in spare moments, and a few high-end productions that can be monetized.


  • 举个例子许多艺术才能没有能力支持他们自己艺术业余时间方面。

    Many artistically talented people, for example, can't support themselves with their art, but can pursue it during their off hours.


  • 开始自己看做那种与其银行家,而把绘画当成业余爱好,不如把自己当做银行工作增加收入艺术

    Start thinking of yourself as who you want to become. Rather than being a banker who paints as a hobby, you are an artist who supplements your income with your banking job.


  • 老师广泛业余爱好例如艺术体育或者购物

    Your tutors have a vast range of interests; for example; the arts, sports and shopping.


  • 这位艺术大多数业余时间都用来收集蝴蝶标本

    The artist spends most of his spare time collecting butterfly specimens.


  • 业余时间着力于装置艺术和平设计

    In his spare time he works making installation art and on graphic design.


  • 业余时间里喜欢阅读音乐古典音乐、爵士乐流行音乐、艺术体育旅游、外出就餐良好公司

    During my spare time I like reading, music- classical, jazz and popular, art, sport, travel, dining out and good company.


  • 姐妹三人业余时间辛勤劳作,含辛茹苦支持着那位她们认为某种艺术天赋唯一兄弟

    The three sisters worked hard in their spare time and supported their only brother who they thought had some talent in art.


  • 民间艺术通常是来自普通人的艺术,民间艺术传统上指乡野人士工人他们业余时间创作的艺术

    Folk art commonly referred to as the art of ordinary people. Folk art was traditionally produced by rural and working class people in their spare time.


  • 玛丽是一位有名业余画家助手。昨天身着盛装艺术展览会风靡所有在场那些看起来风度翩翩绅士们

    Mary , a well-known Sunday painter's girl Friday , went to the art exhibition in her Sunday best yesterday and made a hit with all the gentlemen there who seemed to have Sunday-go-to-meeting manners .


  • 可利用信息包括艺术商业烹饪行政管理健康历史业余爱好娱乐消遣科学运动旅游其他一些信息。

    Information available includes the arts, business, cooking, government, health, history, hobbies, recreation, science, sports, travel, and many others.


  • 玛丽是一位有名业余画家助手。昨天身着最佳服饰艺术展览会风靡了所有在场的那些风度翩翩的绅士们。

    Mary a well-known sunday painter' s girl friday went to the art exhibition in her sunday best yesterday and made a hit with all the gentlemen there who seemed to have sunday-go-to-meeting mannes.


  • 近日佛朗哥大学巴勒莫已经利用业余时间医疗技术应用研究对象文艺复兴时期著名艺术

    Vito Franco of the University of Palermo has spent his spare time applying his medical expertise to the study of famous subjects of Renaissance artworks.


  • 与其银行家,而把绘画当成业余爱好,不如把自己当做靠银行工作增加收入艺术

    Rather than being a banker who paints as a hobby, you are an artist who supplements your income with your banking job.


  • 参加摩纳哥第八届国际业余戏剧节法国第七届国际木偶艺术受到好评

    S. A. Its participation of Monaco Eighth International Ampere Drama Festival and French Seventh International Puppet Art Festival also gained the high appraise.


  • 工作极其勤奋,可也有自己业余爱好特别是艺术收藏、打猎以及自己的庄园里度假。

    He worked extremely hard yet retained his outside interests, notably collecting art, shooting and playing the squire on his country estate.


  • 如何进行市场推广在线销售艺术音乐照片,手工艺品您的业余爱好变成现金机器

    How to Market and Sell Your Art, Music, Photographs, and Handmade Crafts Online: Turn Your Hobby Into a Cash Machine.


  • 现任于云南某高校环境艺术建筑学专业,业余时间仍然摆弄插画好用有强烈对比感黑白线条

    Now he is a teacher of environment art architecture DE of a college in Yunnanand fiddles with illustration in spare time. He is good at black and white lines to show the strong contrast.


  • 现任于云南某高校环境艺术建筑学专业,业余时间仍然摆弄插画好用有强烈对比感黑白线条

    Now he is a teacher of environment art architecture DE of a college in Yunnanand fiddles with illustration in spare time. He is good at black and white lines to show the strong contrast.


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