• Satdjehuty木乃伊面罩细节图,它来自比斯(Thebes),时间要追溯到18世纪王朝(18thDynasty)早期

    A detail of the mummy mask of Satdjehuty, from Thebes and dating to the early 18th Dynasty, (1550-1295 BC).


  • Pasenhor棺材,他是22世纪王朝(公元前725年)利比亚meshwesh部落位重要成员,他的棺材上铭刻来自死亡之各种咒语

    The coffin of Pasenhor, an influential member of the Libyan Meshwesh tribe, around the 22nd dynasty (725 BC), which is inscribed with various spells from the Book of the dead.


  • 伊朗起源可以追溯到波斯,一个形成于公元前6世纪美尼德王统治古老王朝

    Iran traces its national origin to Persia, an empire that emerged in the 6th century BC under the Achaemenid dynasty.


  • 公元3世纪前,王朝经历古代印度历史上的“黄金时期”。

    From the 3rd century onwards the Gupta dynasty oversaw the period referred to as ancient India"s "Golden Age".


  • 印度喀拉拉州首府印度教寺庙发现了地窖,地窖中藏有大量18世纪特拉凡科王朝时期的黄金和珠宝

    Vaults containing vast quantities of gold and jewellery from the 18th-century kingdom of Travancore were found under a Hindu temple in the capital of the Indian state of Kerala.


  • 委内瑞拉进行石油出口可追溯到16世纪那时哈布斯堡王朝国王查尔斯五世母亲已经西班牙运送石油满足该国巨大需求。

    Venezuela has exported oil since the 16th century, when the mother of the Hapsburg emperor, Charles V, had some shipped to Spain to treat his crippling gout.


  • 17世纪早期新的罗马诺王朝继续从西伯利亚往太平洋扩张

    In the early 17th century, a new Romanov Dynasty continued this policy of expansion across Siberia to the Pacific.


  • 所有第25王朝统治埃及四分之三世纪努比亚国王,佩伊第一位被称为皮肤法老人。

    Piye was the first of the so-called black pharaohs—a series of Nubian kings who ruled over all of Egypt for three-quarters of a century as that country’s 25th dynasty.


  • 虽然KV21 A获得数据来看,KV21坟墓里埋葬2世纪后期王朝王妃中的一位木乃伊胎儿母亲但是不能通过基因证实此事。

    The mother is not yet genetically identified, although the data obtained from KV21A, one of two late 18th dynasty queens buried in tomb KV 21, pointed to this mummy as the mother of the fetuses.


  • 回溯到18世纪,站大清王朝高度上来看,那时的中国正经历黄金时代

    AT the HEIGHT of the Qing dynasty, back in the 1700s, China enjoyed a golden age.


  • 然而961年成为亚美尼亚首都不到一个世纪便开始沦为一系列征服者的牺牲品,这些征服者包括塞尔柱王朝土耳其人格鲁吉亚人和蒙古人

    But less than a century after it became the Armenian capital in 961, the city began falling victim to waves of conquerors, including Seljuk Turks, Georgians and Mongols.


  • 也可以畅谈十八世纪中叶法国民族主义起源但是和法国王朝联系紧密,至少直到1793年,那个家伙被砍头前都如此。

    You can talk about the origins of French nationalism in the middle of the eighteenth century, but it's very closely tied to this dynasty, at least until they lop off the guy's head in 1793.


  • 大约在10世纪中期Piast王朝时期波兰民族开始形成统一整体国家。

    The Polish nation began to form into a recognizable unitary and territorial entity around the middle of the 10th century under the Piast dynasty.


  • 客人世纪30年代的西索迪亚王朝末代国王觐见群臣地方,处在黄金吊灯雕刻大理石环绕之中,感觉自己就像印度王公贵族一样

    Guests will feel like a maharajah for the night staying in the same quarters where Maharana Bhupal Singh of Udaipur held court in the 1930s, amid the golden chandeliers and sculpted marble.


  • 世纪80年代中期休斯顿火箭队看上去就像是座旭日东升的王朝球队。

    In the mid-80s, the Houston Rockets looked like they'd be a dynasty.


  • 伊丽莎白王朝延至十七世纪

    The reign of Queen Elizabeth lapped over into the seventeenth century.


  • 公元7世纪,赞布松赞干布统一青藏高原建立吐蕃王朝,定都逻些,逐步兴建了大昭寺、小召寺、形成了以大昭寺中心拉萨城区的雏形。

    In the 7th century, Songtsan Gambo unified the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, established the Tubo kingdom, and chose Lhasa as the capital city of the kingdom.


  • 本文认为萨珊残存王朝继续存在世纪中期。

    D. But we think that the remaining dynasty continued to exist till mid-eighth century.


  • 是因为从公元1世纪6世纪期间, 这里曾经来自希腊亚历山大王朝统治, 希腊雕塑艺术因此传入

    This is because the area was under the reign of the Greek king Alexander during the period from the 1st to the 6th century. Greek sculpture art was hence introduced here.


  • 十九世纪王朝迅速衰败

    During the early 19th century, the Qing Dynasty declined rapidly.


  • 地区自古有人区住,世纪时期一个拉赫普特王朝统治

    Inhabited since ancient times, the region was ruled in the medieval era by a Rajput dynasty.


  • 应该中国14世纪17世纪历史换成女真王朝什么根本上不同

    One should ask how fundamentally different China would have been from the 14th to 17th centuries under a Jurchen Dynasty instead.


  • 综观这一时期财政机构笔者认为,都王朝的财政机构不完全世纪的,也不完全是近代性的。

    After ge neral review, We think that the Tudor central finance institution belongs to neither the middle age's, nor the modern's.


  • 高棉王朝时代统治整个湄公河流域5世纪之后,在强大邻邦影响下衰落了

    During the time of the Khmer emperors, it ruled the entire Mekong River valley but fell under the sway of its stronger neighbors after the 5th century.


  • 高棉王朝时代统治整个湄公河流域15世纪之后,在强大邻邦影响下衰落了

    During the time of the Khmer emperors, it ruled the entire Mekong River valley but fell under the sway of its stronger neighbors after the 15th century.


  • 高棉王朝时代统治整个湄公河流域15世纪之后,在强大邻邦影响下衰落了

    During the time of the Khmer emperors, it ruled the entire Mekong River valley but fell under the sway of its stronger neighbors after the 15th century.


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