• 国际教科文组织、二十世纪基金福特机构其他组织承认使文凭项目成为可能

    Grants from UNESCO the twentieth century fund the ford foundation and other groups made it possible to develop the diploma programme.


  • 世纪基金出版新书《富人平权行动》,中发现,大学偏好录取自己校友孩子。

    According gto the book Affirmative Action for the Rich published by Century Foundation, alumni preferences provide an admissions advantage to the children of alumni.


  • “可与之相比就是20世纪90年代有关加密争夺战,”库尔特·奥普萨尔说道,他隐私监督组织电子前沿基金的法律顾问

    "A comparison point is in the 1990s battles over encryption," said Kurt Opsahl, general counsel of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a privacy watchdog group.


  • 半个世纪以前可供对比的信息如此之以致于客户几乎无法知道他们基金经理的业绩是否好于同行

    Half a century ago little information was available and clients barely knew whether their fund manager was outperforming his peers.


  • 直到20世纪后半期投资者开始使用指数作为判断职业基金管理人表现优劣的基准

    It was not until the second half of the 20th century that investors started to use indices as a benchmark to see how professional fund managers were performing.


  • 已经接受了历史上考验包括世纪90年代美国长期资本管理公司失败大型宏观基金失败。

    It has already undergone several upheavals in its history, including the collapse of Long-Term Capital Management and the fall of the big macro funds in the 1990s.


  • 典型纳税人共同基金下跌20%时会恐慌货币供应量扩大可能不会作出任何反应除非物价达到20世纪70年代通货膨胀的水平

    The typical taxpayer will panic when his or her mutual fund goes down 20% but will probably not react to an expansion of monetary supply unless it reaches 1970s price-inflationary levels.


  • 上个世纪90年代很多养老金基金股票上下的赌注,简直就是场豪赌,在2000-02年的熊市中他们则损失惨重。

    In the 1990s, many pension funds made far too big a bet on equities, a gamble that went disastrously wrong in the 2000-02 bear market.


  • 19世纪20年代末,基金主要依赖科技因此获得短期的升值

    In the late 1990s the fund bet heavily on technology stocks, giving a brief boost to asset values.


  • :世界卫生组织20世纪50年代60年代期间开展消灭疟疾运动以失败告终,30年后的今天,盖茨基金为何重提一目标,世卫组织又为何表示支持呢?

    Q: The WHO malaria eradication campaign of the 1950s and 1960s failed, so why did the Gates Foundation resurrect that goal 30 years later and why did WHO endorse it?


  • 我们需要支持密歇根21世纪就业基金项目全国推广最佳经验

    We need to support programs like Michigan's 21st Century Jobs Fund and build on best practices across the country.


  • 咨询了包括两位前任财长罗伯特·鲁宾拉里·萨默斯在内专家认清洛克·菲勒基金有望施以影响21世纪主要趋势

    She consulted experts, including two former Treasury secretaries, Robert Rubin and Larry Summers, to identify the big 21st-century trends that the foundation could hope to affect.


  • 决心促使基金21世纪适应

    She is determined to make the foundation fit for the 21st century.


  • 过去20,40岁至59岁的人群使基金管理业实现了惊人增长世纪20年代婴儿整体超过工作年龄

    The 40-59 demographic has delivered extraordinary growth to the fund management industry in the last 20 years, but in the first part of the next decade boomers as a whole move beyond working age.


  • 2006年,1500红土残块转让给了圣路易斯的一家基金,它们原来都属于座19世纪罗马风格的布鲁克林教堂的一部分。

    In 2006, it transferred some 1, 500 terra-cotta pieces, originally from a 19th-century Romanesque-style Brooklyn church, to a foundation in St. Louis.


  • 十九世纪20年代,老于世故投资者们资金聚拢形成基金联手操纵单个股票的价格;这类基金要求一种特定准入机制。

    Back in the nineteen-twenties, sophisticated investors joined together in pools that manipulated individual stocks, and such funds acquired a certain cachet.


  • 世纪70年代类似想法失败了。因为国际货币基金组织成员国承担币值风险未能达成一致意见。

    A similar idea in the 1970s foundered because the IMF's members could not agree on who would bear the currency risk.


  • 恸哭着避免回到世纪七、八十年代,葡萄牙倍受世界货币基金组织强加的各种刁难的悲惨状况,一首抗议歌曲的歌词仍然保留着那时的回忆:“没有什么力量让世界货币基金组织屈服”。

    He is keen to avoid a return to the IMF-imposed strictures in the 1970s and 1980s, still remembered in a famous protest song. “There is no power that can bend the IMF,” it goes.


  • 世纪90年代,对冲基金的年复合收益率为18.3%,2000年以来只有7.5%了。

    In the l990s, their compound annual return was l8.3%; since 2000, it has been just 7.5%.


  • 布兰查德国际货币基金组织同事,20世纪30年代全球性经济大萧条情况不会再次发生,这是因为我们吸取痛苦10年所带来的经验教训。

    Blanchard and his IMF colleagues say there is no chance of a repeat of the global depression of the 1930s, because the lessons of that painful decade have been learned.


  • 英国广播基金组织20世纪90年代最先波兰开播,现已至少翻译成15语言50多个国家开播,并培训了1500名记者

    Having started in Poland in the 1990s, the BBC trust has operated in over 50 countries, training more than 1, 500 journalists in at least 15 languages.


  • 英国广播基金组织20世纪90年代最先波兰开播,现已至少翻译成15语言50多个国家开播,并培训了1500多名记者

    Having started in Poland in the 1990s, the BBC trust has operated in over 50 countries, training more than 1,500 journalists in at least 15 languages.


  • 20世纪70年代开始,国际货币基金组织绝大多数成员国至少经历过一些危难

    Most members of the IMF have undergone at least some distress since the late 1970s.


  • 20世纪70年代开始,国际货币基金组织绝大多数成员国至少经历过一些危难

    Most members of the IMF have undergone at least some distress since the late 1970s.


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