• 直到最近水资源私有化几乎成为第三世界所特有的问题

    Until recently, water privatization was an almost exclusively Third World issue.


  • 多次世界旅行看到整个城市社会体系甚至是国家因为水资源问题而消失了

    I've been around the world a couple of times, I've seen whole cities, societies and countries disappear because of water problems.


  • 例如中东北非地区水资源用量达到该地区总量80%,世界银行发布份报告——《竭力解决缺水问题》表示。

    The Middle East and North Africa, for instance, already USES 80 percent of the water that falls in the region, according to a new World Bank report, "Making the Most of Scarcity."


  • 例如中东北非地区水资源用量达到该地区总量80%,世界银行发布份报告―― 《竭力解决缺水问题》表示。

    The Middle East and North Africa, for instance, already uses 80 percent of the water that falls in the region, according to a new World Bank report, “ Making the Most of Scarcity.”


  • 新的世界银行报告地区水资源不足问题并不一定会造成未来广泛蔓延疾苦

    But a new World Bank report says the region's less-than-abundant water supply need not spell widespread hardship in future.


  • 新闻简报不同于世界核电协会视角,涵盖国际核能重点问题,简报目前纽约能源水资源学会主办

    The newsletter includes a competing perspective from the World Nuclear Association, and international highlights on nuclear issues. It is currently being hosted at the Energy &Water Institute of NY.


  • 没有能够没有注意这个事实水资源短缺一个严重问题整个世界都在面临这个问题

    No one can have failed to notice the fact that water shortage is a grave problem with which the whole world is confronted.


  • 没有可以没有注意这个事实水资源短缺一个严重问题整个世界都在面临这个问题

    No one can have failed to notice the fact that water shortage is a grave problem with which the whole world is confronted.


  • 水资源短缺已经成为影响人类世界问题中国世界13个严重缺水国家之一,中国的水资源短缺北方尤为突出。

    Water resource shortage is one of problems that affect human being, and China is one of 13 countries with serious water lack, which is very severe in north China.


  • 我们只有现在采取措施解决问题才能避免未来世界范围内严重水资源缺乏

    Only if we take steps to deal with this problem now can we avoid a severe worldwide water shortage later on.


  • 21世纪水资源短缺问题世界关注焦点

    Water resource shortage will be the focus all over the world in 21st century.


  • 水资源能源人口生态环境成为世界各国普遍关注重大问题

    Energy, population, ecological environment and water resource have become the important issue that countries all over the world have generally concerned.


  • 水资源短缺成为我国西北地区乃至世界其他干旱干旱地区需要面对一个重大问题

    Lack of water resource has become a critical problem faced by China northwest regions and the other arid and semiarid regions in the world.


  • 水资源短缺已成为当今世界普遍关注问题

    Water resources shortage is a problem paid general attention to in today's world.


  • 当今世界面临的“人口资源环境三大问题直接间接地地下资源有关。

    Now the three problems that face us are "population source environment" which have the bearing with the groundwater resources directly and indirectly.


  • 然而随着人类创造丰富物质财富的同时,水资源严重缺乏逐渐成为困扰全球世界问题

    However, with creating abundant material wealth, mankind fined that the water resource scarcity is becoming a perplexed global problem.


  • 水资源短缺环境恶化主要原因之一。 “城市缺水”是当今世界存在的带有普遍性问题

    The shortage of water resources, especially for a city, is a world wide problem as one of the main causes of environmental disruptions.


  • »没有可以没有注意到的事实整个世界面临水资源短缺一个严重的问题

    No one can have failed to notice the fact that water shortage is a grave problem with which the whole world is confronted.


  • 本文分析水资源以及水资源系统特点世界范围内水资源问题进行了分析;

    The paper analyses the characteristics of water resources and water resources system, and the water resources crisis in the world wide.


  • 水资源短缺成为当今世界普遍关注问题

    More and more attentions have been paying to water resources scarcity among the world.


  • 水资源短缺环境恶化主要原因之一。“城市缺水”是当今世界存在的带有普遍性问题

    The shortage of water resources, especially for a city, is a world wide problem as one of the main causes of environmental disruptions.


  • 气候变化物种消亡污染水资源匮乏以及环境破坏问题并不仅仅局限在某一国之内,而是世界所有居民面临挑战。

    Climate change, species loss, pollution, water scarcity and environment damage are challenges that concern all the world's citizens, and the scale of China's problems gives them global importance.


  • 水库的修建伴随而来的泥沙淤积环境问题当今世界水资源开发利用关心的问题

    Reservior sedimentation and its effect on environment are the most serious world-wide problem in water resources developement and utilization today.


  • 目前水资源问题面临严重考验国内外降水问题极为关注降水分析问题成为世界关注的焦点问题

    Currently, the problems facing serious test resources at home and abroad, the problems are Paramount concern, precipitation, rainfall analysis problem becomes the focus of the world.


  • 水稻世界重要粮食作物之一近年来随着全球气候暖趋势的加剧,中国作为水资源短缺的国家,短缺问题日趋严重。

    Rice is one of the most important food crops in the world. Recently with the increase of temperature, the problem of water shortage could become more and more serious in China.


  • 水稻世界重要粮食作物之一近年来随着全球气候暖趋势的加剧,中国作为水资源短缺的国家,短缺问题日趋严重。

    Rice is one of the most important food crops in the world. Recently with the increase of temperature, the problem of water shortage could become more and more serious in China.


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