• 世界服务器数据库连接设置

    Database connection Settings for the world server.


  • 游戏源码世界服务器程序,还算不错了。

    Main source of the world, the game server, pretty good.


  • 转移魔兽世界服务器状态好友列表黑名单清除。

    Your Friend List and Ignore List will be cleared upon transfer.


  • 可以帮助服务器征服世界

    You can help your server conquer the world!


  • 这个系统个人服务器工作得很好因为只有您访问现实世界中,每当有人需要阅读提示时就它拖走不实际的(也是粗暴的)。

    This system would work fine on a personal server where you're the only one accessing it, but in the real world, it would be impractical (and rude) to pull the feed every time someone wants to read it.


  • 同样如果要将数据库复制世界各处几十个服务器可能也希望使用这种方案。

    Similarly, you may not want to use this if your database replicates to dozens of servers worldwide.


  • 同一版本补丁级别产品世界范围服务器使用因而降低支持维护培训费用

    The same version and patch level of a product can be used on servers throughout the world, thereby reducing the cost of support, maintenance, and training.


  • 奥斯蒂文澳大利亚世界服务器虚拟化渗透率最高新西兰位居第二

    Oostveen says Australia has the highest rate of penetration of server virtualization in the world, New Zealand has the second highest.


  • 看来虚拟财产只是网页显示大量像素或是服务器中的无形数据只有虚构世界中才具意义

    Virtual property may appear to be just a lot of pixels on a web page or invisible data in a server, something that only has meaning in an imaginary world.


  • 如今驱动数据中心两大概念经济环保 — 使服务器虚拟化成为IT世界一个热门话题许多硬件软件供应商提供了解决方案

    Thanks to two concepts driving the data center todayeconomy and green computingserver virtualization is a hot topic in the IT world and a lot of hardware and software vendors are offering solutions.


  • 那些现在储藏服务器上,通过冗长的文本分散世界的各个角落。他们可以任何一个屏幕上任何时间,任何地点被浏览者调阅

    Those books are now stored on servers, scattered in multiple, redundant copies throughout the world, and can be called up anywhere, at any time, from any screen.


  • 为了回应“云”趋势,世界最大路由器生产商思科开始着手准备踏入新的领域服务器销售

    Cisco, the world's biggest maker of routers, has responded by moving into a new area: it will soon start selling servers.


  • 只要代码确保CI服务器构建然后更新一个方法,就可以看着你的改变去改变世界

    Just check in your source code, make sure it builds on the ci server, then update a recipe and watch your changes roll out to the world.


  • 这些邮件来自黑客UEA电脑服务器窃取公布到网上4 000个文件,它们的内容包含一些世界气候学家的带头人的交流

    The emails were among 4, 000 documents containing exchanges between some of the world's leading climatologists which were hacked from computer servers at UEA and posted online last week.


  • 用户看来跟自己电脑没有区别——实际上所有的数据服务器上——欢迎回到客户端的世界

    Users will only have the illusion of a personalized desktop - their data will really live on servers instead. Welcome back to thin client computing.


  • 与此相似大量垃圾信息都储存世界各个角落服务器中,包括网上商店最新名人视频等等,似乎这些数据可有可无

    Similarly, an awful lot of what fills up the world's servers, from online shops to the latest celeb videos, seems dispensable too.


  • 然而现实世界中,用户需要服务器存储某些信息(例如典型零售应用程序中的购物车信息)。

    In the real world, however, users need to store some information on the server side (for example, shopping cart information in a typical retail application).


  • Tor网络使用世界大约1000个志愿服务器

    A Tor network USES around 1000 volunteer servers around the world.


  • Tor网络使用世界大约1000个志愿服务器

    Tor network USES around 1000 volunteer servers around the world.


  • 第二阵营使用诸如emacsVim文本编辑器手工编码HTML然后通过FTP客户端完成网页上传到Web服务器世界看见欣赏它,希望如此。

    The second camp USES a text editor like Emacs or Vim to code HTML by hand and an FTP client to upload the finished page to a web server for the world to see and, hopefully, appreciate.


  • SecondLife一个虚拟世界通过客户机软件主机服务器组合进行维持

    Second Life is a virtual world, maintained through a combination of client software and hosting servers.


  • 浏览器Web服务器请求网页由于因特网,它传播到世界各个角落。

    The browser retrieves Web pages from Web servers that thanks to the Internet, can be pretty much anywhere in World.


  • 如果Domino服务器征服世界,您可能需要竭尽所能降低延迟

    If you want your Domino server to conquer the world, you probably want to reduce delays as much as possible.


  • SOAPWeb服务世界中,错误是以SOAPFault形式服务器传送客户端的

    In the SOAP Web services world, a fault flows from the server to the client in the form of SOAP fault.


  • 网络世界实验室联盟JoelSnyderExchange 2010的评估中说,企业用户认真评估服务器的实施计划。

    Network World Lab Alliance member Joel Snyder said in his Exchange 2010 review that corporate users should carefully assess the implications of the new server.


  • Youtube以及其它地方已经视频而且首歌可以世界最大BT下载服务器得到。

    A video was posted on YouTube and elsewhere, and the single is also available on the world's largest BitTorrent tracker.


  • 30日凌晨4时,网易"魔兽世界"开启持续约一周内测,期间现有玩家可登录服务器免费游戏

    The online game World of Warcraft was released in closed beta status by new publisher NetEase at 4 am Thursday, with 7-day free access granted to anyone who was already a registered member.


  • 10.IBM全球化视野用户可以世界各地访问服务器利用或者自己所选择语言客户程序

    Figure 10. IBM's globalization vision: Users can access a server from anywhere in the world, using a client in the language of his or her choice.


  • 恰恰相反网络整个本质它颠覆,存在服务器上供谷歌梳搜索的网页变成世界各地人们彼此连接分享生活的平台。

    Rather, the entire nature of the Web has been transformed from a bunch of pages on servers that Google crawls, to the world's people connected to each other and sharing their lives.


  • 普通就是真实或者虚拟服务器上租借空间,这些服务器可能世界的某一个地方

    The most common is renting space on either a physical or virtual machine in a server farm somewhere around the world.


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