• 职业保健专家办公室职员反映头疼恶心疲劳等症状感到困惑。

    Experts in occupational health are puzzled by symptoms reported by office workers, including headache, nausea and fatigue.


  • 事实上如今专家办公室政治定义工作场所追求自身利益的正当行为

    In fact, today, experts define office politics as proper behavior used to pursue one's own self-interest in the workplace.


  • 专家表示,要获得成功企业基础知识应该包括P,即“政治”,像“办公室政治”一样。

    But when it comes to getting ahead, experts say, the ABCs of business should include a P, for politics, as in office politics.


  • 专家可以每晚在办公室工作到十点,然后回过头来,发现他们很想回家,享受家人和朋友的甜蜜,或者去令人兴奋的地方旅行,结识有趣的人。

    These specialists could work at the office until ten each night, then look back and realize they would have loved to have gone home and enjoyed the sweetness of their family and friends, or traveled to exciting places, meeting interesting people.


  • 联储局成立自己金融稳定政策研究办公室20成员他们成为金监会主要专家来源

    The Fed has created its own Office of Financial Stability Policy and Research, with 20 staff, which will be a principal source of expertise for the FSOC.


  • 就允许时间内进行诊断那么病人他们离开医生办公室之前知道他们没有眼睛疾病或者他们需要视网膜专家做进一步治疗。

    This allows diagnoses to be made in seconds so patients will know before they leave the doctor’s office if they have no eye disease or if they need to follow up with a retinal specialist.


  • 其他技术专家似乎没有听说这个计划,《卫报》记者Google英国办公室打听消息,得到的回复是“我们不会谣言或者推测作出评论”。

    No other tech specialist seems to have heard about the project though, and when the Guardian asked Google's UK office for a comment, it answered: "We don't comment on rumour and speculation."


  • JCP项目管理办公室(PMO)现在需要新的候选者替代并发领域专家DougLea

    The JCP Project Management Office (PMO) will now need to choose a new candidate to replace concurrency expert Doug Lea.


  • GrahamWhite位于英国IBMHursley Park办公室新兴技术服务部门的Linux集成中心系统管理专家

    Graham White is a systems management specialist in the Linux Integration Centre within Emerging Technology Services at the IBM Hursley Park office in the United Kingdom.


  • 我们正在讨论是重度酒精依赖者,在纽约卡伦治疗中心办公室(caron treatment center'snewyorkcityoffice工作的研究酒精沉迷专家paulleslie hokemeyer博士

    We are talking about the high-functioning alcohol abuser here, says addiction specialist Paul Leslie Hokemeyer, PhD. He works at the Caron Treatment Center's New York City office.


  • 专家托比·马修斯不同意,他:“早期山楂树球场只有入口,分别两个球门后面。 比赛日检票结束后,检票员会在警察的保护下从球门后把球票钱送到位于球场中部的办公室中。

    But club historian Toby Matthews claims: “In its early days The Hawthorns had only two entrances, one behind each goal.


  • 专家表示这个发现只是大不列颠境内办公室缩影。

    The expert said the findings were typical of offices all over Britain.


  • 专家想买手机消费者应该向他朋友们邻居询问他们的手机家里办公室信号覆盖情况的好坏。

    Experts said potential phone buyers should ask friends and neighbors about how their cellular coverage fares near their homes and offices.


  • 对于那些数据处理同时还激情约会的那些人,我们要求专家以及办公室战壕的摸爬滚打的一些提供他们最好的建议

    So for those of you intent on looking for that hot date in data processing, we asked expertsas well as some folks in the office trenchesfor their best advice.


  • 专家解释,因为白领在办公室大部分时间,所以,只要站起来随意走动,采用这种”不经意“的锻炼模式才能达到健身的目的。

    The Government has drawn up workplace exercise guidelines to tackle concerns that most of us are spending too much time sitting down.


  • 如果任何问题办公室谈。洗手间里。”——卡莱罗纳州一家中型企业的人力资源专家

    If you have a question, come to my office. Don't corner me in the bathroom.” –HR professional at a mid-sized firm in North Carolina


  • 我们专家咨询意见(真实故事),是什么办公室恋情成功,是什么让一个约会灾难

    We sought out expert advice (and stories from real women) on what makes an office romance successful and what makes it a dating disaster.


  • 我们绝大多数现在计算机网络我们家里办公室,还有在我们的汽车里的一些东西里,因此操作网络不再仅仅一些专家的事情。

    Most of us now have computer networks in our homes, offices, and in some cases in our cars, so operating networks is no longer a matter only for a few specialists.


  • 专家飞机空气却是大部分家庭办公室环境都要好。因为空气更换频次要的多。

    But the air on planes is better than in most home and office environments, experts say, since it changes much more frequently.


  • 这间办公室设备专供这些专家使用

    These experts have exclusive use of the office and the equipment.


  • 第二办公室邻近餐馆一边奥利薄荷冰激凌,一边勒布说(他是我共事一位量子回路专家),我觉得这辈子甭想指望名字杂志了。

    The next day, while having a mint Oreo shake at a restaurant near my office, I told Caleb, one of the quantum-circuit experts I worked with, that I doubted I'd ever see my name in print.


  • 认识不是一个办公室专家

    No, I don't know any, but I'm not an Office expert.


  • 患者肿瘤专家办公室门诊接受静脉注入美罗华

    Patients get rituximab through infusion into a vein (IV) at the oncologist's office or clinic.


  • 搜索回到警长喀的办公室见到警方法律专家

    When the search team arrived back at the county sheriff's office in Ponca, they were met by a police forensic expert.


  • 尽管如此专家夏季郊游可以带来建立人脉黄金机会,而这样的机会不太可能办公室出现

    Regardless, experts say a summer outing can lead to prime networking opportunities unlikely to occur in the office.


  • 尽管如此专家夏季郊游可以带来建立人脉黄金机会,而这样的机会不太可能办公室出现

    Regardless, experts say a summer outing can lead to prime networking opportunities unlikely to occur in the office.


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