• 一个法国恋爱过。

    I once went out with a French man.


  • 一位摇滚乐歌星恋爱还以为他在开玩笑呢。

    I thought he was kidding when he said he was going out with a rock star.


  • 那时娜塔莉恋爱

    We were still dating at the time.


  • 说是也是有关联因为恋爱这个复杂概念自底向上的又是自向下的,即是从,又是从心到脑的。

    I would say the brain, but the heart is also related because the complex concept of love is formed by both bottom-up and top-down processes from the brain to the heart and vice versa.


  • 相同一段恋爱是真实的,每一段不被理解的关系中都存在领悟事实这些能够帮助继续靠近内心的真是想法

    The same is true of relationships, in every relationship that doesn’t work out there is insight and truth that can help you continue toward your true heart’s desire.


  • 摩羯天秤的和谐性也有可能个人方面——如友谊恋爱,遇到一些问题,这些问题不会长久存在。

    Compatibility for Capricorn and Libra may work on the personal front, in a friendship or love affair. However, not for very long!


  • 克利斯·朵夫瑞士流亡期间发生了不愉快恋爱事件。阿娜是朋友妻子随之而来内疚暂时压抑了他的天才

    During his exile in Switzerland, Christophe went through an unhappy love affair with Anna, the wife of a friend, and the consequent sense of guilt temporarily stilled his genius.


  • 娜1960年最终离开——合唱了一首“恋爱傻瓜”——蒂娜沙哑声音歌曲众不同特纳的重音吉他自己的歌中显得微不足道。

    When he and Tina took off at last-with "a Fool in Love" in 1960-it was Tina's raucous voice, not his pounding guitar in his own song, that made the difference.


  • 最近研究恋爱中的被拒绝沉迷性大脑活动联系起来。

    New research published today linked rejection in romance to brain activity associated with addiction cravings.


  • 因为母亲那里领略恋爱的可怕之处,因此害怕做出承诺为此女朋友分道扬镳

    Because he's been so scared about love from his mother, he is afraid of commitment and may pull away from a girlfriend for this reason.


  • 不过恋人确实在意前妻生活在一起的情况。 “因为居住状况我们恋爱关系很快结束了,”博纳姆

    Nonetheless, his new partner did have concerns about him living with his ex: "My relationship swiftly ended because of my living arrangements," he says.


  • 如果对你有意思而且恋爱关系处于危机之中,她就很可能分手联系。你呢,只是尝试一下不会对其造成任何伤害的。

    But if she's interested, and her relationship is on the rocks, she might get in touch after they break up and you've done no harm just trying.


  • 选择盲目恋爱有意选择伙伴创造生命中的

    The alternative to irrationally falling in love is to intentionally create love in your life with your chosen partner.


  • 而且常常青少年恋爱能力表示怀疑美国人不同,他们假定青少年都有爱的能力即使他们陷入爱河时非常年幼

    And unlike Americans who are often skeptical about teenagers' capacities to fall in love, they assume that even those in their early teens fall in love.


  • 许多知道——大多数都可能尝过苦头之后——恋爱能带来幸福东西不渝的婚姻”是两码事情。

    Many of us learn, most likely the hard way, that what brings happiness during dating is quite different from what satisfies us "until death do us part".


  • 然而罗斯曼表示研究结果帮助那些青少年打交道的人发觉恋爱暴力行为

    Still, the results can help people who work with teenagers detect dating violence, Rothman said.


  • 圣路易斯故事并行卡尔自己探索人生真相的旅程第一恋爱面对艰难险阻从男孩成长男人

    Paralleling the story of the St Louis is Karl's own voyage of discovery in which he falls in love for the first time and, in the face of hardship, becomes a man.


  • 直到前不久,沃恩安妮斯顿都还竭尽全力避免谈论曝光他们恋情。二人在安妮·斯顿皮特离婚开始恋爱

    Aniston and Vaughn had until recently gone to great lengths not to discuss or reveal their relationship, which began after her marriage to Pitt collapsed.


  • 曾经两次来自偏远国家同学相爱并结婚,甚至恋爱他们还一无所知。

    She fell in lovetwicewith fellow students from distant countries she knew nothing about.


  • 相信爱情注意力有关——会精神集中,神魂颠倒时刻倚赖着你恋爱对象

    She believes that love is about focus - you focus on the object of love with intense energy, mood swings and a real dependence on the partner.


  • 《绝命毒师》既细腻地描写了中年婚姻年轻人恋爱复杂紧张刺激,刻画人物的残酷无情。

    Breaking Bad is at once exquisitely attuned to the complexities of middle-aged marriage and young romance, while also being as ruthlessly hard-boiled as a thriller can get.


  • 并且我们期望恋爱升级——世界上大多数人希望恋爱中的走入婚姻殿堂。

    And we're seeing the rise of romantic love - the majority of people in the world want to be "in love" with the person they marry.


  • 半数受访者梦到名人恋爱

    One half of participants had dreamt of having a love affair with a celebrity.


  • 然而今天我们不仅拥抱,我们恋爱理念

    Yet today, we not only embrace it, we are in love with the idea.


  • 然而今天我们不仅拥抱,我们恋爱理念

    Yet today, we not only embrace it, we are in love with the idea.


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