• 不断改变人们如何他人分享信息观点期待

    It's changed forever the expectations people have about sharing information and opinion with others.


  • 人们他们认知观点是否全面正面

    People to their cognition and viewpoint whether comprehensive and frontage?


  • 我们blogger对于他们的想法观点非常慷慨的。

    Our bloggers were generous with their thoughts and insights.


  • 报纸从此偏向分析观点甚于新闻这些预测完全事实相背

    Predictions that papers would favour analysis and opinion over news were exactly backwards


  • 成者敢于利用所学独立思考,区分事实观点并不佯装通晓所有答案

    Winners are not afraid to do their own thinking and to use their own knowledge. They can separate facts from opinions and don't pretend to have all the answers.


  • 证据观点(家庭资产负债表房价问题经济复苏疲软主要元凶)更加一致

    The evidence is more consistent with the view that problems related to household balance sheets and house prices are the primary culprits of the weak economic recovery.


  • 基础的层面上,为了使一个论点接受,论据必须与观点对应陈述也必须一致

    At the most basic level, in order for an argument to be acceptable, the support must be appropriate to the claim and the statements must be consistent with one another.


  • 尽管如此正如杂志进化人类行为》所讲,不同性别决定时标准观点有所不同。

    Still, as described in the journal Evolution and Human Behavior, decision-making varies as each gender USES different criteria and viewpoints to make their choice.


  • [color=#000000][font=宋体]作品集个人回忆历史记述观点争鸣于一身。

    [font=Times New Roman][color=#000000]His book is part personal memoir, part history and part polemic.


  • 该党成功归咎过分强调意识形态观点

    He attributed the party's lack of success to an overemphasis on ideology and ideas.


  • 施密特继续阐释关于经济政治观点

    Schmidt continued to expound his views on economics and politics.


  • 观点世人看法不一致。

    His views are out of kilter with world opinion.


  • 这个观点他们其他看法一致

    This view does not cohere with their other beliefs.


  • 许多原因证明这种观点批判性社会研究目的截然相反。

    This view is contrary to the aims of critical social research for a number of reasons.


  • 认为这些证据反对者观点背道而驰。

    I would argue that the evidence flies in the face of these naysayers's opinions.


  • 读者更喜欢阅读自己一致的想法观点

    Readers prefer to read ideas and opinions that parallel their own views.


  • 意味着权衡观点比较对比断言概括另一种概括联系起来。

    It also means to weigh ideas, to compare and contrast assertions, to connect one generalization to another.


  • 然而他们普遍同意这样观点信息社会平等工业社会的不平等有着根本上的不同

    However, they generally agree with the idea that inequality in the information society is fundamentally different from that of an industrial society.


  • 演讲结束时候,试着开场白稍微不同词语总结重要观点

    At the end of your speech, try to summarize your most important points in slightly different words from the ones you used in your opening.


  • 我们需要知道我们想法信仰观点是否他人一致

    We also need to know whether our thoughts, beliefs and ideas are in line with those of other people.


  • 任何当前世界观截然不同观点都会使你感到受威胁

    Any idea that is sufficiently different from your current worldview will feel threatening.


  • 实际测试中,反馈根据你的写作质量、你在课堂表达观点的能力以及它们阅读文章关系来进行判断

    In an actual test, your response would be judged on the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the points in the lecture and their relationship to the reading passage.


  • 不是每个员工试图单独公司讨价还价,而是员工联合起来集体提出自己观点

    Instead of each employee trying to bargain alone with the company, the employees join together and collectively put forward their views.


  • 身高匹配相比配偶之间政治观点更为接近

    The political opinions of spouses correlate more closely than their heights.


  • 左翼观点父亲政见分歧很大

    His left-wing views clashed with his father's politics.


  • 左翼观点父亲政见分歧很大

    His left-wing views clashed with his father's politics.


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