• 就是为什么我们绿色箭头来定义社会化网络——我们外部世界直接交流

    That's why we define social networking with green arrows - it's our direct communication with the outside world.


  • 一个WSDL文档先是描述一系列称为端口网络端点然后定义服务器交换消息数据xml格式

    A WSDL document describes a series of network endpoints called ports, then defines the XML format for the messages or data being exchanged with the server.


  • 其中包括服务器定义、应用程序的安装分配网络信息设置等等

    This includes definition of the server, installation and distribution of the applications, setup of the network information, and so on.


  • 虚拟镜像包含了虚拟硬盘定义虚拟网络连接单元它们代表虚拟监管系统虚拟机系统所提供虚拟资源

    The virtual image also contains virtual disk definition and virtual network connection units that represent the virtual resources that the hypervisor provides to the virtual system.


  • 使用术语内部性定义桌面服务器虚拟解决方案提供宿主客户机之间以及多个客户机之间的网络访问

    Using the internal definition of the term, desktop and server virtualization solutions provide networking access between both the host and guest as well as between many guests.


  • 这些系统可以通过定义的方式使用网络协议传达基于XML消息Web服务交互

    These systems may then interact with the Web service in a manner prescribed by its definition, using XML based messages conveyed by Internet protocols.


  • 对于Samba服务器请记住使用TivoliServiceAutomationManager用户管理界面定义管理网络对应icb - nfsIP地址来执行测试

    As for the Samba server, remember to do the tests with the icb-nfs IP address that corresponds to the management network defined in Tivoli Service Automation Manager administrative user interface.


  • 告诉笔者,两个主要门户网站搜狐新浪举行网络投票中,超过75%投票者认为虐待动物行为应被定义严重罪行

    He told me that polls by the two main news portals, Sohu and Sina, found more than 75% of people support the reclassification of animal abuse as a serious crime.


  • 企业定义社会网络相关的特定目标

    Defining specific goals related to social networking in the organization.


  • 可以看到服务引导适配器同一个子网化分段IP网络中,其中的b1v1 定义第一VIOS (v1)相关联第一个引导适配器 (b1),以此类推。

    As you can see, the service and boot adapters are all in the same subnetted (segmented) IP network, where b1v1 defines the first boot adapter (b1) associated with the first VIOS (v1) and so on.


  • 项目网络项目属性定义EmployeeListWebEmployeeListJPA之间的附件时,JPA实体可以网络项目所解决的。

    When the projects were JEE projects there was a dependency between EmployeeListWeb and EmployeeListJPA defined in the Web project's properties so JPA entities could be resolved by the web project.


  • 本文介绍网络信息资源定义特点以及现状,有着重阐述了信息资源的开发利用

    The article discusses the definition, characteristic and present situation of network information resource, and then mainly discusses its exploiting and using.


  • SDN重新定义网络架构,但是直到今天,SDN网络很难外部网络进行通信

    SDN is a great new way to think about the networking. But, till today, it was difficult for a software-defined network to communicate with the external world.


  • 探讨用户信息需求定义特点阐述了传统用户信息需求和网络用户信息需求研究现状

    This paper probes into the definitions and features of users' information demand, and expounds the current research situation of the information demands of the traditional users and the network users.


  • 并将移动IP传统路由协议进行比较明确定义网络中的作用

    It compares and contrasts Mobile IP with traditional routing protocols to clearly define its role in the network.


  • 通过定义深入分析故障告警中的关联规则情节规则,提出了一个基于数据融合数据挖掘技术网络故障管理的架构模型

    It presents a new model for network fault management based on data fusion and data mining by defining and discussing the association rule and the frequent episodes.


  • 该文首先分析了可生存性传统网络安全技术差别,并给出了生存性的基本定义然后介绍了生存系统设计种设计方法对两种设计方法进行了对比分析

    And then this paper gives out the definition of survivability. Next it introduces two methods of survivability system design. Finally it analyzes the differences between the two methods.


  • 通过改进规则定义方式,采用网络无关的规则库,动态拓扑映射技术,来创建维护可扩展的告警相关性分析系统

    The application of network and configuration independent rule sets, and dynamic topology mapping technologies makes alarm correlation system more maintainable and reliability.


  • 一般网络面向对象技术的结合时使用模糊的定义表述方法不同,本文使用了UML设计模式

    The model described with UML and Design Patterns, it is different with that object-oriented network using custom notion.


  • 本文主要从网络英语新词产生原因、定义特征构成方法及其汉语影响四个方面浅议网络英语新词。

    This paper begins with the definition of English cyber-neologism, characteristics, formation and ends with its actual influence on Chinese language.


  • 季刊主旨是推动有关通过全球网络环境数字信息采集定义组织管理发布理论实践

    A quarterly journal aimed at advancing the theory and practice of acquisition, definition, organization, management, and dissemination of digital information via global networking.


  • 文章论述网络课件定义特点基础上,网络课件的设计制作、测试评价、发布维护主要环节进行了探讨。

    This article under the basic of definition and feature of online courseware, which is to explore design and facture, management and evaluation, release and maintain of the main linkes etc.


  • 最后细化设计功能模块,通过定义数据结构函数接口实现对等网络即时通信系统目录服务

    Finally the detail design of modules and the implementation of directory service in P2P im System have been described by data structure and function interface.


  • 网络全容定义:弧网络上全容效网络下全容效的均值

    The network-all-content-efficiency of an arc is defined as the average value of up-network-all-content-efficiency and down-network-all-content-efficiency;


  • 网络全容定义:弧网络上全容效网络下全容效的均值

    The network-all-content-efficiency of an arc is defined as the average value of up-network-all-content-efficiency and down-network-all-content-efficiency;


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