• 另一个饲养员兽医这些动物一起飞行,以防它们旅程受到任何不良影响

    Another keeper and a vet flew with the animals to make sure they suffered no ill effects from the journey.


  • 一群乐于助人的年轻志愿者一起,我开始了我的旅程

    With a group of helpful young volunteers, I went on my journey.


  • 了写了另一本书《回家的漫漫旅程》——讲述关于他罗文一起前往非洲、澳大利亚和美国亚利桑那州的故事之外,鲁珀特还制作了纪录片《濒危动物》,由罗文担任主持人,讲述了那些濒临灭绝的动物。

    Besides writing another book, The Long Ride Home, about travelling with Rowan to Africa, Australia and Arizona in the US, Rupert has also produced the documentary Endangerous, with Rowan as host, about dangerous animals that are endangered.


  • 此前观众互动,他们领进一段史诗般的旅程,而现在他开始转入自己的内心。

    Having created this bond with the audience and taken them on an epic journey, he turned in on himself.


  • 第二旅程就是改变相关,改变强加个人身上就会使他产生自己的身份认同破灭的危机感。

    The Second Journey is all about that... change being thrust upon one which causes a crisis of feelings during which all of our underpinnings seem to come undone.


  • 软件能够一个用户可以规划旅程网站同步

    The app synchronizes with a Web site where you can plan trips.


  • 一个关于救赎失去回归旅程时,我们做的一切也不是维持我们的人性。”

    "This is a journey about redemption and loss and returning, but at the end of the day we're just all trying to stay people," she said.


  • 优点很多跨国公司很好的交流,可以安排膳宿旅程

    Benefits: good networking with multinational companies; accommodation and trips are all arranged for you.


  • 尽管吉文斯旅程上去让人心痛单调乏味保持自己所爱家庭工作方法

    But as harrowing or tedious as Givens' trip may sound, he says it's the way to keep the home and job he loves.


  • 这次旅程大大加强了利比里亚妇女缝纫项目合作决心

    My trip only reinforced my commitment to partner with the Liberian Women's Sewing Project.


  • 世界最大货运航空公司AtlasAir解决企业内部集成信息传递能力需求后,开始了他们IBMSOA旅程

    Atlas air, the world's largest cargo airline, started their SOA journey with IBM by addressing their need for integrated messaging capability across the enterprise.


  • 正如婚姻家庭旅程十月份期刊调查所说,答案不是是否战斗而是你要怎么进行这场战斗。

    The answer isn't whether or not you fight, but how you go about it, as a study in the October issue of the Journal of Marriage and Family shows.


  • 了解工作人和他们敏捷人格类型可以帮助利用他们的长处克服未来的挑战,在敏捷的旅程更加一帆风顺

    Knowing the people you are working with and their Agile personality types can help you utilize their strengths and overcome the challenges ahead to a more successful Agile journey.


  • 时间探测器地球中断联系好几周,另故障则导致了空间探测旅程增加了年时间

    At one stage the probe lost contact with Earth for seven weeks, a glitch that added three years to its space voyage.


  • 一个少年迷人冒险为开端,随后载满煎熬失落旅程

    What begins as an enchanted adventure of youth becomes freighted with trauma and loss.


  • 圣路易斯故事并行卡尔自己探索人生真相的旅程第一恋爱面对艰难险阻从男孩成长男人

    Paralleling the story of the St Louis is Karl's own voyage of discovery in which he falls in love for the first time and, in the face of hardship, becomes a man.


  • 独自驾车上班旅程享受自己独处好机会,可以天马行空,聆听自己最爱音乐

    Driving to work? Enjoy the solitude, the chance to be alone with your thoughts, or to listen to music you love, to see the world around you.


  • 英雄坚持的道路上,每一头怪兽拼杀把它们打回老家随着旅程最终结束赢得荣誉

    This pattern repeats itself and the hero persists on his/ her journey, dealing with each monster and setback as it arises, until s/he finally gets to the prize at the end of the journey.


  • 我们希望高兴旅程开始一起

    We want you to be delighted with the beginning of your journey together.


  • 往常那样迎接来自你们智慧真理支持我们旅程

    As always we welcome your wisdom and TRUTH to assist us on our journey.


  • 这本其实二合一:希罗多德那个时代描述反思,以及Kapuscinski对他时代和旅程的描述反思中的旅行

    This book is actually two books in one: The descriptions and reflections of Herodotus about his times and travels within the descriptions and reflections of Kapuscinski about his times and travels.


  • 你们国家即将开始一个六十历史性旅程时,期待你们一起工作

    I look forward to working with you in the years ahead as you begin the next 60 years of your historic journey as a nation.


  • 每当黄昏黎明,在绚丽色阳光中,你能看到铁道旁跳跃的袋鼠,此等美景将伴随你4500公里几乎不停歇旅程

    Kangaroo-spotting trackside at dawn and dusk followed by blazing burnt orange sunsets keep passengers entertained over almost 4, 500 kilometers of virtually non-stop travel.


  • 旅程中的某些时候并不惬意疲劳病痛为伴、遭遇寂寞无礼对待皆人沮丧,这些情况心里有数。

    I know already there will be some days when the journey won't be enjoyable, when tiredness, illness, rudeness or loneliness will get me down.


  • 我们的可爱环保大使企鹅带领参观40互动展品,当中涵盖10个主题一起踏上环保旅程

    Our lovely green ambassador - Little Penguin, will guide you through a journey encompassing over 40 interactive exhibits under 10 themes to raise your awareness on environmental protection.


  • 我们的可爱环保大使企鹅带领参观40互动展品,当中涵盖10个主题一起踏上环保旅程

    Our lovely green ambassador - Little Penguin, will guide you through a journey encompassing over 40 interactive exhibits under 10 themes to raise your awareness on environmental protection.


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